Now you can become one of us. The Jill Valentine Team Building Thread

I’d still strongly recommend Strider to cover Jill’s stupid blind spot. Vajra effectively covers every spot, really, and is attached to a great character.

I tried Magneto + Jill for a while and really just hated it. In my experience, EMD is almost the complete opposite of what she wants in an assist. As a side note, I personally hate Jill + Hamplanet Sentinel, but that’s irrelevant.

I made a decision to try Jill / Sent / Raccoon, or perhaps Jill / Raccoon / Ammy. I’m going to make being grounded hell for the opponent. I think Jill / Sent / Vajra would work too, although your neutral will suffer.

Good Luck Iamu, i wish you find a really good team for your Jill ! =]

I like Jill raccon Ammy but life and dmg is very low =/

I triyng to find my Jill team , try all char and nothing ,

I’m thinking about

Jill dante Doom

jill dante strider

Jill dormammu Task

what you think ?


I don’t think you need Dante and Strider, as they both anti-air. You might want to put a beam assist, maybe Jill / Dante / Doom or something. It would help out a lot.

Jill / Dorm / Task sounds like it would work. Give it a shot. Just remember you need vertical and horizontal assists. I think you have a good base to pull from.

Ive read though quite a bit of this thread, and ive got my own personal experience with Jill as well…I know that there seems to be a huge divide amongst players regarding Jill and Vajra (most notably, Paulo).

On one hand, I completely agree that Jill gets lamed out from the upper corners of the screen and has extremely poor vertical control without Vajra / Jam session…that being said, why do the majority of people in here insist that Vajra is absolutely necessary? I mean, theyve got to come down eventually…and why cant you just have someone on your team that deals well with that? Hawkeye, Mags, etc. They deal with SJ height characters pretty well. The main reason I ask this is because Ive been going through the cast and thinking about what Jill needs above all else…and thats a fast horizontal assist to aid her in getting in / mixing up. Coincidentally, a good amount of characters who have an assist like this can also deal with SJ height characters well (to varying degrees).

So, assuming we are trying to build the absolute optimal team with Jill, is Strider really a necessity? and if he is, then doesnt this imply that Jill / Dante / Strider is Jill’s best team? As far as I know, the characters that take best advantage of Strider are Viper, Dante, Morrigan, Wesker, and Nova…

for some reason, Im having a hard time believing thats the best we can do. My big problem with finding teammates for Jill is that…well…they all hit like little girls. Dante cant even break 800K solo with a hit confirm…he can only do it from j.S / hammer, and thats by doing a shit ton of shot loops and looping max shots at least twice. I just feel like there are stronger teammates for Jill that can also be used optimally, I guess.

also, on an unrelated topic, im convinced that Jill can somehow do at 750K in a combo, but thats a whole different topic.

Opinions on:

Jill / Chris
Jill / Task


I played in vanilla jill / task / shuma, but the dhc glitch is gone and shuma is a bad anchors

I think Jill has to be good partners with dhc as Dormammu for example,

I’m trying jill / chris / dante, but Chris needs assistance to get out as lariat,

jill dante doom is a good team but doom dhc is ass

i think

jill chris dante - somersault/ gun fire / jam session

jill taskmaster dante somersault / arrows / jam session

jill chris strider - somersault / gun fire / vajra

jill / doom / strider - somersault or arrow kick/ plasma beam / vajra

I was mad at evo, windzero plays with a team without any sense, chris (granade) zero (Shippuga) jill (somersault)

and achieved good results and uses no AA assist, and Paulo does not use and has been playing very well

You’ll probably want Jill to contribute something to the team while she’s hanging in the back, considering she didn’t die. In that situation, her assists will likely leave most characters wanting. Unfortunately, this acts as a frustrating complication when switching her out. You just really don’t want to do it if you can help it. I think Paulo is okay with it which is why he doesn’t hurt for such a thing. Personally, it may be a good idea for me to follow that example and try something new.

Remember Jill’s absurd ability to reset. Her damage is currently enough to 2-touch most characters by herself, and her DHC options aren’t half bad. The same goes for Dante. Remember that he is also a reset monster with his forced neutral tech out of the grappling hook and other crazy options.

Jill / Chris is nasty. It’s hard as hell to confirm off of the mine or the punches, the machine gun is slow as hell and scales to high heaven, and Chris would much rather use his big magnum to wallbounce or groundbounce in his combo than anything Jill has to offer him. The mine OTG trick is also not worth crippling your assist pool just for some extra damage from Jill’s cinematic attacks.

Jill / Task is great, I think. I’d use it myself, but I really just don’t like Taskmaster. I’ve said this to like three other people now, and I say go for it.

Jill/Chris Stuff

in the corner of the screen you can raven spike dhc to granade launcher call dante air magnum cinematic hyper flamethrower

Well Ok, if we’re being completely honest, yes, she doesn’t NEED a vertical assist. However, have you played against a Mag that just jumped around and mag blasted all day? OR a zero that would lightning / buster all day? Even jump back finger lasers is annoying.

The point of a vertical assist is to get them down to sit their ass down so you can get in for an opening. HOWEVER, I do believe that, if you do lack an anti air assist, you should at least have a strong horizontal assist, preferably something that locks them down in place. Like Hawkeye Arrows, Unibeam, or Plasma beam or something that lets you get in.

Ultimately, Jill is good for resets and mixups. If you don’t get in, you don’t get to play Jill’s game. Vajra leaves them in a hard KD state that lets you do whatever you want as they get up. If we’re comparing Jill teams, the reason why Paulow’s team works is because he’s got big damage behind Jill. With stone smite + dhcs, he can kill a good number of characters on the cast. If you don’t want to go the reset route, you have to do the damage route. I think something like Jill / Spencer / Unibeam would work out, assuming you don’t use the wall bounce.

In any case this is all just my own opinions, I’m sure someone like NSR would have different opinions than I do, but this is just from what I’ve seen from my own experiences on how I need to be playing my style. I think my optimal team would be Jill / Ironman / Vajra if I’m being completely honest, but I love raccoon too much to give him up on any of my teams.

is it so blasphemous to have a character on the team that deals with SJ height characters well instead of Vajra though? Like…I understand what everyone is saying about Vajra…I completely understand that it nullifies (to a degree) Trish / Doom / Mags SJ crap…that being said, would I really be so wrong if I just chose to have a character on my team that deals with SJ stuff ? (im thinking Task, Hawkeye, Mags, Strange, …I would say Dorm, but ive got a feeling theres very little synergy between Jill and Dorm. I know Dark Hole is decent for lockdown, but meh. )

Dorm is okay because you can dhc into him.

I get where you’re coming from, but Vajra is as much about bypassing camp as it is nullifying flight and super jumps. It’s considered among her top assists because it bypasses her weaknesses so well at the same time it plays to her strength.

It’s not blasphemous, it’s just deviating from an extremely strong, tried and true combination.

So…sorry that im asking so many questions regarding team composition and all that…but Im having a very hard time figuring out a Jill team im comfortable with…

Do you guys have any opinions on non conventional assists, either for getting in, or locking down?

Tron (Boulder, Drill )

Strange (Bolts)

Akuma (Tatsu) (I know this lifts the opponent into the air which can be a problem for Jill)

Arthur (Daggers or Lances)

Dante (weasel shot)

Storm (Whirlwind)

Skrull (Tenderizer, Grudge)

Joe (VRang / Bomb)


any input would be awesome. I know of the commonly accepted “best” assists for Jill (Vajra, Unibeam, Drones, Log Trap), but ive got issues with each of those…Unibeam scales really bad and is attached to Iron Man who just doesnt cut it unfortunately…Drones is fantastic, the issue is tat Jill has a hard time covering sentinel and…its attached to sentinel who gets wrecked by a lot of characters…(I do love sentinel though)…and LogTrap / Spitfire is attached to raccoon, who is another relatively low damage character unless youve got the corner for boulder loops (which damage maxes out at about 800K solo…and thats with 9 or 10 reps of boulder loop.)

Anyone have any opinions? (feel free to mention characters that I left out as well)

Vajra is just a kind of anti air assist. I’m not saying that you HAVE to use it. She gets NOTHING off of a random Vajra hit, except for Oki, and that in itself is a risk you’re going to have to take. In this sense, it’s not a great assist compared to if someone like Wesker is using it that gets a full combo off of random vajra hit. If you’re comfortable with using jam session, then feel free. If you’re comfortable with switching to a character that deals with SJ height / fliers, then feel free. What I’m saying, is that if you were to be building a JILL CENTERED team, then yeah, having an anti air answer might be a good idea to have on your team. Sure, you can hard tag or start with Hawkeye, or Mag, or whatever else you want, but I’m assuming you want to be able to deal with this stuff as Jill as a Jill team.

The good thing about Jill is that there’s a lot of ways to make her work. The only thing is she has too many overall weakness that can’t all be covered at the same time. I’ll give you some examples:

Jill / Spitfire / Vajra - (The team that I use) Great mixups, good for keeping the opponent out of the air, can’t snipe assist, the neutral isn’t that great, and can’t get in easily
Jill / Unibeam / Log trap - (Team I used to use) Great way of keeping opponents grounded while getting in, Good for sniping assists, godlike THC with Jill / Ironman, has trouble in the air
Jill / Sentinel / Unibeam - Great way of getting in, solid mixup, has trouble with fliers, cons - have to be able to use Whackbot + Ironmang
Jill / Frank / Vajra - Good DHC, good lockdown with Shopping Cart, Good anti air, neutral suffers from not being able to go in freely

These are the teams I’ve played with already, and I’m having a bit of a hard time finding my own optimal Jill team.

Judging from the characters you’ve listed, weasel shot would be good, daggers for arthur are pretty godlike, if you’re ok with playing anchor Arthur, Paulow uses triple arrows, tatsu is a good assist, I feel like there’s a way to hit at least 700k with it, I just haven’t had the chance to try.

Learn Jill’s monstrous resets so you can circumvent the scaling deterrent. You’ll still want to make the most of the damage you get off of it so that you can 2-touch or ToD with a DHC, but you shouldn’t let scaling turn you off from an assist completely. In fact, you should also be considering (perhaps more so) what kind of options you’ll get if it gets blocked since that’s what will likely happen most of the time.


I have a flowchart of resets with specific enders, as well as what to do after they block the first hit after the resets. I don’t get to use them all because, well they don’t go according to plan all the time, or people are mashing throw, etc. All my Jill combos 2-touch, as well as all my raccoon combos, or I can DHC into raccoon and it usually kills because of the stray hits I’ve been doing already. Strider, is a different story on the other hand -_- (I hate you Strider).

Try out some Jill RR Ammy seems like it might be really good with set-ups the damage is gonna definitely require some execution. But I think it might be worth it.Using Ammy assist to shut down areas and create OS and then i get a good projectile assist to cover jill its pretty awesome lets see how long it will last though

eh…execution isnt really an issue for me…I just dont want to run any shell of Jill / Ammy because me and Ammy dont get along at all.

Jill / Wesker / Sent (in no particular order) ?

Its the team I ran in Vanilla since Jill was able to abuse DHC glitch…but yeah.

@ Iamu

one of my friends in Brazil plays Raccon Strider Ammy , maybe have something good to you

Well the way I look at my team now is that Im not going to one touch anyone but I Create some of the strongest Resets this game has to offer and even though I’m still not at full potential with this team I believe it really gives something to Jill while still having a good Team once she dies.I may not Have a anti air assist but if i call Spitfire or Cold star+MGS They are forced to stay on the ground also some of the set-ups I use force people to forward tech which I can react to and try make there time a living hell