Well thats kind of what i meant by saying “one thing”, but since jill will not kill most of the time with her alone without a reset of some sort. So thats why its good to have a DHC with someone who will kill outright (Ex: Vergil). Which is why people who use dante like to put him with vergil in the 2nd slot to ensure a easy kill with DHC. As far as there dynamics though, yeah there not so great together.At the end of the day I would rather have weasel shot and Vajara as a assist than rapid slash and vajara.
Personally I would never add vergil to my jill team, but perhaps rapid slash assist could still be useful to her. Has anyone tried using it for resets?
I was thinking something like this could work in the corner. As you end your combo with the second ground bounce immediately 22s and dash backwards , and call the vergil assist as you teleport so you get the assist as soon as the animation is done. Rapid slash should drag them back to the corner giving you time for a mix up that frees you from having to read your opponents tech. I don’t have a way to test it right now, but it seems like it might work.
Still messing around w/ Ammy assist. I think I’ve figured out how to call this assist. It’s pretty borked. Now I just gotta learn how to use the damn dog. But yeah, I see the problems with super jumpers and fliers like Magz.
I’ve picked up zero in order to see what kinds of weaknesses I can exploit with jill. I’ll post some matchup stuff once I can get something good going with him. Sadly I put jill on that team, just to keep the jill practice I’ve already put into her. Zero/Jill/Strider, not an actual team, just something to help me find and exploit zero’s weaknesses a bit.
I played in vanilla jill wesker and shuma
but without the dhc glitch I do not know if this team is viable
I have a match on youtube, is not very good, but I would like to tell me what you guys think
I dont know which one I should Run i was either thinking of replacing Spencer with Jill on my Spencer IronMan Sentinel team or i should try Jill Frank Doom.The reason why i wanna replace Spencer on that team is because ironmans assist is too slow to cover ground ziplines but i dont know what assist to run ironman on. i was think Repulsor but its kinda small but i want a AA assist but Unibeam lets me get a THC and some good confirms. On the other hand Jill Frank Doom has some cool combos using the raw tag level up method with the arrow kick into knee drop raw tag and Frank can level up with the shopping cart after missiles hit since they put them at a height that lets me get a snapshot or combo after shopping cart. I just wanna know what u guys think i should do
I recently switched off from Frank and couldn’t be more satisfied with the decision. As much as shopping cart assist and chainsaws are cool, running the risk of lugging a dead weight character around sucks.
For that, I’d choose the Iron Man team between the two. Frickin’ Proton Cannon also has to make for some of the best THC’s and DHC’s in the game; it will turn your combos into killers easily, and give you really mean mix-ups with heavy chip. I use him in that spot with that assist myself sometimes for loads of fun, but Iron Man is still too hard for me right now to use it seriously.
I would rethink your choice of anchor there since Sentinel is a slow fatass that Jill simply cannot cover. He also offers no aerial coverage to take out flyers with any of his assists, which is something most of us will recommend having.
I gotcha. That would mean you either have to deal with having a vulnerable assist (which may actually work out for you, give it a try and see if you get frustrated), or you may want someone else instead of Jill. Someone with a teleport, maybe. Dante? Vergil? Wesker?
You see, unibeam is the only assist I would want more for jill than strange bolts, but I can’t imagine making up for iron man’s for neutral game with only vajra. I’m also pretty sure iron man is a terrible anchor.
Maybe try RR? Spitfire assist isn’t too bad for iron man and launess uses it with iron man, nto to mention spitfire is much better for mixups and is much less work to protect.
Well i feel like Jill is the ultimate ground based form of rush down character and besides i already learned her infinite also i really use drones for either MGS+Drones lockdown for people who jump in the air alot or a mix-up towards the end of my combos so mainly use unibeam to help me move more then drones
Spit Fire works perfectly for MGS + Assist. It can give a confirmable hit off of MGS and leaves the opponent in enough blockstun for a mixup. As well as the spitfire shots don’t disappear if rocket raccoon is hit and your opponent can’t duck them. Definite advantages for Jill which can have problems protecting assists.
Hi Guys
I’m playing with Jill (Arrow Kick) / Wesker (Samurai Shot)
My doubt is with the anchor, Dante weasel shot or Hawkeye Triple Arrow ,with dante depending on the match up I can change for jam session
But weasel shot is much better to extend wesker’s combos,with triple arrow can only confirm the corner
Actually, Drones + MGS is the same idea as spitfire + MGS. Except that drones have more block stun. If you use Jill / IM / Sent, I think it would be a pretty strong combination because you can use all of those drone setups. You wouldn’t call Sent any other time except when they’re in hard knock down and you get a nice oki game with it, or when you’re not MGS’ing. Ironman Sent is good proven by Joker, so you may be on to something there. Again, you are lacking an anti air assist, so you may have some trouble vs. people who fly, but you are making up for it by having crazy mixups on the ground.
The reason why I don’t use Sent is because I love RR. He’s gotta be in every one of my teams ;]