Just tested, starting with 1 bar, solo Jill BnB into Raven Spike DHC into 7 Rings with optimized Arrow Kick + Jam Session extensions ToDs everyone in the game, meter positive. 1,252,500 and 0.8 net meter gain. I like this team already.
Hi, guys. I’m new to this community and to UMvC3. I am coming from playing only ufc games and Vf5. I have created a team (Jill, Storm,Dormammu). i originally had Dr strange in for jill then i saw a jill player that blew me away. so i bought her and tried her out.
for jill i’m using arrow kick,storm-whirlwind, and dorm-dark hole. Does this sound feasible?
When i check around the different forums (gamefaq youtube comments)and message boards, most opinion seems to be drop Storm and Jill, but these 3 characters i really like best out of the cast. How can these three be used to their best abliities. what order should i use and assist.
Thank you for any help.
Good stuff, Jill/Dante and Jill/Strange were already hitting ridiculous amounts of damage before, and this is icing in the cake.
Sorry dude, I would drop Dormmamu, he just doesn’t benefit Jill or Storm on this team, and an anchor should have an assist that benefits team composition. Jill/Storm could work as an “assist-Killer” team though.
DO NOT USE GAMEFAQS/YOUTUBE As a basis for ANYTHING. Gamefaqs features some of the dumbest UMVC3 players since ever. In fact, don’t ever go there for Fighting games ever. They are always behind on everything. You shouldn’t take youtube comments as a basis for anything since youtube comments are the lowest common denominator.
If you’re playing Jill/Storm, your goal should be two get 2+ bars with Jill and THC whenever you see an assist. I played Jill/Storm/Strider to pretty large success due to this. During the THC, Jill can continue to combo on both characters since her’s ends before storms. I suggest Dropping Doom and maybe picking up Sentinel/Doom/Strange/Strider or any character that offers synergy to both Jill and Storm.
The team isn’t really a “new player” friendly team, but I’m sure you can handle it! I’m in the long-winding process of making a guide for any player trying to get into Jill, but I never have enough time to complete it. In the mean-time, please check out Gangie’s Combo Thread REVAMP for all the necessary information.
Also, With Arrow kick, I think you can use EoA/Glyph Extensions from it too!
Jill/IM/Strider is stronger. Jill and Strider both heavily benefit from Unibeam, and IM can play a neat zoning game with Strider and Jill for extensions.
Jill/IM/DOOM is the STRONGEST team out of all those characters.
Let me go into greater detail. I apologize for not giving this my full attention.
Jump loop is Jill’s basic BNB and does really mediocre damage and I don’t really know how to use Shoryuken’s motion notation so I’ll just right it out itself.
A lot of what I theorized was possible with Jill + Strange was shown to be possible in Mazio’s video there, glad to see it works. I’ll definitely be picking Jill up in the next couple days.
Also @Gangie, thanks for the response. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on what’s not quite ideal about the team? Is it not ideal for Strange/Doom, or do you mean it’s not ideal for Jill? If it’s Jill isn’t ideal for Strange/Doom, I mean I know I could just slap on Spencer or Magneto or something and have a great team, but that doesn’t really appeal to me. I’m coming from playing Thor on the team, so really I just play characters I think work good together and that I have fun with.
I’ve been reading through all the threads to see what Jill needs as a character and all that, and from what I’ve gathered I think Strange/Doom will work nicely, but perhaps I’m overlooking something. Thanks again!
Hey thanks for the advice - i know that you have given the characters that offers synergy to both Jill and Storm but can you elaborate why Dorm is a bad choice. I actually love that character, and dropped Dr.Strange for jill,(storm has been a fave of mine from the cartoon LOL). If i kept him - do you think he would be a liability? Right now he’s the backbone of the group. Surprisingly storm’s been the weak link. Online i dont think people know what to do against jill because you can tell they dont take her seriously at first, After the 1st game and you wont let them breathe with her, they treat her like she’s Phoenix and use every bar to kill her LOL. Ive even change my order and had jill on anchor and had people snap her in off the bat because of being scared of L3 Jill.
Yeah i also got the feeling about the team not being for new players but i’m willing to put the time in.
Again thx for the time and are you also known as thefatedanswer?
if so - THANK YOU!- i have read your Jill FAQ daily-lol
You should if possible make a youtube video tutorial, as a Jill/storm player it’s nearly impossible finding tutorials on them. Dorm has plenty.
On a side note- how do you guys deal with the lag online? sometimes it’s unbearable
He would be a complete liability to Storm and Jill. He offers them absolutely nothing of value. Jill is a point character who needs assists to cover her weaknesses, and Dormamu doesn’t offer anything of value to her or Storm. Honestly, Storm doesn’t cover Jill’s weaknesses either, but whirlwind has it’s uses and The Jill/Storm THC makes it worth it. I really recommend picking Strange up and putting him on anchor for this team. Strange’s BoB helps both Jill and Storm immensely.
This is a bad habit, don’t ever put Jill on anchor. That’s her worst possible position. Keep her on point.
if so - THANK YOU!- i have read your Jill FAQ daily-lol
Yes, I am. The FAQ is outdated, hence why I’m creating a new one which goes much more in depth and is modernized.
On a side note- how do you guys deal with the lag online? sometimes it’s unbearable
Mash 22S. The Jill/Storm team isn’t really good enough to merit a video anyway, along with the fact that I don’t have a gaming camera to boot.
Hi everyone, I’ve been looking for a point character for my IM (2nd), Sent (anchor, drones). I went through quite a few different characters but no characters supplied the satisfaction, mixup options thc options and quirkiness that I was looking for, till I saw Jill in use. Wow great synergy and seems to use both my characters assists really well. So I purchased her last night and picked out the colors for my team!
Couple of questions:
1- does she Benifit from unibeam or repulsar blast more, and what can she do with repulsar? I’m not married to RB assist, but I think it’s a great space controlling assist, and want to know if it’s good for Jill or not.
2- I saw a vid of someone doing a thc with her and ironman, she recovered first while IM was still doing proton cannon, then jumped up and did her knee drop to continue the combo. Is this possible if I chose to use repulsar and get IM’s diagonal up proton cannon instead?
I know there are a few players (2 that I know of that play this team and have YouTube footage), but any players I can search and find on YouTube for tutorials and match footage with this team and for Jill?
Last but not least, that strange/ Jill synergy is awsome! Would strange make a better anchor than Sent, and do bolts juggle for combo extension like drones (still new to Jill and haven’t had a chance to really grind in training mode yet, but with IM + drones I can call drones, repulsar blast, spread, they land on drones then I can do another RB into super or combo as a combo starter or ender). Just wondering if Jill has similar tech and if bolts can perform the same type of function.
Thanks again and looking toward to sharing tech with you guys!
Thanks A TON Nonsexual. That’s everything I needed. The Jill/IM/Doom team sounds awesome and I never even thought of it. But it sounds like team expert. Right now there’s no way that I can learn Jill, Iron Man, and Doom at the same time lol. I’ll start with the Jill/IM/Strider team since I know Strider somewhat already. Thanks again.
As far as why people are starting to try Jill: for me it’s because she’s got strong but not BS rushdown and she’s a cool character.
Sentinel isn’t really the best assist for Jill. He’s out for far to long to protect the assist call, but it can work. He is a nice assist for some nice extenders and shenanigans.
This is strictly based on whoever else is on your team. If you have another character w/ a Lockdown assist, Repulsor is better, if you don’t Unibeam is better.
I’m not completely sure. I know it’s a set assist with a set THC. With both Proton Cannons, you can continue comboing, it’s just a bit harder with Diagonal.
Umm, Alukard Plays Jill/IM, but that’s pretty much it. I play Jill/IM/Doom, but I do not have footage w/ that team. For Jill players with footage in general, there’s
Gangie (Jill/Frank/Strider)
Myself (Jill/Frank/Strider)
Paulo (Jill/Hawkeye/Skrull)
Alukard (Jill/IM/Sent/Doom)
Lamuness (Jill/RR/Strider)
YeahDood (Jill/SheHulk/X-23)
Vanilla Pulsr*
Bolts can extend combos as well. You’re just going to have to modify Paulo’s BNB a bit and get creative. Instead of RB, it’s going to be an Arrow kick or Cartwheel that you can do multiple times.
Thank you that was a great help. I’m at work now scouring the forums for tech and searching YouTube vids for strategy and gameplans, so helping me find other Jill players by name should make me a lot more efficient! Can’t wait to get home and grind out some combos and setups!
I have been looking for a 2nd character for my Chris/???/Doom team, and nothing is really clicking. I’m now thinking about Jill/Chris(Gunshot)/Doom(Missles). Any thoughts on this team? Any input would be much appreciated, thanks!