Now you can become one of us. The Jill Valentine Team Building Thread

That team’s pretty bad. Jill doesn’t fit on that team at all. Chris and Jill are both characters who need their own teams, and Chris second isn’t good, and Jill with those assists isn’t very good.

I tried Jill and Chris together for a good long time, desperately trying to make them work together. The fact of the matter is that they just don’t, and for these ^^ very reasons.

doesnt windzero use Jill/Chris/Zero ?
he does really well- i think


Windzero is awful, and how he’s successful I’ll never know. HIs Jill is awful, his team comp is awful and his Zero is awful.

I played WindZero again the other day, only with DLC this time so he didn’t feel like using his MODOK team. He got lucky and won one when I flubbed an input thanks to the unfamiliar controller I was using, then got me with an incoming mixup with Jill that was stupid enough to work one time (super-jump heavy double knee drop in the corner). How he’s managed to get away with winning like this for so long is beyond my comprehension. I almost beat him with a brand new team I was fairly unfamiliar with, and these guys have been consistently losing to him for months somehow. I really think this guy just does not like UMvC3 and does everything he can to make people ashamed to have lost to him so that they quit playing. He was clearly having way more fun with SF4 at the next station over. Do not use him as a basis in this game.

I have seen better Jill’s than his, but let’s not say he sucks. The names on his body bags are impressive and he is winning on a major weekly using Jill, so I’m not gonna hate on him or his game. Personally if it wasn’t for him playing Jill and winning I would have never gotten interested in Jill or chris.

He sucks. He gets by on using things no one has ever seen before and has no idea how to fight. I think his being annoying with MODOK should be his staple instead of playing Jill.

No, he’s pretty ass. It’s puzzling how he is able to get away with so much crap with his awful team and his awful Jill.

I’m not hating or anything, I’m just speaking objectively as a Marvel 3 player. His team composition is awful, and the way inwhich he uses his characters are pretty bad. Last time I saw, with Jill he was still doing 500K combos.

He wins purely off of Matchup ineperience.

Pretty happy playing Jill/ Dante/ Hawkeye.

Lol so much hate on Windzero haha

I don’t hate the guy, I just hate that he gets credit for the wrong thing.

I personally don’t like Disruptor with Jill since it’s really fast and is a soft knockdown which makes it difficult to confirm from, but Burning Kick gives you overhead mix-ups which can be fun and mean.

I have a question about the Greyhound Hawkeye assist for Jill. People are saying that it doesn’t provide good lockdown for mixups like unibeam and plasma beam. But I’ve played several wesker/hawkeye/strider teams and I swear I was stuck in blockstun as soon as they called arrows and wesker got to do whatever he wanted to. Why doesn’t that work for Jill (or can I just not block lol)? I’m asking because it hit me that I already know hot to play hawkeye while I’m having to learn iron man right now and he’s really tough. I’m thinking of doing Jill/Hawkeye greyhound/Strider or Jill/Hawkeye greyhound/Doom (missiles) instead of Iron Man.

Greyhound assist works (Paulo uses it!) somewhat, it’s just not optimal.

The problem is that it doesn’t provide jill ample lockdown to apply her mixups. It also isn’t a beam, so it doesn’t wipe out the screen.

Jill/Grey Hound/Strider works, and they each benefit, but it just doesn’t allow Jill to have that much of a presence as other Jill teams.

I for one, don’t like Jill/Plasma beam or Jill/EM disrupter.

Jill/Plasma Beam is a nice projectile, yes, but it causes soft knockdown and makes follow ups a bit harder and less damaging.

JIll/Em Disrupter is a bit counter-productive. It’s so fast jill doesn’t get much time to confirm off of it or move in, along with the fact that it’s a soft knockdown as well.

Jill’s best Beams are:
Bolts Of Balthakk- Grants two beams, combo extends, Holds your opponent in place while not granting a knockdown, allows command grab setups and dangerously good okizeme.

UniBeam–> Huge amount of blockstun and keeps them grounded while maintaining the great qualities of plasma beam. Gives you Proton Cannon Hori. As THC which is amazing.

I go more in depth with the guide, but that’s the basics.

I wanted to switch to unibeam, but I love RR too much to drop him lol. I’ve come up with a bunch of mixups that hopefully you guys will be able to see one day if I ever get some play time with real people.

You made a guide? Is it a YouTube guide?

I’ve been searching for a Jill team, and I ended up falling in love with the Jill / Dante duo, but I’m still looking for an anchor for them. I actually really like Weasel Shot for Dante with Jill as opposed to Jam Session, so I was considering picking Strider for an anchor with Vajra to cover the sky. Do you think Strider works well for this team?

I guess it will work pretty great. Weasel reminds me of Cold Star because Dante stays considerably away, so it’s difficult punishing him.
And Dante loves Vajra, so even if Jill dies, you’ll be able to turn things around.

Textual one on gamefaqs.

Im in the process of updating it.


oh i dont really like talking about people like this but windzero does not make me say wow good jill … not once ever … also his team makes no sense LOL … but props to him i guess

I thought this was pretty amazing, sadly haven’t been able to play marvel much for a while but I might just pick up your team lol. I’ve been playing rocket raccoon for a bit but I had never considered putting him on my jill team because all my characters would end up having low health and damage.

Currently working on jill/rocket raccoon/strider as my team. Do you have any more footage of you playing by chance and do you feel arrow kick or somersault is more useful to rocket? I’ve been using somersault because people like to rush-down rocket alot