How did you get the jumping roundhouse not to wallbounce? No matter how much I delay the somersaults or the j.RH it will always wallbounce. What’s the trick?
From my understanding there are two ways. The arrow kick won’t wallbounce if you already used the wallbounce and will just cause a soft knockdown, the wallbounce is usually through roundhouse kick. The other way is to do a “meaty” arrow kick. This means you are using the arrow kick basically while inside the opponents hitbox causing you to be in between the opponent and the wall, preventing the wallbounce from occurring
Stealth edit: I just noticed I didn’t answer your actual question. The roundhouse kick is an attempted wallbounce, so technically it may not wallbounce if the opponent has too much hitstun (although this means the combo drops) or if the wallbounce has already been used. Generally you want the roundhouse kick to wallbounce, although NSR mentioned you can combo after a non wallbounce roundhouse by feral canceling it in the corner into somersault.
That all makes sense but I’m afraid I still don’t understand something. Sorry for my ignorance, but I am at a loss.
j.HS,H,4H,22S***,***Somersault,22S,Somersault,22S,M,Arrow kick, j.HS, j.[MMH], Call Viper, j.S, Viper HIts, Arrow Kick, DKD H/M , 22S,Somersault, Raven Spike, Burst Time
I’ve been practicing this combo in the corner only just for the sake of saving time. It incorporates a jumping roundhouse and 2 arrowkicks. The j.RH will wallbounce no matter how I change the timing. I hear it’s pretty easy from alot of people andmy execution isn’t bad at all. However, I try to continue the combo anyway. I can land the Arrow kick after the j.RH as well as the Ariel followups. But how am I supposed to to the double bounce ender If I already used up a wallbounce. Viper BK puts them in just enough hitstun to followup with an Arrow kick but my wallbounce is gone, so DKD is impossible.
Don’t worry about it Wall-bouncing. It’s supposed to. Your wall bounce WILL only be impeeded by a meaty arrow kick. This can be setup two ways.
- off getting the back hitbox after a Cartwheel (very situational)
- The stuff we are doing right now from midscreen and hitting the back hitbox of your opponent.
I think I mentioned it a bit early but I’m at a loss for Xbox since my xbox recieved the RROD and all Hurricane sandy/Noreaster that just came in. Tinker around with the aerial follow ups to land vipers BK. Pretty much, the trick is that BK hits them High enough that you WILL receive the Arrow kick/DKD M. Finally, hit-stun will only prevent you from doing MGS in this situation.
Since you wall bounce is gone, they will not wall bounce but will be put in a soft-knockdown state high enough so that the Arrow kick can land. I may have created a misconception here, your wall bounce will be used- it’s just that afterward you are getting Hard-Knockdown state after hard-knockdown state. Maybe a video by Dood of the impeeding wall-bounce will make more sense.
I hope I cleared some stuff up
Since Raven Spike is one of the supers that can lead to an empty DHC to Strange for Flames of the Faltine loops, what are people coming up with in terms of Jill/Strange teams? I feel like Bolts is also an exceptional assist for Jill (command grab/high/low is pretty good when covered for almost forever).
My current completely wackball theory team is Jill/Strange/Iron Man (Repulsor), even though Jill/Strange/Dante is probably better. Repulsor Blast allows for much easier incoming (call Repulsor, Feral Crouch and go crazy) while also covering Strange if Jill dies (one repulsor assist call is enough time to set up two Graces safely). Repulsor Blast also helps vs Morrigan since a repulsor call eats all Soul Fists even if Morrigan is in Astral Vision. The lack of an anti-air assist is somewhat made up for by Bolts of Balthakk, since once they land they have to deal with a few mixups before they’re allowed to run off again thanks to how long the bolts are out. Thoughts?
You have to pick an assist that truly helps both Jill and Strange. Considering Jill needs an AA assist, that leaves only three choices, Vajra, Missiles or Jam Session. Then the question becomes which assist helps both characters the most?
IM works since Repulsor is a stupid good anti-air and mixup tool. Strange relies on his Fast THC (like Jill) to set up alot of oppressive stuff. It works pretty well.
Dante is a better anti-air and a better overall character and his THC benefits jill and strange.
Jill/Strange/IM or Jill/Strange/Dante or Jill/Dante Strange all work.
Jill can also Raw Tag into Strange and start the FOF loop, and you can modify Nemo’s special to work for jill for optimal damage.
Hi guys, I’m new here but I plan to main seriously. I’m pretty new to this game so if Any of you have some tips it Would help. I was planning to take Jill zero and (magneto,doom,dormamu) dont Know about the third one yet. Would that be a good tram
Welcome! First, Jill is a character you must build your team around to be effective. The problem with Zero on the same team as Jill is that he’s ALSO a character you have to build your team around. The two are lacking in true synergy as well, and Zero offers nothing for Jill.
Magneto and Doom are two pretty awesome characters, I suggest you play Jill/Strider/Doom or Jill/Doom/Strider, it’s an effective beginning jill team and covers all your bases.
Pretty much, Jill needs an anti-air assist (strider) and a neutral game assist (literally any of Doom’s assists).
Here’s how you team’s going to look
Jill: Arrow Kick
Doom: Plasma/Missles/Rocks
Strider: Vajra
you can try out Magneto. Magneto’s EM disrupter is fast and makes for pretty decent mixups. If you like him, perhaps Jill/Mags/Sent or Doom with missles?
Mags NEEDS sent or doom to be truly effective because they both supplement his lockdown and high/low game. However, Jill on the team lacks a true anti-air assist which may cause problems.
In conclusion: experiment! Jill needs a team built around her that fufills her needs. Be it a projectile assist/Anti-air assist/ lockdown assist.
Thank you for your Quick response really appreciate that. Ill try Jill doom strider but Could wesker replace strider ?
As I told you I bought the game a couple of Day ago and I’m pretty lost. UMVC3 is my second fighting game MK9 was my first and they’re not the same at all. I feel pretty lost and dont know Where to start I mean u guys know which character can fit well together and which assist is good with this character. How do you guys Know all that Stuff is There some guide that Can help. Btw i play on hitbox dont Know if it change something ?
Wesker won’t really help since Jill doesn’t get much from him. The OTG he comes with helps her combo off from throws and somewhat extend combos, but doesn’t help her neutral game. Most of her combos can be done without OTG (hitting off the ground) anyway.
Since your new, I’m going to give you the UMVC3 Guide on Being a Newbie and Jill valentine.
Absolute first thing you need to do is check out this website.
This gives you Everything you would possibly want to know about Marvel’s mechanics. IT has a helpful little tab in the top right. “Click Getting started”. After reading all of that, Move on to “Terminology” and then “Game Mechanics”. Head on over to Jill’s picture on the main page afterward, and give a lowdown on her moves and properties.
Next thing you need to do is check out my guide:, it’s a bit outdated, but it should give you the means to level up your jill and HOW to level her up. Gives select team composition as well.
Next thing you do is Check out Gangie’s new Thread:“I’m No Ordinary Civy” Jill Combo / Strategy / Tech Thread Revamp, it contains alot of helpful info to get you started. Gangie’s thread takes it as you already have a firm grasp on how JIll valentine plays. This contains the NEW and relevant combos and technology that you should incorporate into your gameplay.
Finally, check out Shoryuken’s other Jill topics as they contain helpful info as well.
Now that you’ve done your research, take it to Practice mode.
**the first thing you want to do is learn how to 22S (Down-Down Special) Consistantly and quickly. Learn how to move around with it. Learn what moves cancel into it and out of it. **
Also, I have some experience with a hitbox; not as much as w/ stick or pad (my main controller).
Hitbox is going to let you get into Feral Crouch pretty easily and at a much easier and consistent pace than a regular stick would. This, of course, assumes that you have the hand-dexterity and are used to the hitbox itself.
^ Thanks for the plug, haha
But yeah, OTG assists for combo extensions are nice, but it uses up a character slot for an assist that can help turn Jill into a monster to be feared, a force to be reckoned with. Lockdown + Anti-Air plays to her strength and eliminates her weakness. Doesn’t get more tight than that, really.
Hello I have a team with Jill, Dante I am trying to find a good anchor to in the 3rd slot
I don’t wanna use Wesker, Vergil, or Strider
I was hoping to put Spencer as third or even Dormammu or Ammy
Any tips also what assists do Jill benefit from Dante also what assist Dante benefit from Jill?
And what anchor can benefit them both
Jill loves her anti-air and lockdown. Jam Session can do both, but confirming off of it is iffy and scaling. Weasel Shot can work as a lockdown, but if you’re willing to use the dog, then I say you should totally go for it. Cold Star is a real meanie of a lockdown, and Jam Session will cover your anti-air needs. Dog’s a scary anchor with that stupid slowdown move, and I’m sure Dante can use Cold Star for something diabolical.
Don’t mistake Purification for an anti-air; it sucks like all of Dormammu’s assists only worse. I bet one could come up with a neat combo extender for both Jill and Dante using any of Spencer’s assists, but that someone definitely won’t be me, and they do fine damage solo anyway. I also think Spencer and Dormammu are sub-par anchors, especially compared to the dog.
As a point character, Jill doesn’t have the greatest assists. Without knowing much about any of your picks, I’ll leave the choice up to you.
B) Arrow Kick is generally the go-to assist when you’re not sure, acting as a sort of almost full-screen projectile or combo-extender. Uses a wall bounce.
a) Cartwheel also works as an extender if your character doesn’t take advantage of ground bounces, or a 50/50 setup if you’ve used a ground bounce already.
y) Somersault is an interesting case in that a cross-over counter with it is fully invincible and will net you a 712k combo if you know what you’re doing. It doesn’t stop time or anything, though, so you have to be sure it’ll hit. Other than that, it sucks.
Hope that helps.
Thank you for your input, I guess my choice will be ammy then
Jill-Arrow Kick
Dante-Jam Session
Ammy-Cold Star
Oh yeah one more question how would I confirm off of Arrow Kick with Dante??
Also does Jill need to have alot of work put into her to make her effective?
Since Im using a pad
Also what do you think of Magnus as a anchor? for this team
I wish I could help you with your Dante problems, but I actually gave up playing him because he was just so hard, haha.
Your controller choice isn’t going to hinder your ability, progress or execution unless you would prefer another kind. NSR, our star Jill player, uses a pad, as do I. Jill herself is not as hard as she’s given credit for. There are much harder characters out there, but she’s not dumbass easy like Haggar or Vergil, nor does she have tools broken enough to compare to Zero or Viper. As your point character, you want for her to be fun enough to want to continue playing and learning her. She takes a bit of work, but it should be fun work.
Don’t be intimidated. Head on down to the stickied combo thread for Jill to get you started. I’ve laid it out to be as easy as possible to do so
Ask all the questions you want about her there. My compatriots and I will gladly help with enthusiasm.
Jill hates Disruptor. A fast beam is cool, but it’s too fast and knocks them down, making it nigh impossible to follow up on hit or go in for a mixup on block. I can’t see Dante benefiting too much from it, either.
Hyper Grav isn’t helping Jill do anything. Her combos don’t really work with it as far as I know. Dante, I don’t know.
Jill-Arrow/Frank-Shopping Cart/Dante-Jam Session
How’s this team stack up with other Jill teams? Any changes I should make?
Jam Session isn’t Jill’s favorite anti-air since it’s so hard to confirm off of and scales your damage really hard, but it can work. Jill can get Frank to Level 4 easily a couple of different ways with good damage if he takes advantage of either of those two assists to get two pictures. You’re set just fine, I think.