I meant to post a while back, but thanks for the input gangie and NSR. I read through your whole guide on gamefaqs. At first I didn’t believe strider could be a good assist for a non otg based character but I was quite mistaken. I also watched through some of your videos NSR from some lobbies you played in. Its really great stuff and has helped me step up my game alot with jill, although there is still a lot of work to do.
I ended up playing jill, doom, doom strider which is working pretty well. Honestly I would perfer to play with someone other than doom, but I can’t think of anyone but hawkeye and chris to provide a good projectile assist that might benefit from strider. Trish’s projectile doesn’t cause a kockdown effect, but it isn’t that good durability wise. I was thinking of trying to incorporate trish’s peakaboo trap assist into my jill mixups to make them even more ambiguous once I improve more with jill. The THC with roundharvest is really nice not only for damage in combos but getting in as well since round harvest eats up all projectiles. However using trish in this manner also seems like a bad idea since I will rob myself of a true lockdown or projectile assist that jill needs if I continue to use strider
Didn’t you say you were working on an updated jill guide NSR?
I meant to post a while back, but thanks for the input gangie and NSR. I read through your whole guide on gamefaqs. At first I didn’t believe strider could be a good assist for a non otg based character but I was quite mistaken. I also watched through some of your videos NSR from some lobbies you played in. Its really great stuff and has helped me step up my game alot with jill, although there is still a lot of work to do.
I ended up playing jill, doom, doom strider which is working pretty well. Honestly I would perfer to play with someone other than doom, but I can’t think of anyone but hawkeye and chris to provide a good projectile assist that might benefit from strider. Trish’s projectile doesn’t cause a kockdown effect, but it isn’t that good durability wise. I was thinking of trying to incorporate trish’s peakaboo trap assist into my jill mixups to make them even more ambiguous once I improve more with jill. The THC with roundharvest is really nice not only for damage in combos but getting in as well since round harvest eats up all projectiles. However using trish in this manner also seems like a bad idea since I will rob myself of a true lockdown or projectile assist that jill needs if I continue to use strider
Didn’t you say you were working on an updated jill guide NSR?
I think pretty much anyone uncomfortable at SJ height can greatly benefit from Strider.Turbo Taxand Arthur could work, I think. Just remember that Arthur is the biggest troll ever to the one playing him; take it from an ex-Arthur main. Capcom did everything they could to make him terrible for no reason. Daggers assist is awesome, but man is he cruddy. Don’t let XF Gold Lances deceive you because they’re not even as good as one might think.
Ever considered Iron Man? Sweet assists and not as balls as he’s made out to be, though I still personally find him a bit lacking.
Thing about Peekaboo is that it slaughters your damage and puts them up a bit high off the ground. I won’t try to say much about the synergy since I don’t know jack about Trish and how she operates. Don’t worry, though; I may be an amateur combo smith, but I came up with something until NSR shows up to blow me out of the water. Off of a peekaboo confirm, try this, copied from my dood 120%:
[S]Peekaboo hits, j.H, j.S, cr.H, 4H, Flip Kick, Somersault (hold H during Flip Kick to get it out right away), Feral Cancel, M (jumping roundhouse), Feral Cancel, dash forward, call Strider, Feral Stance, Somersault, (Vajinahits), TK Cartwheel, Somersault, MGS[/S]
That ought to net you an alright 671k if you get the full damage (not facing the corner) or 650k if you omit the Strider assist either to make it easier or he’s just not available. You can cross-up feral dash behind them before the last somersault if you want the full damage and the corner is too close to get it, though with the timing on that Strider assist, I’ve found it pretty tough. It helps to delay the hits as much as you can so they’re closer to the ground to make sure the 22S M hits.
Yeah capcom really gave the short end of the stick to most characters specifically deemed “keepaway” when it came to converting off throws, projectile properties and movement capabilities. It has occurred to me that iron man and arthur could work for the projectile assist, but iron man’s air dash seems so slow and awkward. I feel like if I picked up iron man without something like sent drones he would be a free character kill against anyone until I got him down better. Arthur seems to struggle whenever he isn’t in xfactor or at least golden armor. Like iron man he has a good assist but has a lacking point game in many ways. I might try them both later down the line.
Getting the combo hitconfirm with peakaboo isn’t too hard, what I meant was I was trying to come up with some good resets using peakaboo. Like instead of finishing most combos with something like Somersault, TK cartwheel, Somersault, MGS I could do something like this…
Somersault, TK cartwheel, Call Peekaboo / feral L, (opponent flips out), feral dash for the mixup. If they get mixed up from the peekaboo then you get the free combo, if they guard the peekaboo then they are in guardstun you can mix them up again. If they happen to mash an attack to get out of peekaboo, peekaboo will be destroyed but that attack will count as a whiff and can’t hit your character anyway.
Still I have yet to do much testing but it seems like in theory it would work.
Wish I could help you there, but Trish and Peekaboo are all foreign to me. It sounds pretty cool, but Vajra can reset fine, and I think having two reset assists seems like a redundant waste.
Yeah, thats the problem. It seems like she needs some kind of lockdown/projectile assist and an anti air assist to maximize her effectiveness.
Still peekaboo is great in enforcing jills frame trap setups .Peekaboo works as a stationary hitbox in the air. If an enemy’s physical attack hits the peekaboo hitbox it will count as a whiffed attack. If the enemy’s hurtbox touches peekaboo it will put them in a short “grab” type animation on hit. If guarded it stops the enemy’s aerial momentum and puts them in a small amount of guard stun.
Call peekaboo during round house kick and feral cancel; if roundhouse kick hits you combo as normal. On pushblock you can dash back up to them and go low attack or for the kara command grab. They can’t jump out because they will either have to guard peekaboo immediately and fall right back down into your mixup, or get hit by peekaboo which gives you the combo. If they don’t pushblock roundhouse kick is positive on block when feral canceled so they can eat a feral dash high mixup that is protected by peekaboo. Also the peekaboo trap stays even if the trish assist gets hit and even if the opponent hits your point character, which often screws up the opponents hit confirms since peekaboo often interrupts your opponents combos .
Sorry everyone, my Xbox RROD right before the storm and the storm itself took out my power. I had ALOT of responsibilities to take care off before the storm and some I’m still taking care of now. Sandy pretty much devastated NYC
I’m going to try to answer all of your questions for me As soon as I have time.
I like to imagine that you transformed your living residence into a badass pirate ship or something and that you manned a crew to help survive the incoming onslaught. Hope everything’s alright.
Man I wish, good thing I stocked up early. I’ve been waiting in line for gas for the last ~6 hours though. It wasn’t really my home that was damaged the most but my gallery as well. Windows shattered on both sides.
It clears out projectiles that are already in the air (like Soul Fist) and acts as a primary Anti-air assist. The whole point is to cover it via, multi-salting in defense or using it as an anti-air.
Your not FCing Fast enough or your not spacing your Crouches Right, use the dashes in Conjunction with Jam Session.
Just do 22S–>motion–>22S. I barely ever use Feral Wavedashing in a match.
Trust me, Feral Dashing alone is enough. You can always Arrow Kick feint in.
I apologize, I meant an actual use for her Somersault TK Position Exchange.
I have to apologize again, It’s been about 2 weeks since I played and I won’t be able to use my Xbox since I got the red rings, but I can give you what I remember off the top of my head; which unfortunately may be weaker.
It’s something Like that, once again I feel my need to apologize. .
**you should be in FERAL CROUCH ALL THE TIME, UNLESS YOUR blocking something. ** You should also Multi-Salting. To do this, get used to Somersaulting on the first possible frame (frame 11).
Yeah, it took me the longest out of all things in Marvel to master (about a week or two?) but I can do VB consistantly. Grind out your execution, that’s all I can tell you, and I’m a pad player.
Yeah. I’ll try to get familiar with those ambiguous setups you were talking about.
ugh, agreed.
Glad to help dude.
The dual-wallbounce is the aforementioned glitch. Well, a couple of the Jill players (Paulo, Saitsu, Gangie and Yeah Dood 120%) figured out what caused the glitch which pretty much caused her damage to SKY ROCKET. Infact, using the Dual Wall bounces has become Jill’s main BNB leading to many Jill teams Near TODing with 2 meters or TODing with 2 meters. The trick to it is hitting the back hitbox of your opponent.
It’s quite practical, and actually quite easy.
Like always, Check out my videos if you need to see anything relating to Jill by herself. Unfortunately, I don’t have vids of my Jill/C.Viper/Strider team, since I don’t play that team online much.
Yes, I’m working on an updated guide have about 50% of it done, but I may need input from you guys since I no longer have a location to test it. Glad to know you’re enjoying Strider’s assist.
However, Trish’s assist is one that has applications yes, but it shouldn’t be used. Trish’s assist gimps Jill of her more-needed assists and doesn’t provide much to her neutral-game.
Yeah it is alot harder to get in on ranged targets using trish second with that assist. The strider doom team with assists has a lot better nuetral game and reliability especially with my current jill. Still the THC round harvest is nice for getting in and for ending combos/grabs for good damage since I can jump up for an extra air series and end in the DKD. Plus trowing up safe traps constantly makes it difficult for the enemy to ever get away or punish. If I ever actually try to make trish serious team option I will have to improve my jill alot more.
Is it possible to feral cancel for a double summer salt and somehow call and assist in between them? I
If there is, I’ve never found it. You can’t call assists during Feral Stance for some reason even though other characters like Chris can call assists in their stances.
You can, however, mix up assists in your feral dash. If you push the assist button just before dashing, your assist will come from where you were initially standing even though you could potentially be on the other side of the screen, possibly on the other side of the bad guy. If you push the assist button just after dashing, the assist will meet you at the end point. Neat little trick.
Interesting. I guess I could feral cancel somersault into a TK arrow or flip kick. Since with the tiger knee version I should get the dash first, then the special attack. Theoretically I should be able to call an assist in that time frame. Or maybe I would just get a snapback lol
This is a combo that is supposed to incorporate the Tri-Wallbounce glitch. Are combos like this always corner only? In particular the part that’s bolded.
If you’re close enough to the corner and omit the jumping attacks, you can actually get in three somersaults before:d::d::s: which I was able to net 747k out of total. Nice.
Anyway, yeah, that combo can be done from anywhere thanks to the glitch or exploit or whatever with Arrow Kick. If you hit them a certain way after you dash towards them after the roundhouse wallbounce, like just before they hit the ground, they’ll get hit with the back end of Arrow Kick and you’ll follow them to the end of the screen instead of flipping out.
I’ve been having some trouble with arrow kick after roundhouse kick. Do you have to hit them with the arrow kick right before they hit the ground like gangie just mentioned? Or is there some other timing I need to take into consideration because something is wrong with when im using it.
I tried to read up on this because I remembered someone asking the same question, but its so hard to find specific information on these threads. The combo/strategy thread sometimes talks about team comps and the team comp thread talks about combos lol