"Nothing like a good workout!" Paul Combos and Framedata (v2013)

Yes. I think I explained it somewhere in 2013 thread, but the recovery for all hit/block/whiff was reduced (despite the fact that they said “recovery on hit”) and blockstun was further reduced on top of it. cr.HP has less than 10f blockstun!!! (I think) However, I also stated that I only tested with cr.HP and MP Sway, but based on those two moves and how Lei’s “recovery on hit reduced” normals turned out to be, I’m going to assume that the recovery was reduced, period.

I do believe it is for both. I think I connected with the rest of the string after CH f+HP, but since I cannot test it in console for about a week or more, a confirmation would be much appreciated.

I thought it was 5, but Doopliss said 6, and I’m going to trust him. Frankly, all I had confirmed was that it was higher than 4, so I automatically assumed it was 5.

Gotcha. Will update shortly.

Yes the whole string connects. finished a match that way (into super) earlier. of course I tested it before hand as well. However, does that have to do with

The +20% damage on Super gem is totally awesome btw, and with +80% meter gain, it’s ridiculous how fast my bar is full with Guile. Shredder => Launcher mid-combo is a serious game changer. It was possible in vanilla as well, but required some very specific setups to work.

some new launcher combos:
[300] EX Sway, j.hk, Launcher
[310] EX Sway, HK Shredder, Launcher
[349] cl.mp, c.hp xx Raze, HK Shredder, Launcher
[373] cl.mp, c.hp xx EX Smasher, HK Shredder, Launcher

obviously +10 damage for the harder link versions.

Can’t you do EX Smasher, Shredder, launcher?

of course! you just didn’t read the edit that I made right after I posted it and totally not just this minute! :stuck_out_tongue:

btw, how would you like this style of grouping for the combos? I always list the 4 different variations:

[353] cl.mp, c.mp
[368] cl.hp
[373] cl.mp, c.hp
[383] cl.hp, c.mp xx EX Smasher, HK Shredder, Launcher

[413] cl.mp, c.mp~s.hp
[427] cl.mp, c.hp
[433] cl.hp
[443] cl.hp, c.mp~s.hp xx EX Smasher, HK Shredder, cl.hk xx Smasher

for instances where you can use chain combos, I’d use the version which does more damage (if c.hp, c.mp does more damage than c.hp, c.mp~s.hp I won’t write the latter)

the damage won’t be in “perfect” order anymore tho e.g

[360] Combo 1
[370] Combo 1
[365] Combo 2
[389] Combo 2

I’d order it after the last, max damaging version of a combo.

cr.hp xx mp mortar > st.hp xx smasher seems a lot more reliable to do than cl.hp xx mp mortar > st.hp xx smasher.

Does 419 damage which is slightly less than the previous one, but if you’re hitconfirming into launcher from further away then getting the cl.hp xx mp mortar seems impossible but cr.hp will connect.

it is. In a match I’d never also never use cl.hp, c.mp either, since it’s not worth the risk of dropping the link for a measly 10 more damage; so nothing wrong with using c.hp instead of cl.hp.

I’m not very good at frames. Are both c.lp to c.mp/c.mk 2-frame links?

c.lp yields 7F hit stun, meaning you can hit the input of the 5F fast c.mp on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd hitstun frame and it combos, making it a 3F link. c.mk has 7F start up, meaning it’s a 1F link.

Weird typo under 2 meter corner combos:
[505] cl.mp, c.hp xx Raze, cl.mp, cl.mp, cl.hp xx Smasher
That doesn’t use any meter. Other than that excellent stuff.

probably “Super Art”.

Even I get confused when writing so much data x) thanks for pointing it out.

Added some example tag combos:
[LEFT][298+] Launcher, HK Shredder, HK Shredder xx TAG[/LEFT]
[LEFT][318+] EX Sway, HK Shredder, HK Shredder xx TAG[/LEFT]
[LEFT][335+] cl.hp xx Raze, HK Shredder, HK Shredder xx TAG[/LEFT]
[LEFT][349+] cl.hp, HK Shredder, cl.hp xx HK Shredder xx TAG[/LEFT]
[LEFT][375+] cl.hp, EX Smasher, HK Shredder, HK Shredder xx TAG[/LEFT]
[LEFT][385+] cl.hp xx EX Mortar, HK Shredder, HK Shredder xx TAG[/LEFT]


I’m dying at the Shredder picture.

I have a question about the frame data in general.
How do u sum up the total amount of frames (animation), is it ‘startup + active + recovery’, or is it ‘startup + recovery - active’ ? Basically I wanna know if recovery frames consist active frames.

start up + active -1 + recovery = whiff duration afaik

Yeah it’s probably like that.
I finally found a move with less recovery frames than active frames.
Cammy her ex spiral arrow; 9 startup, 19 active and 14 recovery.

So it wouldn’t make sense if the recovery consist active frames ^^’

that is why I don’t know how to split recovery and active frames. I can get the whole duration and duration when hitting \ blocking, but I dunno if you can see active frames visually, nor how I could calculate them with he data I can gather.

uhg… the new style is… :X

s.hp: On Block -7 (-1)
c.hp: On Block -13F (-3)
LK Shredder on Block -4F (+1)
EX Shredder Start Up 6F (-1)
EX Sway Start Up 30F (-1)
EX Smasher Start Up 11F (-1)
EX Mortar Punch Start Up 23F (-1)
Super Art 8F Start Up (+1)
Cross Art 10F Start Up (+1)

not exactly sure about the cross art start up, need to test that via traditional means as well. it’s difficult to determine when the cinematic frames end exactly.

Is it just me me or do other people have a hard time coming to this forum again because of the layout ? :stuck_out_tongue:
I literary need to force myself to check on SRK. I hope they’re gonna change this real quick…


It’s been 2 1/2 days, and there has literally been NOTHING changed except for bb code, smileys, ignore function, and edit time +time stamp.

Priorities someone?

Just so i know… xx before a special move(like raze) means??? And c means crouch? Cl is close, but chp? Im just used to cr for crouch and want to make sure. Had some good wins scrubbing it with paul(cause i am pretty much a week 3 scrub. Dont have as much time to play as before and took months off from the game) and before 2013 i almost always lost with paul. lost almost every game with gief and won more than half with paul.???