"Nothing like a good workout!" Paul Combos and Framedata (v2013)

the question is - does it have any practical use? :3

Will play around with that tomorrow.

Most likely not. I personally think Mortar -> HK Shredder is best fit for a switch cancel, since it deals such a huge damage for a surprisingly small number of damage scalings applied.

EX Mortar will probably be a good option if you intend to do a pandora combo, since you’ll want to waste all your meter before activating it. Something like cl.HP xx EX Mortar, s.HP xx EX Mortar (Pandora) heavy/special, Super might be great damage. gonna play around with it when I get home.

I just did 663 damage with Paul/Xiaoyu from a cross-up j.MK:
j.MK -> cl.st.HP xx HK Shredder -> HK Shredder (tag) -> Xiaoyu j.HK -> Pandora -> far st.HP xx EX Mortar -> Super.

I wasn’t planning to do Xiaoyu/Paul team (When Lei came out I decided to use Paul with Asuka when I feel like learning Asuka; now i"ll just be another player who hopped on the Asuka bandwagon :(), but I’ll have to rethink this.

I did a 686 damage combo with Paul an Sagat:

Paul j.HK, s.HP xx Cross-up EX Mortar, cl.HP xx EX Mortar, far s.HP xx cross-up EX Mortar, Pandora, Sagat Super. I’m guessing the mortar doesn’t have to be blocked cross-up even though you land on the other side? If you do, then it’s an extremely dangerous move. Linking far s.HP after EX mortar was very hard, I’m guessing a 1-frame link, two at most. You need a quick Super with a lot of JP for this to work, Sagat’s has a 3-frame start-up and I still had trouble with the timing. The dummy was Dhalsim btw.

EDIT: You don’t need the cross-ups if you time it right, it’s just that I did it the first time I succeeded.

I did some theory crafting during my course today, and might have come up with something. I’ll test that later.

you might get more off it if you do cl.hp xx HK Shredder xx cl.hp xx HK Shredder tag.

Gosh, I made my first and only (laggy) match yesterday against a Xiyaou - I almost fell asleep. what’s taking her so long with her god damn combos >_>

And boy, Guile is bad now (as in, 1 frame bnb combos, no c.mk~s.hk\s.hp buffer anymore, NO LIFE, even more unsafe flash kick tag etc). now you have to play him with zone ONLY - something I don’t really like that much. why can’t I play paul solo? :<

I might have to check out cody again.

The combo I mentioned also works with Sakura, bringing the damage to exactly 700.


Strange, I didn’t notice much difference when playing Guile.
The lower vitality is almost unnoticeable since it’s only 50 points which is like 1 medium attack and I haven’t been punished by using his cr.MK x st.HK yet, but I always do it from max range.
His FK has always been punishable to begin with, but the increase in recovery frames is very noticeable tho, It seems to be a lot harder to link a cr.MP after landing from Flashkicking an airborn opponent.
His cr.lp, cr.mp (1frame combo) does hurts a little, but I try to bypass it by using his other normals like; cr.MP, cr.MP or Reverse spin kick, St.HP/St.MP/cr.MP.
Whenever I do use cr.lk tho, I’ll just end that with St.HP x Launcher. Guile can’t deal a lot of damage from a light kick/punch anyway, so I might as well Launch to Paul and make him do all the damage. I also play Guile on point, so I don’t have to worry about Paul having little health or removing his recoverable health.

In the end I still think Guile is really good, his normals still covers a great distance and I even think his cr.MK is the best in the game, especially now that Julia/Cody/Kazuya got nerfed in their low poke department.
His AA still feels worse than in AE, but unlike AE there are no focus attacks so u can zone and poke more easily without worrying about getting a FA CH.

Now Paul might take a long time doing combos too! Especially with EX Mortar bounces.

It seems like Paul might fit Xiaoyu better than Lei with his damaging combos and high juggle potential moves. Anyways, I’ll test more later tonight to find if there are any more changes. BTW, I thought Paul’s Super had 7f start-up? I cannot link after cr.LP (+7 on hit) and I cannot punish MP Sway on block either (-7 on block).

I went over the frame data and corrected a lot of stuff that has changed, fixed some errors, string layout and various stuff more. haven’t updated yet tho.

I also used the opportunity to do some frame data check up on the changes.
I can affirm that hp sway is -8. However, c.hp is actually not -16, since I can’t land a reversal ex raze (15F). Then again, I have not confirmed 15F start up either. One of them is wrong, I tend to say it’s c.hp. If that’s the case, it does make sense that MP sway is also not -7 either. you know, due to the whole “less hit recovery” thing.

I’m currently checking everything, so I’ll report back later. It’s difficult tot est tho, since I only have the “old” frame data available for the other characters. might need to cross check with their change log when testing. I could also just record and do frame counting, but it’s more fun this way :stuck_out_tongue:

Useless trivia btw - you can juggle into ex sway! xD
(hk shredder, early c.hp xx ex sway) - only first hit tho.

I really only played against one guy 3 matches or so. However, Guile was dead after 2 hits. 50 health can make the difference.

He is still valid, but like I said, you have to play really like AE Guile - zoning²³²³²³. In pre v2013 I could be way more offensive. and c.mp being a 1frame link makes every flash kick combo a huge risk. considering online and everything… He just doesn’t feel “right” anymore - at least not to my playstyle. but I’ll use him for now, until I find the time to check up on other characters.

Would Paul and Law make a good team?

Damage wise yes, but synergy wise not so much imo. They don’t cover each other weaknesses.

that belongs to the team synergy thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d say individually, both are mighty fine. I dunno if Law is good against Paul’s problematic characters tho.

If I recall in Vanilla cr.mk xx mpPS was safe for the most part, is that still case? I realize it’s negative by a bunch, but is the pushback enough or has it moved to another version? Thanks.

A lot of characters nowadays are able to do 500+ combos, this means u can die in 2 combos, this means even 2012 Guile would die in 2 combos, the 950 health doesn’t change that much. But that’s just my opinion of course, I can understand that every little health point matter to you.

I don’t agree that you have to play him like in AE, quite the opposite if u ask me. U couldn’t do any combos with him in AE, the only way to play him effectively was to spam booms and AA. Even poking with f.hp/st.hp/st.hk was a risk because of the focus attack.
According to his frame data cr.lk and cr.mp are still +6 on hit so u can still do 2frame links even a 3frame link if u chose to link to cr.lp (4 frame startup), his reverse spin kick is +7 on hit and invincible to throws making every normals afterwards easy to link, so again u can still play him like u did before just don’t use his cr.lp to hitconfirm. :wink:

All versions of PS smasher are punishable on block now, even if u space it right, u can only hope that your opponent reacts too late lol.
Altho it might be safe against some characters tho, I used it against Marduk yesterday and they nerfed his cr.lk and command throw range, he didn’t seem able to punish me for it.

HP Smasher was -5 initially (all other versions were -10). However, Capcom nerfed it in Patch 1.06 to -10 as well. So since then, all versions are highly punishable by every character in the game. However, it’s actually +9 if you tag cancel it (at least pre HP version 1.06 Patch, haven’t confirmed it again yet).

Mortar, while slow, is actually +3 on block, so that should be your ender (if you use one at all).

I used Guile as offensive battery char. Zone where it’s effective, and stay an inch outside of fotosie range to still have a boom game, but be able to whiff punish with c.mk and fish for hits into far s.hp\s.hk - and that was almost safe against a good portion of the cast due to the range. Now you can even walk up throw him lol. And since he has no effective hit confirms anymore, it’s a chore to be offensive. the 1 frame links is just too retarded in that game imo and destroys a lot of things for me. Every thing just pushes me to be a pure zoner. But again, I have played like 3 matches - I’ll have to play obviously a bit more before making any adequate judgements. ^^


I made a mistake, Guile his cr.lk got nerfed and is apparantly +4 on hit, this means that the only safe way to convert that to damage is by doing a Launcher :frowning:
Oh well, his cr.MP and Reverse spin kick remain the same :slight_smile:

EDIT: He already had 950 health, he now has 900 health, no wonder u got killed in 2 hits…


A few of his combo’s

Who you guys think pairs well with Paul? I was think Abel