"Nothing like a good workout!" Paul Combos and Framedata (v2013)

Okay, I found something weird:

[339] cl.hp xx HK Shredder, cl.hp xx Mortar
[355] cl.hp xx HK Shredder, c.hp xx Mortar

However, sometimes the cl.hp combo does 363, which does make more sense. Now you might think “maybe hk shredder didn’t hit full” - it does! and both are “6 hit” combos.

cl.hp: 90
hk shredder: 110 (200)
cl.hp: 72 (272) @80% Scaling
mortar: 91 (363)


cl.hp: 90
hk shredder: 110 (200)
cl.hp: 48 (248) @80% Scaling
mortar: 91 (339)

WTF is going on? why does it sometimes do different damage.

Okay, I think I know why. I can reproduce it now: cl.hp seems to have different hit zones. if you only hit with the tip of fist it does less damage.
Yep, just confirmed it on a jumping opponent. The tip only does 60 damage.

Hidden change (or was that in vanilla also the case?)!

That was also the case in Vanilla. I think it’s 3rd~5th active frames that did 60 damage instead of 90.

A corner combo that I didn’t write down yesterday:
something into Raze -> cl.st.MP -> cl.st.MP -> cl.st.HP -> cl.st.HP xx Smasher. Does more damage than a midscreen HK Shredder combo. Eat that HK Shredder!

I’ll be back in training mode tmrw.

So this will work on tag in as well, bec wat i was doing was HK shredder st.hk PS…
lol dunno why i dont start with cl.hp, Hk shredder, st.hk PS for safe tag
Or wat u have there for mix ups :frowning:

Well never played a role since the move wasn’t used in such situation, but good to know. WTF why do you know something like this? x)

I already included the combo yesterday, but changed it to “c.mp, c.mp, c.mp, cl.hp xx smasher” since it’s easier to do. and no, it still does less damage :3

[402] cl.hp, c.mp xx Raze, c.mp, c.mp, c.mp, cl.hp xx Smasher
[413] cl.hp, c.mp xx Raze, HK Shredder, cl.hk xx Smasher

Paul can even make good use of tag cancel now.

…HK Shredder, c.hp xx MP Mortar TAG
I tried to Pandora and combo afterwards, but wasn’t able to do so yet. I have hugo as partner (for CA combos) but I’m not confident with him, so I haven’t landed a combo afterwards yet. I don’t think that it’s impossible tho.

…HK Shredder, cl.hp xx HK Shredder TAG
is even better damage wise, since it launches HIGH.

…Raze, HK Shredder, HK Shredder TAG

…HK Shredder, Pandora is also easy to combo

ah I’ll add that later somewhere x)

OMG! HK Shredder is obsolete! xD

Mortar is where it’s at!

[429] Launcher, cl.hp xx MP Mortar, cl.hp xx Smasher
OMG 400+ damage of a normal launcher? Oo it’s tricky to get it off every time tho.

[399] *Launcher, cl.mp xx MP Portar, cl.hp xx Smasher
is an easier alternative which does still 33 damage more then HK Shredder followup.

[456] Launcher, cl.mp xx MP Mortar, cl.hp xx Super
[576] Launcher, cl.hp xx MP Mortar, cl.hp xx Super

or how about this new ex smasher followup?
[LEFT][459] cl.hp, c.mp xx EX Smasher, c.mp xx HP Mortar, s.hp xx Smasher[/LEFT]
[581] cl.hp, c.mp xx EX Smasher, s.mp xx HP Mortar, s.hp xx Super Art

yep, it does beat HK shredder by 7/8 damage and builds more meter. so it might be not worth it since it’s more difficult to do, but looks so awesome x)

What’s the best option after raze for damage? Still shredder, or is it a normal into Mortar?

[368] cl.hp, c.mp xx Raze, cl.mp, s.hp xx Smasher
[378] cl.hp, c.mp xx Raze, cl.mp, s.hp xx Smasher

is the same move under the Close category.

sadly you can’t combo after raze into mortar without using a s\c.lp first. he doesn’t launch high enough. so for now, it’s still shredder.

almost 2/3 of the combos only have a different beginning.

cl.mp, c.mp - BASE combo
cl.mp, c.hp +20 Damage
cl.hp, c.mp +30 Damage

so if it’s 10 damage difference, I forgot to change it to cl.hp, c.mp ^^
thanks for pointing it out.

btw I swear I just did:
[634] EX Sway, j.hk, cl.hp xx HP Mortar, s.hp xx Super Art

but I can’t reproduce it >_>

I tried to do some juggling involving cl.st.HP before :wink:

“cl.hp, c.mp xx Raze, c.mp, c.mp, c.mp, cl.hp xx Smasher”

But it’s not max damage! medium medium fierce fierce does more dmg than Shredd… Oh wait mortar!? I gotta keep this in mind.

Maybe it depends on how far the opponent is from the wall? Just like how EX Smasher works.

Not sure about the damage, but you can do cr.LP xx HP Mortar -> cl.st.HP xx Smasher after Raze.

I thought the lp would void the damage of the combo, but I actually tried it and it does 1(!) damage more x)

[LEFT][413] cl.hp, c.mp xx Raze, HK Shredder, cl.hk xx Smasher[/LEFT]
[414] cl.hp, c.mp xx Raze, c.lp xx MP Mortar, cl.hp xx Smasher

mhh it’s actually rather easy to do, and gains a lot more meter I think. mhhhh…

Shredder’s reign started and ended in the same day it seems.

it’s still the easiest and most reliable thing to use. + the only way to combo into his launcher.^^

Which is better for Tag Cancels though? That was my main concern in training mode with him (other than…you know, actually knowing what to do when not comboing people).

depends how high the opponent is launched I’d say.

After a normal launcher:
[LEFT][290] Launcher, HK Shredder, Launcher[/LEFT]
[LEFT][313] Launcher, s.lp, f.mp, s.hp xx Smasher[/LEFT]
[LEFT][316] Launcher, cl.mp, s.hp xx Smsher[/LEFT]
[LEFT][322] Launcher, cl.mp, s.mp, c.mk xx Smasher[/LEFT]
[LEFT][343] Launcher, cl.mp, f.mp, s.hp xx Smasher[/LEFT]
[LEFT][366] Launcher, HK Shredder, cl.hk xx Smasher[/LEFT]
[LEFT][399] Launcher, cl.mp xx MP Mortar, s.hp xx Smasher[/LEFT]
[LEFT][429] Launcher, cl.hp xx MP Mortar, s.hp xx Smasher[/LEFT]

it’s tricky to pull of consistently tho. even with he easier cl.mp cancel you’ll have to consider range and everything, where as hk shredder followup is braindead and the most consistent.

For switch cancel combos that launch high, I still think cl.hp xx Mortar, s.hp xx Smasher will be the best option. and it’s easier to do obviously. haven#t digged into that subject too deep so far tho. I imagine it’s the same as the EX sway followups.

I meant what would be the best to switch cancel off of, not him coming in.


I’d say
[349+] cl.hp xx HK Shredder, cl.hp xx HK Shredder
launches high as well. you obviously want less hits if you go for super or something with your other character.

[355+] cl.hp xx HK Shredder, c.hp xx MP Mortar does more initial damage, but the opponent is close to the ground. so it might depend on your other character’s combo.

Never mind actually. I remembered when practicing that if you tag cancel the first hit of HK Shredder the rest of the hits will connect no matter what.

So I just do a modified version of the BnB. (starter) xx LK Raze, HK Shredder, HK Shredder (TC), into whatever.

I don’t know the damage though because I can’t read the damn numbers on my TV screen. Someone else will have to figure that part out for me.

oh okay, gotcha.

I digged a bit into his new anti air combos.

[LEFT]Anti Air (ch)[/LEFT]
[LEFT][178] LK Shredder, Launcher[/LEFT]
[LEFT][262] LK Shredder, c.hp xx MP Mortar****[/LEFT]
[LEFT][264] LK Shredder, cl.hp xx Smasher****[/LEFT]
[LEFT][286] c.hp CADC, cl.hp xx Smasher[/LEFT]
[LEFT][294] LK Shredder, s.mp, s.hp xx Smasher****[/LEFT]
[LEFT][386] c.hp xx MP Mortar, s.hp xx Smasher****[/LEFT]

Into super:
[LEFT]Anti Air (ch)[/LEFT]
[LEFT][432] LK Shredder, cl.hp xx Super Art[/LEFT]
[LEFT][449] LK Shredder, s.mp, s.hp xx Super Art[/LEFT]
[LEFT][454] c.hp CADC, cl.hp xx Super Art[/LEFT]
[LEFT][501] LK Shredder, c.hp xx MP Mortar**, **Super Art[/LEFT]
[541] c.hp xx MP Mortar, s.hp xx Super Art

3 bars:
[LEFT]Anti Air (ch)[/LEFT]
[LEFT][557] c.hp xx EX Mortar, HK Shredder, Super Art[/LEFT]
[LEFT][~608] LK Shredder, cl.hp xx Cross Art****[/LEFT]
[~630] c.hp CADC, cl.hp xx Cross Art

c.hp xx MP Mortar got even better since you can combo now from it. It’s a bit more risky to use tho as c.hp isn’t invincible. It’s still a really tight free mix up on non counter hit.
Speaking of non-counter hit. you can always do the combos regardless of counter hit or not if you use shredder, so that’s a plus point.

It also seems that ex mortar adds less juggle points, since hk shredder combos full afterwards. If you use normal mortar you only get one hit.

EX Mortar adds 1 juggle point, and non-EX mortar adds 2.