choiboy, is there absolutely no way whatsoever to give usa tekken an inclusion in the spot? Please run that by the president. I’m am sure you can come up suggestions yourself. For example, adding one more team to the roster will not significantly change anything. The committee is composed of smart people, i’m sure they can figure out a way to make this happen if they truly hear us. You must understand that our entire nation has been training for a moment less than 2 weeks away and some of us have already bought plane tickets. Please mention that to the president also.
The water is already spilled in our country due a miscommunication error, and it is not impossible for SBO to include american tekken players as an act of goodwill. We would greatly appreciate that. And again, the benefit is reciprocal. It gives everyone a chance to compete with everyone. It also reinforces the US to throw a team tourney and give invites to the japanese as a tradition as well (as we did for them at evolution). This could greatly improve relations globally with respect to gaming and start a respected team tourney tradition.
I agree, USA tries its best and communicates with Japan and Korea for many tournaments. We want to be represented at SBO for DR. Please help us and see if their is anything you can do.
The only reason US had a spot for the previous year(T5.0) was because NAMCO US contacted SBO to let them know about it. This year, no one planned ahead of time with them, thus leading us to where we’re at now. We still have a chance, although very frustrating, it’s still a chance.
I have a question, some stuff has come up and if I go I have to get back into town by sunday. Will the sbo qual(team tourney) for sure be done by sat and not carry on into sun?
tom. is the age 18 and over rule still being enforced? i remember reading something about a waiver slip but i never saw anything about it after that. and how do we preregister the 20 so taht we dont have to pay 25 on saturday. thx alot.
Be sure to include a note that this is for Tekken. Any amount, even a dollar, will help.
The second point I’d like to make is that in order to better support the Tekken team headed to Japan, we’re going to raise the Tekken(only) entry fee to $25. Looking at the logistics of it, because there was not a fundraiser series held for DR (simply because FFA didn’t have DR until a week or two ago), this will be necessary to compensate. It should be close to putting the Tekken funds on par with the 3rd Strike fund.
Note: If this causes an excess amount of funds for Tekken to be available, they will be divided evenly between the three team members. None of this money goes in our pockets, 100% for the team.
Thank you for your support. Also, if special arrangements or help regarding LAX/airport transportation are necessary, please do not hesitate to contact me.
AIM: Arlieth
If you need to contact me by cell, email me and I’ll send it over.
For 3rd Strike:
To Pre-Register, send an email to with “SBO Team Registration” in the header. Include the following:
-Members of each team (Include both nickname and Real Name)
-Characters used by each member
If you decide to change your team on Saturday, that counts as a re-registration and the $5 extra will be necessary. We’re going to do most of our bracketing on Friday night to save as much time as possible for the big day on Saturday.
Finally, waivers will not be necessary. Just make you’ve got your parent’s permission. If you win, we may conduct an interview with them to verify.
You know Popolocrois, for a cvs2 player to post in here you obviously don’t know shit either. I don’t mean to be rude to anyone playing any other game. Well, actully, yes I do. If we rank what games actully require skill to play I would say that Tekken5 and MvC2 (they take skill, don’t get me wrong) are the lowest common denominators of fighting games followed by cvs2. Leaving 3s to be the most complex game out there and despite how long its been out its still exciting to play and watch.
But lets face some facts for you idiots out there who think they actully know shit about 3s. If you are from europe or africa, you don’t know shit unless you actully have someone taping EVERYTHING that is going on here and you are studing it secretly. I’m not talking about just seeing an EVO video because like stated here. Some people don’t do consoles and nobody blames them.
Hey, look at it this way. This guy from africa came in, talking shit about jwong being better material for SBO then pyro, when you know what? pyro can kick jwong’s ass in more then 1 way. Infact, MOST FFA players (based off their recorded performance) can also.
Infact, Amir’s Chun is 50x better then jwong’s just so you get the comparrision here.
I know most of you justin wong fanboys are just grinding your teeth right now and just can’t wait to just shoot back at me and tell me shit. Just shutup and continue to write your Sean FAQs, ok little nublets?
So with that being said. Stop the hate. Pyro can do whatever the fuck he wants to decide who is going to play with him and Frank. Stop the hate on CA players. We’re working on letting it brake off into the ocean. Until then, just stfu. kthxbye
If thats not a glowing endorsement for support from the rest of the 49 states in this country I don’t know what is.
Seriously though, whats the point of flaming each other right now in this thread? Ya’ll should be trying to put as much as a positive spin and working towards helping each other out as well as hopefully sending the Tekken players to Japan. Actions speak louder than words, both sides have equal hate and support, just let the players play it out and we’ll see who was right and who was wrong. This argument has been going on for the past 2 years and its getting hella old. Both players have respectible results over the years so obviously it comes to a head about who’s better than who. But in this case, who cares? The issue is making teams that go to SBO and represent the United States in 3rd Strike.
Since Justin already qualified, all this should be moot and we’re just awaiting the results from this weekend’s qualifier to see who the 2nd team will be. This should be a great event that everybody gets excited about! But instead it almost ALWAYS becomes a flame fest. Nobody is fully to blame for it, but I think everybody does share a part of it. FFA has always tried to seclude and seperate itself from everybody, and everybody sees this and immediately gets a standoffish attitude from it. Seriously, almost everytime I read posts by FFA players, its “We’re the best, fuck the rest of the country.” Then obviously the rest of the country responds, “WTF?! Fuck you FFA!” I don’t even think it has to do with the claim to be the best, lots of places and people go around saying they are the best, and are still able to keep a friendly rivalry going in the community. No, I think its the “fuck the rest of the country” attitude and vibe that seems to come from the posts is what gets at people. I remember at TS5, the big thing was when Pyro called the rest of the country Mongolia or something.
I mean, why is this always happening every year now? Last year it was, “Why do we have to leave our state?” The year before it was, “Why can’t everybody come here at some random day in January?” Texas players usually go and try to support and attend these qualifiers, which proves that its not just FFA that attends these things. I thought the goal was to not only decide the best team to send to SBO to compete, but also to help bring the country together to help support our TEAMS that are going to Japan. This was not meant to be a personal attack on Domo_Kun, I have no idea who you are, but this is not the first time I’ve read a post like this either from an FFA player or an FFA supporter. Everybody just needs to STFU already about this, let Pyro, FFA, Texas, Jwong, or whoever go out there do there thing and represent the US the best that they can in Japan. The rest of us should be there to help support them, because whoever wins the qualifiers represents the entire US. Good luck to both the EC and WC SBO 3S teams, as well as hopefully a US Tekken team, in Japan!
why do you fucking nubs actually waste your time arguing with each other over all of this…
popoblo, go eat your kfc and stop talking about dan and namameso being scrubs
domokun, stop being an FFA cheerleader and go win a tournament
Ranma005, why are you wasting your time?
Nothing any of you say is persuading anyone else, we all have our mind made up about ffa and stop wasting my damn time, cause when scrubs yell at each other all day it’s really interesting to me and I’m supposed to be studying for finals.
i’m far from FFA cheerleader status.
so i said, pyro > jwong. so what? blow me
so i said, even Amir > jwong. so what? blow me
no need to tell me to go win a tourneyment. winning a tourney doesn’t automatically make you credible or an expert. so you if you want to shake your magic 8 ball, or call miss cleo for answers, then you do it! but we ALL know whos most likely going to win, so stfu
nhlang, don’t jump in. you don’t have 3s tourneys in south africa. whos your best competition over there? kunto kinte? stfu