(NOTE: 3S ONLY!) SBO WC Qualifier - Mar 25-26 @ FFA in California

Super Battle Opera US Qualification Format

Family Fun Arcade(FFA) and Tokyo Game Action(TGA) have both been chosen to run respective tournaments, to produce two teams for the United States.

-The entry fee for both locations will be twenty(20) US Dollars, per entrant, payable prior to participation. To promote Pre-Registration, an additional five(5) US Dollar entry fee, per entrant, will be charged for teams that register AFTER Friday, March 24th for the West Coast Qualfiiers.

-Canadian citizens are allowed to enter at both locations and tournaments.

-Dual Entries (entrant loses at TGA, then plays again at FFA) are permissible.

-No backup players allowed. In the event that an entrant loses eligibility, the team will lose that respective member.

-Players must be 18 years of age or older to participate.

-Entrants must possess the ability to obtain a vaild US Passport prior to May 2006.

-Entrants must be under no legal or civil restrictions which would prevent them from traveling to Japan, including but not limited to: Criminal Convictions in the United States of America and / or Japan.

-Each winner will receive one(1) round-trip ticket and free entry into the SBO Finals in Tokyo, Japan.

-Entrants are responsible for food, lodging and ground transportation and other expenses.

FFA specific entry guidelines:

-The date of the Super Battle Opera - West Coast Qualifier Event will be Saturday, March 25th to Sunday, March 26th.

-Signups will begin on Friday, March 24th.

-FFA’s objective is to field the most qualified team to participate in SBO, to avoid character-conflicts so that participants are playing at their full potential, and to maximize fairness for all participants while cooperating with rules and decisions from Tougeki (Japan). Therefore, FFA’s format will be Team Entry, Single Match, Double Elimination for Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.

-FFA’s Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike qualifiers will be run on Old-Type version. The games will be played in VS style / Head to Head US-Style Upright cabinets, with Convex buttons and Perfect 360™ Joysticks.

-FFA’s Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection qualifiers will have PlayStation controller ports available on the cabinets. Tekken 5 will be held on Namco-issued arcade hardware.

-FFA will seed brackets based upon region to avoid conflicts and ‘friendly-fire’ eliminations between players from the same area.

-If a selected SBO player is disqualified, does not have a passport, or cannot participate before the departure to Japan, remaining contributions will be distributed to the other members of that team.

-All FFA entries will be required to verify age before participation in the SBO Qualifier Tournament. Winners will be required to sign a wavier form to indemnify FFA from liability.

-West Coast Qualifier venue will be decided and announced by January 21st, 2006.

-Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection qualifier format will be announced in a later date but will reflect Japanese rules as closely as possible.

-Players must register and use ONE(1) character throughout the entire Super Battle Opera series.


see… i’m not going to join cause my teammates suck… if it was singles i’d definitely qualify

Here’s a couple of notes.

-Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection qualifiers are ONLY at the West Coast FFA qualifiers. It is a 3-man Team event.

-Venue options are: Interface Gaming Network, in Simi Valley, CA or Family Fun Arcade, in Granada Hills, CA. Interface offers a much larger event and spectator area, and is only a dozen miles away from FFA.

-Lodging arrangements will be announced soon. I will attempt to negotiate discounts for local hotels. Also, bus schedules and taxi info will be posted for convenience. There should be plenty of us available to shuttle visiting players, though.

-PLEASE pre-register for the event or register on Friday, March 24th, so we have time to prepare the tournament format and brackets. We really don’t want your extra 5 bucks.

-If you register as a team and then swap a member out for someone else at the last minute on Saturday, March 25th, we will charge you for that. If you let us know at least the day before the tournament, there will be no charge.

-Xboxes with Street Fighter Anniversary Edition will be available to practice on! BRING YOUR CONTROLLERS.

-The final schedule has not been decided yet, but we are planning on holding casual singles and team tournaments on Sunday, March 26th, to celebrate the event.

-SBO Winners will be posted IMMEDIATELY on the Internet and data submitted to Arcadia Magazine/Enterbrain Staff for registration. Before entering, be SURE you have a passport, sufficient funds, and clearance from obligations or duties that would otherwise prevent you from attending SBO. Your team CANNOT have a substitute.

-Yes, if you lose at the East Coast quals, you CAN attend the West Coast one. It’s three weeks ahead of EC, but only one week after Texas Showdown. Fair warning. We can’t change the date to anything later because of SBO regulations.

-Denjin Video will be the unofficial website/center for FFA/IF. The current website is: http://users.adelphia.net/~arlieth . It will soon be moved to a new domain.

-Is there gonna be seeding at all?.. or the random cpu select?

-The team that wins at FFA gets a garanteed 3 plane tickets?.. or are they responsible for the purchase of the tickets?

How many Tekken DR winners will there be?.. and do they get free plane tickets?..

…just wondering?..

Yes, this tournament will have Regional Seeding. This means that if you and your buddies came in from Arizona, you won’t be playing and eliminating each other in the first round. Unless like, fifty of you showed up.

The FFA teams will have tickets supplied. We will have fundraisers held to subsidize the contributions.

There are 3 Tekken DR winners, as one Team unit. Three tickets.

That’s actually six total tickets supplied by FFA for this event. (3 for 3rd Strike, 3 for Tekken 5.)

Sounds dope, I’m gonna go to this qualifier.

FMJ sticky assist

Tom had a good idea of making the winner of the upcoming ranking battles the third member of my team.

So after this ranking battle season is over the person with the most points will team up with me and frank.

The other alternative to the Winner of Ranbat (especially if it turns out that the person is not able to financially make it to SBO) is to have the top 4 ranked players of RanBat enter in a Round-Robin with Yi, Vic, Ken I, and myself (who were already planning a round-robin for the spot, this was the original plan) and make this an 8-man Round Robin on the final day.

Actually, I think this is a better idea and allows players who cannot attend all RanBats at least a fighting chance to enter the final Round-Robin. This will be the tentative plan for now. Rules to be drafted later.

Sounds good. I forgot Yi can’t make it to all the ranbats.


Okay, after some contemplation, RanBat will not be used to determine teams or members thereof for SBO. Pyro can wait to see who wins RanBat but it doesn’t mean that they are obligated to or are entitled to being on Pyro’s team.

Here’s my stance (and FFA’s stance) on this: The members of your team is purely a personal decision, and you have to take chemistry, personality and morale into the picture. For administration to dig its hands into choosing who goes on a team, or to disallow people from teaming up with each other, is really over-management. It also totally defeats the purpose of Team Qualifiers in the first place.

Also, if two players of a team want to decide who the third will be, they both need to agree and be comfortable with the decision. To be paired with a team member who you feel very uncomfortable with will definitely affect your capacity to perform in a tournament, and I feel that each team should be playing at their best as a unit, and as friends. I firmly believe that one should not be forced to do something that they are not comfortable with.

This is taking into consideration the history and personal quirks of the So.Cal arcade scene. East Coast quals are handled in a different fashion because of differently stated objectives, stricter regulation by Tougeki (Japan) and most importantly, its own incumbent community of players. The EC scene is drastically different from ours and thus justifies a separate body of rules to accomodate the situation.

RanBat is simply RanBat, and a fundraiser for our SBO qualifier winners. Matt Chin will be designated Interface/RanBat Tournament Administrator, and will not be involved with SBO decisions or teams (except his own team to enter the SBO Quals) in any capacity.

tom is wise. not joking. :bgrin:

I like your orginal decision on just having a round robin with the people Pyro and Frank think should be on their team. Team Chemistry is everything, you are right Tom. So let them pick who should fight it out for the last spot. It will work out much better for their team.

Just a random Blackman’s 2 cents =D

Let the RanBat BEGIN!!!


Quick question, what if somebody makes in on EC quals with Denjin Ryu? But we all know thats Franks character too. What would happen?

thanks in advance

:confused: I’m guessing that there would be a denjin Ryu on each team…

yea they’re 2 seperate teams so it doesn’t matter

WOW Good Stuff!!!


So ranbat is this sat?thats cool. but rockefeller,i hope u wont b providing ur fag commentary-that shit makes me sick

yeah they just joke about shit, so many attacks go unannounced. But the short jab short grab set up about Geo was great, thats was str8 old school 3s at its bEST!!