We can definitely hold singles (both games) Sunday. Also, I’m gonna finish drafting everything by tomorrow for official shoutouts. I can’t believe it’s so close o_O
The West Coast Qualifiers Just Got Better Now:clap:
Might need a 3rd team mate? Sorry Hyrdo we got an Alex, Watson???
This guy speaks the truth. Listen to him. He is wise and skillful in the art of whoopin nigga’s ass in multiple games. I think people want to play against FFA’s best players, but from what I undestand they don’t travel that much. When I went to EVO2k4 I went to FFA and I didn’t want to leave once I started to play there. I understand why they don’t travel. It’s prolly the 2nd best arcade i’ve ever been too in my life. ("“SHGL”" was the best I visited during E3 several years ago) The only reason I wasn’t at FFA almost everyday during that week of EVO2k4 was because I was on vacation with my wife and I had to do the whole site seeing/beach thing with the wife for most of the week I was there in cali. It took me back to my youth when the arcades in the ATL were good and comp was abundent. I won’t hate on them for not traveling, but there is something to what mike said in his post. He does talk alot of shit, but HE WINS. I think there are 6 types of mind sets in the community these days. I’m going to list them and I don’t want to get flamed for this shit. Just something i’ve noticed since i’ve been on srk and promoting my tournaments through srk.:
- I’m the best. I play at the best run arcade in the usa. The setup and the controllers/buttons IMO are the best in the nation, so why play any where else when I got it all at my arcade. IMO I play against the overall best comp in the usa at (insert game name here) in my area, so why travel across the USA just to prove what I already know is true. Let the truth be known you should beg me to attend your tournament because i’m the best at (insert game here). You feel like you have nothing to prove so why travel. If you want the crown come and take it at my home arcade beeyotch.
I understand this line of thought, but I don’t agree with it. I’m the type to go a prove i’m the best if I thought I was the best at (Insert game name here). but with that said different storkes for different folks
- I’m the best and i’ll go whoop on anybody in any region if I have the chance to attend a big tournament outside of my comfort zone/region. I don’t care if it’s in Houston (TS), newjersey (ECC), Chi Town (MWC), in the ATL (FinalRound) shamless plug:confused: :looney: :looney: I’m going to whoop that ass when I get to town and rep my city/region/arcade to the fullest.
I’ve never been that good on a national scale like Mike W. has, but I was a local headbuster back in the day, and that was my mindset when I went to different tournaments around the ATL south. Rep my city to the fullest and put us on the map. Now I only run tournaments and the main reason I throw (FR) is to keep the scene alive down here in the dirty, dirty.
- There’s alot of money to be made at this big tournaments and alot of sucka’s willing to fork it over because they THINK THEY HAVE A CHANCE IN (insert game name here). I don’t care about their scene. I don’t want to talk to any of them. I just want to whoop that ass and leave with all of the money. If I don’t have a chance to make atleast $100 on my trip I ain’t going. That’s after I get my money back for paying for the trip to your tournament. My time is money and I plan on taking it all playa.
I understand this line of thought also. If your the best and people are willing to pay to play against you, then you earn that money. I understand that winning the loot is your main objective and big tournaments are your favorites. Everyone wants to win, but only a few people really have a chance of winning at a major. You understand this while alot of people will never undestand it, thus there will always be money to be won. It’s all about the hustle
- It’s all about the comp for you. To meet and play against alot of new and skillful players is what you seek to make you a better player at (insert game name here). It’s kinda like you take on the persona of “RYU” and search for the next challenge to make you a better player at (insert game name here) and your willing to travel to do it because there’s no one in your area/region that can beat you in (insert game name here). It’s also about meeting/playing against new peeps and making new friends/rival’s in (insert game name here) around the nation. Meeting and competing against people that enjoy’s the same hobbies as you do.
To tell you the truth, alot of people are like #4. There are alot of people that like to travel to tournaments to play against better comp because their area is pretty much dead. We have that problem in the ATL South.
- Shit talking players/Dick riding fanboys that cheer and praise their local videogame hero’s. These’s are the guy’s that start 85% of the drama online on srk or IIRC. Some fanboy of one region’s top player dissing another regions top player and you got instant drama. Or it could be a top player who wants to increase the hype over the a tournament by starting a beef with another region’s/city’s top players.
I don’t understand and will never understand that dumbshit. I think some people like to talk shit about other people just to start shit. The bad thing is you could talk cash money shit in your region and not have to worry about it. But if you do the same shit in another region and you might get that ass whooped. Sometimes people get a lil out of hand when they have a computer screen between you and the person your talking shit towards. Just remember that someone can take a flight or drive to the tournament you are attending and whoop your ass.
- Fuck console tournaments. I hate them and and I won’t attend them. I play on arcade version only. Unless it’s not released in the USA in the arcade you will never see me attend a console based tournament. Everyone know’s that most of the console games are “NOT ARCADE PERFECT” and I refuse to play a fucked up version of a game I love to play. And yes a Super Gun is still a console in my mind because it’s not in a cabinet.
***I understand this also. I don’t agree with it, but I understand why some people are like that. If you grew up in an arcade scene that is as strong as SHGL, SVGL, FFA, CTF, and other great arcade scenes why would you want to play on console. Some people/regions have no other choice but to play on console to keep the scene alive because arcades are pretty much dead in their area/region. Like down here in the ATL south, if it wasn’t for consoles the little bit of people that play down here would have prolly stop playing IMO by now. It’s kinda like a double edge sword. The consoles keep the scene alive down here, but it’s the main reason why the arcade scene died in the ATL south. Mom and pop arcades that buy the latest fighting game are fucked over because 3 months after they paid between $2000-$6000 on the latest game it’s released on the home console for $49.99. That’s a bitch slap in the face and it’s not worth it to bend over backwards to get the hot shit 1st when you’ll be lucky to have the game pay for itself. I love consoles because it made (FR) into what it is today, but I also hate them because all of the arcades in my city/region are fucking gone with the wind!:sad: :wasted: ***
This post wasn’t directed towards anyone, so don’t flame me please. It was my opinion on the 6 types of mind sets that i’ve seen in the community. I know most of you guy’s don’t know who the hell I am and that usually leads to flaming. If I offended anyone with my post, then my bad shawty. :wonder:
Good luck to everyone that qualifies for SBO.
Marvel tournament plz.
Its all good I play Necro NeWays:looney:
ive told you many of times… stfu . eat a dick… faggot
Man I cant make this historical event, my wife wont let me come out to play.
I already went to EC quals and she said if u dont make it there too bad cause no more tournies until June for me.:sad:
Come On Vic I really hope u make it this TIME!!
There has been some sort of miscommunication. US is only guaranteed spots in SBO for SF3 3S and nothing else. There is no guaranteed TK spot for US this year.
US is allowed:
- A 3 man 3S team for EC (Complete)
- A 3 man 3S team for WC (Pending March 25th)
Please see my very first post regarding this. I don’t know how TK got thrown in as a spot.
However, in the past, the last chance qualifier held on SBO day in Japan is usually open to all comers. (I will repost once I verify this last chance qualifier is still present this year) So a possibility would be that a TK team can travel to Japan on their own and enter this tournament and if they win, be allowed a spot in the final Tougeki bracket. But there is no qualifying spot for US to get a guaranteed spot in the final SBO bracket.
choiboy, i am a tekken player on TZ and have been informed that FFA will be hosting a qualifiers for tekken. It’s been sticked on our site for quite some time and people from across the country are coming to participate in it.
Could you explain or clarify what exactly you mean no TK spot is guaranteed? Perhaps your info could be incorrect or outdated? Plz hit me back asap because this new info could save people a lot of time/energy/money or dissapoint ppl to hell.
WTF, people are coming from out of town for this.
Hope I can save up enough leave by than…:sad:
I’ve just received word from Choi, today, that we’ve had a serious miscommunication error. This post will be in two parts: 1) Accountability, and 2) Revised Plans.
January 13th:
Phone conversation. First received word personally from Andy of Tokyo Game Action, for the very first time, that FFA was going to be the venue for the SBO quals for BOTH SF3:3s and T5:DR. He also stated that FFA was responsible for paying for the plane tickets of all players. At this point in time, I was not aware that T5:DR even existed as a game, let alone a qualifier.
Ralph (FFA owner) and I were both seriously wondering about the viability of a T5:DR qualifier when a) The U.S. release of the game was unknown, b) Whether importing a T5:DR cabinet from Japan would piss off Namco USA, and c) If we could even afford three extra plane tickets to Japan for the Tekken players.
Andy also stated that he reported directly to Mr. Yamamoto of the Tougeki(SBO) organization and that whatever Mr. Yamamoto says, goes. We decided to work on our own separate formats for qualifiers (Singles or Teams) and I would submit a draft of our rules to Andy, to forward on to the Tougeki/SBO staff for approval because of the disparity in Qualification format. If Mr. Yamamoto approved, great.
Because Andy’s voice was dying that day from the flu, we resumed correspondence through email.
January 14th:
Email correspondences sent regarding drafting of rules. FFA’s draft of rules (with FFA doing Team qualifiers) was sent to Andy for double-checking/approval by Mr. Yamamoto. At the time, a Japanese representative of Tougeki/SBO was visiting/staying at Tokyo Game Action in RI.
A note about Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection qualifiers was included in the rules, as well as the event date (March 25th-26th). Deadline to submit Qualifier winners to Japan was March 27th, and it was the week after Texas Showdown 6, which is why the weekend of the 25th-26th was decided upon. This is also where the issue of Canadian players came up, which was quickly resolved.
No disapproval was ever mentioned regarding Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, the date of the tourney for March 25th-26th, or the Team Format for Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. Because Andy had later announced that the West Coast was officially holding Team qualifiers for 3s, we assumed the rest had received approval.
January 15th:
I announced the West Coast SBO Qualifiers on both SRK and Tekken Zaibatsu.
Also, email correspondence with Andy was sent regarding an SBO logo for flyers/etc, and how to procure one.
January 16th:
Andy replied via email that FFA should have received a package in the mail with Tougeki/SBO materials. Supposedly, each game center is supposed to purchase the materials. We make an inquiry on how to to do so.
January 23rd:
Received an email from Andy. In it, he asked who had registered FFA as an SBO qualifier spot, and that a registration fee was required. Also, he states that he did not want to step on Kuni’s toes regarding this issue.
Received a call for the very first time from Choi. Briefly discussed about Kuni deciding that FFA was the West Coast qualifiers for SBO. Choi and Andy begin discussions.
February 6th:
It is confirmed, from Choi, with confirmation from Kuni, that FFA is a registered qualifier venue for SBO. No registration fees were required.
There is no written evidence of FFA holding a Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection qualifier for SBO in writing. This particular subject was discussed solely over the phone on January 14th and was not questioned by us. Perhaps we should have attempted to contact Mr. Yamamoto personally or confirmed via Kuni if Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection really was slotted for FFA.
I deeply apologize for the misunderstanding and severe inconveniences caused by this matter.
Moving Forward
Here is what will be done.
Traditionally, Mr. Yamamoto has allowed foreign teams to compete in the Japanese Last Chance Qualifiers before SBO starts.
Family Fun Arcade will hold an unofficial fundraiser tournament for visiting Tekken players to purchase plane tickets to Japan. The entry fee will remain $20 per person.
Denjin Video is currently planning a DVD to help raise funds for the players. $10 from every DVD sale will be contributed directly towards plane tickets to Japan, evenly between 3rd Strike and Tekken 5 players. DVDs will sell for $20. The remaining 50% will go towards Denjin Video tapes, equipment and actual creation and materials for the DVDs themselves.
Finally, a Singles tournament for Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection will be held, with 50% of the pot going directly towards travel expenses.
We estimate that between $600 to $800 can be raised if eight teams participate in the Tekken Qualifiers. If sixteen teams participate in Tekken Qualifiers, then at least $1200-$1400 can be raised for expenses.
The Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Team Tournament at FFA will take place on Sunday, March 26th at 1:00pm. The Singles tournament will be held on Saturday, March 25th at 7:00pm.
FFA would still like to support the Tekken scene to the best of our ability. If you are planning on cancelling your visit to California, we perfectly understand and it is through no fault of you, as a player, for what has transpired. However, the more players that can participate in our tournament, the better it is for the American Tekken scene as a whole. After witnessing the performance of the U.S. Tekken players at Evolution, I have no doubt that the team that emerges from our tournament will be able to make a powerful showing in Super Battle Opera. For every one of you that decides to support this tournament, it makes it that much easier for the best Tekken players in the United States, to become the best Tekken players in the world.
I look forward to seeing you and your game at FFA.
Respectfully yours,
-Thomas Shin/Arlieth, FFA Representative
This information is not outdated. This whole thing started when I received email from President Yamamoto of Tougeki the other night. Apparently, some TK people inquired him about the arrangements regarding a US spot for TK at SBO. He was puzzled as he explicitly gave US 2 spots for 3S but none for TK. So he emailed me asking about it.
I’ve looked through my email logs with FFA organizers and Andy(TGA) and I found no mention of TK anywhere. I also looked through my posts on SRK and saw no mention of TK. If you follow the link to my original post, I make it clear that US has spots for 3S and no other games. Unfortunately, some miscommunication has led to TK being added to the WC qualifier. Also, it appears as though the false information about the US spot was populated over to Zaibatsu as well.
Arlieth has taken some action regarding the matter. I’ve also replied to Mr. Yamamoto and let him know that it was an error and asked about possible alternatives. I also asked for a definitive decision about the last chance qualifier and how we can leverage that. I’ll await his response and notify the forum accordingly.
I hope the marvel qualifier isn’t cancelled. I posted about that shit all over the dipsetmixtapes.com =\
You know I have to say this on behalf of the three Tekken players from Houston considering that they were practicing up pretty hard to compete in SBO qualifiers, I think that is very inconsiderate of you guys to post inaccurate info especially since you guys know how hard it is to get refunds on plane tickets especially if it’s a non-refundable flight. And then on top of it offering Tekken 5 DR as a last chance qualifier when it wasn’t advertised that way adds insults to injury. Seems like Japan was afraid of Crow showing their players up considering that he trashed up both Japan and Korea at Evo 2k5.
At least Choi spoke up now. If he hadn’t and none of this was mentioned til the actual qualifier then things would be a lot worse. At least now they can try to fix the situation a bit.
I’ve gotten a reply from Mr. Yamamoto. The alotted spots to the final bracket was already finalized and divided up accordingly last year. He expressed back in December that US would only get spots for 3S and nothing else. Since all the available spots are already taken up, there is no way for another team, whether US or Japan, to get a spot in the final bracket.
He also gave me a definitive answer that the last chance qualifier is still open and available to US players. He also extended this open tournament to not just 3S and TK but all other SBO games. So it appears as that we can send other teams besides the 2 teams we are allowed for 3S. It’s just that they will have one more step of fighting it out with other entrants and will not get a free ride into the final bracket.
In order to be able to compete in the last chance qualifier, I was simply instructed to notify him of what games and how many spots the US desired so he can plan accordingly. SBO is less than 2 months away. This decision will need to be reached quickly so people from US and Japan can make proper accomodations.
Arlieth has already made some suggestions regarding this. Please feel free to speak up with suggestions as well. I’ll monitor this thread for some input and give Mr. Yamamoto a valid number before the end of the month.