(NOTE: 3S ONLY!) SBO WC Qualifier - Mar 25-26 @ FFA in California

you are a cheerleader. your doing exactly what “jwong fanboys” do, over shit you could of easily ignored.

lets take a neutral stand point on what your comparing.
A) that a player flew in and lost 2 out of 3 at ffa(ffa:wc), to someone he s never played against.
B) that a local chun/whoever is automatically better cause they do better against pyro, someone they re familiar with and get to play against on a regular basis.
no disrespect to the ffa players of course.

chill out

god this fucking south african kid… YOU ARE A FUCKING MORON… STFU…

i get tired of long posts that should only read, STFU and fight.
except mine.

DIP H8 bitch!:arazz:

John Choi own all you in 3s… you just dont know it yet… lol

-New Developments-


Just wanted to confirm what Arario said from Tekken Zaibatsu Forums.

Since it appears that we won’t be able to bring in the necessary amount of teams to pay for plane tickets (especially if you’re from, say, Texas where airfare is prohibitively higher), it seems that calling the Tekken tournament off is the only alternative. The DR machine will still be available if players present wish to hold an impromptu tournament, but since we cannot guarantee airfare and with fewer than eight teams being a very real possibility, it won’t be enough to hold it as a major event.

It’s been a disappointment for everyone this year, and for that, I apologize. Maybe next time (with some actual written confirmation ) we’ll hold a Tekken event with recorded match videos and FFA-contributed prizes. FFA is already well known as the WC 3s powerhouse and with the scene present at the arcade’s DR machine, I don’t see why FFA can’t also be well-known for its Tekken scene as well. I’d like to get together with local FFA Tekken players who know everyone in the scene and can work with me on organizing these events.

====3rd Strike====
We will be holding a $5 SINGLES tournament on FRIDAY NIGHT at 7pm, and accepting registrations for the SBO Qualifiers at $20 per head. If you do not register your team on Friday (either by calling me, email or indian smoke signal, just let me know what the team will be), registration will be $25 per head on Saturday. If your team composition changes between Friday and Saturday, the new players on the team must pay $25.

Saturday’s schedule:
10:00am - FFA Opens
12:00pm - Registration Closes
1:00pm - Tournament Begins

We expect the tournament to end by 5-6pm at the latest. Here’s a recap of the rules:

-Single Character per Player
-No player can use a duplicate character with a team member
-Team Order can be changed between each match
-Double Elimination
-Single Match (Pokemon format, i.e.: one member can OCV a team)
-Judgment WILL NOT COUNT. It will constitute a replay of the match.
-If a player declares that his/her controls are not working (but they still work fine), both the player and the machine itself will be Yellow-Carded. The match will also be replayed from scratch if it is on Round 1 and both characters are still alive. (When a character is KO’ed, round ends immediately.) Otherwise, match will resume from the beginning of the round on which it was stopped, with EX meter verified by camera footage. Match will resume on the SAME SIDES as before.
-If the machine is complained about again by another player and there is a maintenance issue involved, then the previous player’s Yellow Card will be removed, but the previous player’s match will NOT be replayed.
-A machine may ALWAYS be tested before a match for a new player. If the machine’s been Yellow-Carded, this is a good idea.
-Missing Team members may NOT be replaced after the start of the tournament.
-Winners must have their pictures taken for the official SBO booklet.

Later, after the SBO quals and on Sunday for the visitors, we may have some ‘fun’ tournaments such as Tag Team Match (one character, two players, switch between rounds) and Cooperation-Cup Battle.

If you need to contact me for registration/questions/etc, my email address is:


Please do not PM me, as I never check the thing. Also, you can get my Cell # through my email.

Hope to see you there!

you post random shit :wonder:

Ive gotta stop buying sobe.(Random is cool!):arazz:

Since you are canceling the TK tournament, I want to ask if any TK team is planning on attending SBO (out of own pocket) for a chance to compete in the last chance qualifier?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

a KKK 3s playa-never heard of that one

yes KKK… u fucking stupid bitch… eat a dick