North Carolina Thread LXV "Farewell NC"

AE is just more rehashed garbage. There someone said it.

Honestly, the only time I’ve been hype for AE was the last couple matches at EVO. That was some crazzzy shit.

So it’s pretty formulaic? No room for creativity? There aren’t any teams that run meterless, whore, moderate meter, or anything?

Yeah, the couple times I’ve been it seems like my stick would be way way too loud for that environment. Also, smash has to be played on the wii – or do people bring another wii and use the xbox tv? Slaughterhome, do you mean that there’s a 90% chance that marvel will be being played? That’s pretty awesome. You worded it weird, so I’m not sure if that’s what you meant.

There’s room for creativity in KOF teams, it’s just that the main thing that links characters on a team together in that game is the super meter, so that’s what you have to manage your team and order around.

I say just learn character options and kick they ass old school style.

There’s definitely room for creativity. The stuff I mentioned is really just traditional “what makes sense” thought process on team building, but it’s by no means a restrictive set of rules for what you do. Everyone has HD combos pretty much. Almost everyone has meterless combos, and you can always fall back on fundamentals. Takuma is generally thought of as an anchor but Darrell won the whole tournament with practically just Takuma on point last saturday, (I came the closest in winners finals, but then he straight OCVed me with Takuma a bunch in grand finals -___-).

So if you wanna play a bunch of point characters or a bunch of anchors, I don’t think it’d mean you can’t compete. If you have a point guy as anchor, you’ll probably just be doing 60-70% for HD combos instead of 80-100%. It’s just optimization really. Skill is still the biggest determining factor though, since it’s not Marvel where assists completely change how a character players and are sometimes necessary for a character to be competitive (Zero with assists vs without assists, as an example).

You can play an anchor char on KOF as point, I don’t think the distinction is as big as people think.

Edit: one exception I think- Vice.

I do think an anchor character should have a good EX move/DM that can be used outside of a combo though to shut people down, and solid meterless damage once you shoot your load. This is why Mai isn’t a good anchor despite her godly Neomax and ability to land it off any EX move.

If I come today I’ll help y’all run it. I seriously can’t believe y’all feel pressured with 5 hours to run 2 tournaments with 4 setups. You have all the resources to make that possible. It honestly shouldn’t be taking you more than 2 hours to run a 20 man AE tournament.

If there’s Marvel, I’ll sign up lol.

MvC3 team tourney?

yeah i can bring an extra lag-less setup if that helps get things done faster.

fuck that. I like this format. More relaxed, less stressed. Im trying to drink and chill too. If we run multiple games, the good players (like yourself) hold up the brackets. I really want to do the team battle, and i dont want to be there all night to do it.

@Azn_Boy: Didn’t think about it until now but do any of those systems have the 2012 update? If you can connect online with the boxes in the Wolves Den then I can just download the update to it. Wolves Den was always pretty available as far as I knew, but things could have changed. Not to invade your space but do you have the 2012 update on your box and if so could we play at your place if the Wolves Den strat doesn’t work? I’m just up the road so if all else fails we can play at my place, but just let me know ahead of time so I can swing by and pick you up instead. That way at least I don’t have to worry about parking and walking all the way across campus.

Charlotte already has it’s teams together for AE, Marvel, and MK. I am trying to see who is going to…

Atlanta Revival

What are your teams going to be?

Jon you have got to be coming out to this. Can you or do you have a team for this already?

Raf hating on my hustle, what time you wanna go and Mikaul wants to come (not sure about Dustin I’ll have to call him later).

[LEFT]Alright guys I am going to change it up for the RanBats since we are on the home stretch. I am going to incorporate something to keep people coming out so there are no free rides for anyone.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]All ranbats, that’s Marvel, AE, and Mk, will be double points.[/LEFT]

[LEFT]That means that the point scale will be:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]1st - 20pts[/LEFT]
[LEFT]2nd - 16pts[/LEFT]
[LEFT]3rd - 12pts[/LEFT]
[LEFT]4th - 10pts[/LEFT]
[LEFT]5th - 8pts[/LEFT]
[LEFT]6th - 6pts[/LEFT]
[LEFT]7th - 4pts[/LEFT]
[LEFT]8th - 2pts[/LEFT]
[LEFT]If you are close in the running then this should give you that much more of a reason to come out so you hold on to that spot.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Only 4 RanBats left to get points at then the last time to get points will be at the tourney on the 11th. [/LEFT]
[LEFT]The following week I will transfer the badges to the players that won and buy the entry to their respective games. [/LEFT]
[LEFT]Let’s finish strong on this and get ready for the next round. I have some big things planned for the next ones that will include all of NC![/LEFT]
[LEFT]Also remember that I have 3 rooms for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night. That’s a Marvel, AE, and MK room. 2 beds 4 people. We will probably be taking extra people if we have[/LEFT]

[LEFT]room and they don’t mind the floor.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Good luck and see you tonight!![/LEFT]

My roommate will be in the room lol.

I can bring my harddrive to your place or Wolves’ Den.

Haha, well yeah but if he’s cool with it I don’t mind either. Anyway I can swing by and pick you up then, that way I can save some time from walking. Plus they’ve got a renewal party here with free food so we can grab a quick bite sometime later as well.

But yeah I should be there after 230 PM so I’ll give you a call once I hit Dan Allen or something. Later.

This is street fighter iv night right? I like the one game format because it draws the total community for that game without compensating for time issues. Yall marvel players trying to get paid every weds is not the plan. Don’t mess with the format, you had your wed and it looked like you had fun.

sooner or later guys, it will get to AE and marvel once we have enough staple setups, i do still want to run marvel, but ima at least run this AE solo tournament first to test some things out, marvel WAS last week so i gotta give AE players their day. If you wonder why we only run AE and Marvel, to put it simple, iits the games that have the biggest impact on the FGC right now. I know that KOF is Getting big but until we (we as in the tournament organizers for WNB) see it for our selves that this game is going to be a “Headliner” then it’ll take some time till we start running it.

I’ll be there tonight, first time coming out to anything since moving up here from Florida. Can’t wait!