Dude im not as godlike at running tournaments as you are @_@ I dont remember because i’ve been absent from EZ for quite some time, but should i run them both at once or one then another because with only 4 setups we had a good 20 people per tournament at the Pilot Test tournament we ran and we tried to run Marvel then AE and barely finished, I NEED TIPS!!!
Always run the slower games first so do AE before Marvel.
Make sure you always have matches on standby, so after you have all 4 setups full, immediately call 4 more matches behind them to lessen the amount of down time for any station.
If you have 4 copies of AE and Marvel then run 1 game first then the other. As soon as it becomes impossible to run 4 matches of AE because you’re getting towards the end of the bracket start switching over to marvel one setup at a time as they become available.
How much time are you allotted to run these weeklies?
Oh ok, see we were running Marvel then AE, we also should start Marvel matches once AE starts to come to a close, oh and well the people help running the tournament with setups and what not get there at 6:00pm and we have until 1:am. We usually start around 8 because most people think thats a good time, im thinking thats kinda late to run 2 tournaments though
Y’all had around 20 people with 4 setups and 5 hours to run it and barely got finished? Yeah that’s mostly just an organization problem because considering your resources and time that’s entirely feasible. During the weeklies I run we play 4 games on 1-2 setups each with around 10 entrants each. We start registration around 8 and start the tournament around 9. We usually get done around 12 then play casuals all night, that’s only a 3 hour time period. As you can see it’s possible for you to run both, just need to be more organized.
oh ok ok, yeah if thats the case then we are doing something wrong, ima talk it over with the others so both marvel and AE players can play weekly, thx my n-word
Personally, me and my friends were happy that the registration goes to 7:30 since we have a class that goes until 6:30. We’re probably in the minority though. Thought I should give my input.
Honestly I would prefer it if the registration went till 730 as well. It would allow me to round up my merry bunch from my usual Wednesday sessions and maybe get out there to play sometime.
Also, great session at Jon’s last night. Felt like I got a little better for just being there and playing. And thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy B-day and a special thanks to Jon for providing me with a B-day dinner. Good luck to everyone making it down to Charlotte Saturday, I’ll be watching you lol
PS I’ll be holding a “Viewing” party at my place Saturday for those of us who can’t make it. Not to mention I’ll have some playoff football on the TV as well