No more 3S on GGPO

Why does that dude’s name have that little evolution badge?



Why yes. If we take the current state of 3SOE as the starting point, would it take more effort to fix the bugs, than it would to nerf and buff some characters?
Certainly the latter.

I think you misunderstood me when you thought the rebalance would fix the bugs. Like I said, new (old) game for a new generation… with new bugs :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s not what you were talking about at first.

Maybe I wasn’t clear enough in my first post. But that was what I was trying to say.

One thing’s for sure: ‘Iron Galaxy’ certainly don’t give a sh1t about anyone in threads like this. Whole team probably sits around playing COD, when they’re not busy wrecking 2D games from the '90s.

They sure made a poor job overall, but now, they probably can’t do anything even if they want. The real responsible is Capcom, they got the money, they decide if a patch is needed or not, not the devs.

SRK should have a one click unique IP petition on the front page, to get Cap to patch the damned Ranked search function at least. Getting paired up with the same orange dot dude for like 10 minutes straight is a completely flawed and broken product IMO. To the guy some posts back talking about getting a job, to get off GGPO: what a crock of sh1t
I’ve been buying legit, boxed games since the late '80s, and been in full time employment since the late '90s. I gladly paid around £10 in MS points to get 3sOE. The PR that claimed it was “Arcade Perfect” was blatantly false advertising. It’s a terrible conversion that reeks of a desperate-for-cash rush job.

Being able to select players, and type in chat on GGPO, totally aced what we have now, and of course, it was literally based off the arcade board. The notion that the console paid-for version is somehow superior just doesn’t hold agency… and I’m an XBL Ambassador!

is now an appropriate time to mention Karnovs Revenge again

I was playing 3s yesterday and I got a few wins. It was fun.

Trying to play ggpo, got the “sf3 fix”, sf3 rom, but when i try to load the usa rom it sas “not working. load anyway?” then i am met with #c0000005.0053BC3E
before it would say i didn’t have the u2 bios rom even though it was right there, now its just that. won’t work on ggpo or fba. Am i doing something wrong?

I was in the 3s room but when I challenged someone I found myelf playing MvC1

or maybe I was in the MvC1 room. idk what is real anymore o_O

you’re beauty is real. Stay basedd.


<3 kisses


I still hate you fucks for taking the Karnov’s room, why not the Windjammers room.

it all worked out in the end. now 3s has its own room again. and karnov players can just go steal windjammers now.

The actual fuck? Windjammers is a masterpiece compared to the piece of shit that is Karnovs -_-

The actual fuck? Windjammers is a masterpiece compared to the piece of shit that is Karnovs -_-