who is viscant?
He’s that guy who took Vanilla Marvel 3 with Phoenix at Evo and he wrote some article on SRK a few years back where he forsook sex for a year and used a Flesh Light.
You guys don’t seem too happy to embrace new players that only found 3s through 3soe. I actively play on 3soe on a daily basis. Online play works well enough. Shocked that Capcom didn’t make the investment for a proper arcade perfect 3s? Sad that their PR wouldn’t give you the straight truth about anything? Are you new to the reality scene or something? I’m not defending their actions, but I honestly don’t see where all these high expectations came from. 3s wasn’t even ridiculously popular in its time compared to other fighters in the scene.
I say be grateful that 3s has had life breathed into it. It’s a great game that’s been brought out of the underground. Perfect? Hell no. But how many perfect ports have there been in the past from Capcom?
I think it’s sad you all bought the bullshit hook line and sinker to be honest. It’s like when OnLive was in its development stages. Don’t be so naive.
Maybe the game has gotten the attention of a few players, awesome, I’m all for that, but that’s not good enough to ignore how misleading this game was. Seeing how you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, let me elaborate. It’s not the fact that it isn’t perfect, I’m sure people wouldn’t have expected it to be, but Capcom said it would be perfect. This is where full scumbaggery occurs. There are now 4 available versions of Third Strike, why the fuck would anybody buy this game again? Well, they said the words “arcade perfect”. Every time Capcom would talk about online edition, it would be “LOVE LETTER TO THE HARDCORE FANS, GGPO, ARCADE PERFECT.” etc etc. I know myself and others purchased consoles in anticipation for this game. I easily spent over $300 dollars in preparation for this crap. The first few weeks were laughable. The online bugs were so embarrassing that I was convinced it wasn’t QA’d. The “scan-lines” feature looks like a Toys ‘R’ Us version of real scanlines. The in game sound effects are completely off due to the “HIGH DEFINITION” sound, I’m sure some of you remember trash cans. I’m seriously only scratching the surface. I don’t want to beat this dead horse any longer, but you said you didn’t know where these “high expectations came from”, there you have it. Oh, and new life? The game is in the same exact position it was pre online edition.
Where did you hear this?
I’m tempted to add you to the ignore list but I think you’re one of those guys that plays casually and stumbled on this thread and thought he should add his two cents and maybe get a Like.
But… The expectations the community had for 3S were pretty reasonable. All we really wanted was an Arcade Perfect Port. Great online without bullshit. And a good training mode. For a game that’s over 10 years old, is fully emulated (though speed is debatable) and with a dev team that had somewhere around a million dollars to play with and was using GGPO netcode the whole thing seemed like a lock and would be anything but high expectations to the reasonable and I think that includes just about everyone.
And 3SOE was pretty much garbage. The bugs and other needless aesthetic changes put off the high level guys who still play arcades. The online is worse than GGPO 3S and due to the massive amount of SF4 scrubs and a lack of a basic filter system there was little hope you could get better by playing online. And the tournaments didn’t get much of a turnout because it wasn’t arcade perfect, it competed directly against SF4 and Marvel that had higher turnouts and bigger pots, and Chun/Yun being so dominant.
If I got a nickle every time I’ve had to explain this to some random dude who doesn’t know any better and makes wild assumptions I’d probably have about 25 cents by now.
sucks for you guys that cant play 3S on a cab:shake:
I like meeting new people online
as far as the new community that came in with OE, they’re mostly already gone I suspect. every SF4 player I’ve shown this game to has abandoned it within a few weeks. they complain about how everything feels like a guessing game or how they always get obliterated on wakeup or they just don’t like how the game feels. I don’t think the SF4 fans stuck around for long online.
as far as the port goes, the online really is pretty bad. online 3s is sketchy anyway but OE 3s is usually worse. I’ve been in the “at least the offline is better than what we had on PS2” camp but I think defending the online play is a pretty hard sell.
most of the good players aren’t touching OE for offline either. they’re still playing on cab. and the new players went back to whatever game they came from for the most part. so I’m not seeing a whole new life in the game TBH. It’s shown up at a few tourneys though so that’s cool at least.
I’ve pretty much gone back to playing on MAME/FBA. I wonder could you adjust the speed of MAME 3s to be more close to arcade with the CPU Speed setting in the Sliders menu, would have to get 60fps footage of 3s running on arcade to see the correct speed.
What everyone said also you are not digging deeper into 3S. Game companies need to be serious when it comes to what they say or else it will bite them in the dick. There is a responsibility for the publisher and the developer to do the best they can in satisfying their primary audience and for this case it’s the very serious players who played 990512. You need those players to keep it going or else it will fail. When the game is inaccurate to 990512 after many claims that it’s “perfect,” it’s necessary for people to complain. Hell there is a complaint forum on Unity with some legit stuff.
If this was during the previous console generation, patches were near-impossible unless there was a PC version. With an age where everything gets patched and most games coming from arcade are probably accurate (i.e. SF4 games), the thought of an arcade perfect 3S wouldn’t be so complicated. Damn, Capcom and Iron Galaxy took the lazy route. IG though wanted to help patch it more but due to download guidelines (two free patches then $$,$$$ folowing), nothing happened except for half-assed DLC. The whole SFIII forum on Unity is empty as fuck, everyone is mad here, serious players are still playing arcade or GGPO over 3SOE. Capcom got away but the game lost momentum after their main audience disapproved it and the shit here. Sure new players do come in but it’s just new players against new players and maybe Renic when he is drunk or bored of League of Legends for a bit.
Play arcade or at the least Karnov’s Revenge.
Sorry to step on your toes. You guys all make fair points. I am new to the fighting genre but I’ve been a hardcore gamer my whole life, so I can appreciate what it must feel like to have this raped so hard and effortlessly. Emotions can definitely run high. My only point was that everyone based their assumptions off some boner induced PR…you guys should know to withhold judgement and not get your hopes up over statements made by the guy trying to take your money that has yet to make a successful 3s port after given four opportunities to do so.
@Louis by all means throw me on your exclusive list. I really am just some random scrub with ten cents in my pocket.
Hah, with the way things turned out maybe it would have been better if 3SOE had been released with that rebalance after all
A new (old) game for a new generation
This is assuming it’s easier to tweak numbers than it is to get something arcade-perfect.
Just… no… no… and no.
If things would have turned out properly then maybe 3soe would have everyone playing on it.
That’s a strange assumption. You really think it’s easier to make a port and tweak the engine a little than only make the port?
Anyway… Biggest flaw is the online part, followed by visual and audio ones. All of those would have also existed with a rebalance.
a rebalance would not fix the fact that most people playing fighting games are fucking stupid.
3Soe is still a form of 3S. that’s why it didn’t do anything to grow the scene. people already moved on and a lot of them decided they don’t like 3S a long time ago.
Nah bro, if 3sOE didn’t have rare visual glitches it would be headlining EVO.
No, it wouldn’t.
im hoping that was sarcasm. hahah
3s is headlining at evo in my heart
3S should have some form of tournament value. I mean ST still gets some love, but then again it’s because all the old ass dudes who can’t compete host the tournaments and they are “legends” from an era where 7 people showing up to a tournament was a great turn out.