Wow really? Yall gonna manage to turn this into yet another PC vs console debate?
Nah, do not worry. It’s just that the PC could have its own port. 3S GGPO…R.I.P
I’d much rather play it on console, so much easier, guaranteed to work.
However GGPO on PC was just better, choosing people from a lobby, seeing their ping and stuff like original HUD.
If they just include more accurate connection indicators and just improve the online (which they are doing), I’d say its a worthy successor.
It would be nice if they’d port it to PC. But with it being a small title (compared to huge released like MvC3, SFIV), I doubt that it’s going to happen.
I personally don’t miss all the pain and hassle I had to deal with using PC GGPO. I still will use it for when I want to play Vampire Savior online, but outside of that, it’s good to see it used for what it was made for: online play.
Regardless, the creator of GGPO is… getting paid! So good for him! I’m glad to see something he made out of passion has become profitable.
ON A NOTE: None of my comments are related to “PC vs Console.” I believe the more platforms fighters make it to the better. The game can make money again, along with the creator of GGPO, and more players have been introduced to it. And hopefully it’ll be released on PC /officially/, too.
Funny that the lobby system on the PC GGPO client is much better than 3sOE. >.>
That’s because this game isn’t running on the GGPO client, it’s on XBL/PSN. Their interface will never be as open as GGPO is, unfortunately.
It’s not about the money, the 360 is faulty hardware period and I’m not going to increase their install base and I’m not going to validate their business practices in general. I don’t support monopolistic big brother-esque entities and I am not going to violate my principals to play 3’s.
Sony’s not much better, I don’t agree to their EULA I’m a mechanical engineer and you better believe I’m going to open my hardware and do anything I damn well please to it and I am not going to be subject to arbitrary updates that remove features I paid for.
M$ & Sony can decide tomorrow to remove any feature of the system they want up to and including basic functionality.
They could get in to a pissing war with Madcatz or Hori and patch out every stick I own on a whim, break anything they want. Apparently the 360 even has a hard wired remote kill switch in the system, they can ping your box and blow a fuse on the MOBO and you have a brick.
Granted most of these scenario’s are unlikely, but I am not going to be subject to such a agreement for over priced antiquated components taking up space on my shelf.
If it wasn’t for GGPO, PC & MAME keeping SFIII alive they wouldn’t of even had the interest in the game to release a new version.
Well said. The loyal fans of this game have always been PC users. We were playing this game for so many years on GGPO/MAME/nFBA. Some of the players were lucky enough to play in the original arcade cabinet, as well. Now, we are split on PSN and XBL… meh.
This thread got extremely stupid fast.
I am travelling. Ordered myself a stick to be able to play.
All I have is a computer with no graphic card, I still have my CPS3 emulator. Reinstlled GGPO. 3S isn’t anymore.
How the hell do I play ? There is NOTHING here. The few game centers existing don’t have 3SO. And now this. Seriously ?
I don’t care to pay, but I just can’t buy a damn console and a TV while travelling. I thought I could play, and now I can’t. I can barely express how sad I am.
((butthurt rant warning))
You know, I didn’t mind shelling out the money for 3S:O, As a matter of fact I happily did it the first week it came out. What I do mind is paying money for something that was clearly marketed as having a robust online functionality when it actually doesn’t. I already have an OFFLINE 3S for ps2. For some odd reason capcom can’t seem to make the online functionality for their games work properly on PSN and they’ve really made it a point not to give a shit. I don’t want to hear the tired ass excuse about the PS3 being laggy when Blazblue’s netcode seems to work just fine. What we really should be pissed about is the fact that we(PSN players) [S]cant reliably filter out bad connections and get decent games[/S] Got fucked in the ass AGAIN by advertising and not bitching about the fact they wanted to make money off their game. My $0.02 on the issue.
Dude, where the fuck have you been? I agree but the 3S community pretty much universally despises 3SOE. Check out the Capcom: Read this, and 3SOE Dead? Threads to just get an idea. 3SOE is probably the worst port of a fighter in quite some time, not so much because of all the little things but the fact that it had so many good things going for it and Capcom/Iron Galaxy totally fucked up.
I can understand everyone’s frustration with 3SOE, however, GGPO is getting paid by Capcom. Either they get paid to make GGPO for Capcom, or they get a C&C and they cannot do anything with the code.
This is the gayest thread ever,
You guys are gay.
I think most of the problems for this port are online related. There’s some weirdness offline too and it’s not arcade perfect like promised but the vast majority of complaints are about the shitty online.
I don’t think that makes it the worst port of a fighter, though. There’s a lot worse. MvC2 for PS2, and that early SF2 port for current gen consoles were definitely worse and those spring to mind immediately. I’m sure there’s more. I don’t think you can really even blame Iron Galaxy - they said they were aware of the problems and wanted to fix them and Capcom didn’t want to make the investment. The blame should be exclusively on them. It was Capcom that promised arcade perfect gameplay and great online and then released a buggy mess that they didn’t want to pay to fix.
But the problem is that they removed GGPO 3rd Strike Japanese cabinet so there no longer is a way too meet up with friends for the original experience any more.
edit: Minus physically meeting them at an arcade, which for international friends isn’t always possible.
Arcade Perfect Port
Online Edition
Strengthen the 3S community
Why do I feel like this game hurt the 3S scene more?
Because there was a huge split on how Capcom handled Online Edition. It was obviously not arcade perfect(both intentional and unintentional), the online was largely a bust for a lot of people even compared to PC GGPO, not to mention the controversial aesthetic changes they made to the HUD and UI, and the numerous glitches and bugs due to online or even offline. A lot of the good players didn’t want to bother playing OE, leaving the newer guys somewhat in the dust(unless they know how to play on PC GGPO).
It’s a damn shame, and I have to admit that the vets should take some of the blame for the scene being all but dead, but Capcom ultimately dropped the ball hard on this. I’ve said this numerous times, but when you have a guy like Viscant feeling sorry for us, that should say something about OE.
ahhahahaahah viscant. INVOKE THE NAME.
I’m not trying to drag the guy into some argument, just sharing his sentiments regarding OE when he discussed it some time ago outside the boards.