No more 3S on GGPO

already did it :slight_smile:

it has been forever since I played on GGPO, but when I did 3S wasnā€™t that good on there lots of laggy brazilians and stuff.

cya ggpo sadly i ended up playing more super turbo on ggpo but when i did play 3rd strike. i meet some really cool people like dyne ibuki and rpd rookie Q. watching them made me want to play those two characters.

Which is what?..

Canā€™t you just do what bodler used to do all the time and just play a diff game while being in another games lobby. keep playing songo. keeeeeep playing.

shoutout to artayes, the greatest necro player in the history of mankind, u will be missed from ggpo

I fuckinā€™ hated GGPO so much, but even Iā€™ll admit I had a few nice games in against Japanese players. Itā€™s also sad to see a community go out in general.

i fucking hate 3soe. this is the worst piece of shit ever made. im done with this shit. a big fuck you to capcom and thanks a lot derek neal for ruining the game making some retarded ass hip hop bullshit music.

thanks a lot, bro. I will miss you and many others on GGPO as well. So many beast players on there and you either step it up or hit the road.
If you have an xbox account hit me up some time and we can play, and thanks again for the great compliment. I will keep working on Necro until he is perfected or I die of old age. ;p take care

Everyone on GGPO was always nice to me (well, except for Louis ā€œI quit after one matchā€ Cipher). I hope I run into you guys on Xbox Live. :slight_smile:

ggpo dead? nahā€¦ cough karnov room.

lolwut, comparing me toā€¦ Bodler? Seriously?

You drunk?

all I can say is that Karnovā€™s Revenge is now the best game on GGPO.

The kof 2002 room still has Fighterā€™s History Dynamite beat.

RIP 3S GGPO, you have no idea how much it helped me adjust to 3SO ranked.

If anyone cares, my name was TGIFF there. Thank you all who gave me advice for my Urien and I am still honoring your help by practicing to this day.

I gladly would if they would release on PC since they deemed it necessary to take it off GGPO they should. Telling PC owners to buy a console that has %30 failure rate inside of 2 years should be a bannable level troll.

I refuse to buy a console, I wont have a 360 because Iā€™m not paying a subscription to be served ads on faulty hardware they should of recalled; 3 was enough for me. And I wont buy PS3 because A) Their network goes down your systems broke B) Iā€™m not going to support a company that routinely removes features people paid for on a whim.

Console fanbois are occult level drones with the technical aptitude of a chimpanzee to tolerate the bullshit that has come down the pike in this latest generation.

And thank you for inspiring my new signature.

P.S Someone mind PMā€™ing me the GGPO work around? Karnov wink wink.

Iā€™m a PC gamer and build my own rigs. But what youā€™re whining about is ridiculous. You were playing it ILLEGALLY on PC, and youā€™re mad that the company asked them to remove the illegal copy of the game? Oh, or did you own the CPS3 disc to make playing on it legal? And, for some, consoles just happen to make more sense to them. Not everyone has the time and commitment to build PCs. I still do it despite working full time, but thatā€™s because itā€™s my hobby.

For fighting games, going onto console was the best decision they could have made, because it stopped them from dying out with the arcades. But people like you would rather have that happen, which is unbelievable to me.

I own a Vampire Savior machine. I play it on GGPO, but I STILL wish theyā€™d port it to consoles, because itā€™d be a means to give the series a well-deserved boost in player base. And if buying a console gives me all my favorite fighters on it in one place with an organized friends listā€¦ well, thatā€™s awesome!

My Computer Specs:
XFX Radeon 6870
i5 2500k
DDR3 8 gigs
7200rpm WD 1 tb HD.

And I happily own a 360 to play fighters on. You can pick one up for, what, 150 bucks used these days?

Come on, man. Youā€™re just hurting yourself out of pride.

This is just me talking, but some days Iā€™d rather turn on my Xbox than have to sit next to my custom built PC dealing with stupid bs like game freezes/crashes, and stuttering thats exclusive to this platform. Sometimes I feel like PC gaming is just bug testing after an update comes out.

And in case you think my comp is shit:

Gigabyte EP45-UD3LR
Intel P45/P43
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @ 2666MHz
4096MB (2 x 2048 DDR2-SDRAM )
NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250

Anyway, they should just go ahead and release it on PC because players will flock to it. Itā€™s already proven to work on console so the PC is a no brainer considering its history.

PC>>>>>consoles by a mile
I do not like consoles, but 3s has been rereleased on consoles onlyā€¦unfair:tdown:
I have bought a ps3 just for this game only. Those pads are horrible for 3s:tdown:

I also own a good processor, Intel Core2 quad Q9650 3Ghz(R.I.P Q9650, long live Core I7-2700k).