Devil Survivor 2 is also coming out, but for the DS. Both will probably see a release over here.
but it is a gimmick. No game can soley depend on it.
its a gimmick as much as imporoving grpahics is a gimmick
its not like they are advertising that it can be pretty much, play like a wii with all the motions sensors and what not
I haven’t even heard of most of the SWEET features like 8903 cameras and games you can play while using it…
PLUS< starfox! hahahah
its crazy how you can have a wii in your hands now(lol, or n64?)
I think TVS should embrace this features and add that layer of 3-d deapth to a game, rather and wearing GUNNAR OPTIPCS and playing them like that
It looks a whooooole lot like a Ghey!Stop! deal, doesn’t it?
Which is to say customer/sucker arpage.
As I see it.
hahaha oh my god that list is such a ripoff. at the current market rates for the games in that list, they should just give the 3DS with no cash up front.
It’s a freaking gimmick.
The 3DS on its own is a perfectly fine piece of hardware without it, but the 3d slider is a huge gimmick.
It’s like saying the touch surface on the back of the NGP isn’t a gimmick. That shit is pure gimmick. You need some new stupid schtick to pull in people now, otherwise they’ll go running to their smart phones.
I assume you never use a touch screen only device before for games because you calling the back touch area of the NGP a gimmick shows how short sighted and foolish you are.
Imagine you were playing some top down RPG where you could draw spells right on to the screen. First thing you’ll think is “Oh I can just draw it right on the screen.”
Not a problem.
Ok so what if you want to strafe around some big monster and attack with your weapons assigned to the face buttons AND draw a spell. Well you could take your hand off the buttons and draw a spell on the screen but then you’d be blocking your view and taking your thumb off the action buttons.
You could use the touch panel on the back to draw the spell without interfering with your vision or moving your thumbs off the controls.
The back touch panel is the BEST feature about the NGP next to it supporting Android apps. Any games that are heavy on menus or special commands or whatever can make use of the back panel. It opens up a wide range of possibilities. You could play a Rez like rail shooter where you move around with the left analog stick and tap to select the enemies using the back panel. Your other thumb could be used to fire different weapons at enemies.
Or let’s say your a playing an FPS. You are in the sniper view but you need to change your zoom. The game could have a simple two finger swiping gesture to zoom in and out. Never have to take your thumbs off the analog sticks.
Or lets say you are playing a different kind of action game and your weapons were assigned to slots in a cross shaped formation. Instead of hitting the d-pad they could be assigned to four areas on the touch panel. the d-pad could be used for special weapon modes like a silencer, or ammo types, or a laser sight, etc.
Or what about for a RTS game and you need to select and move units around.
Or what about a…
I hope you get the point.
Haters gonna hate. The circle pad is going to breathe new life into my old DS games. I have also never owned a DSi, so now I will be able to try out any downloadable-games that interest me.
As for retail games…
-I’m getting SSF4 3DS at launch for the simple reason that it is a mobile SSF4.
-I’m getting Rayman 3D at launch because it is timeless classic that will never disinterest me, no matter how many ports it gets.
getting mine tonight, not sure what games I’m gonna get. Probably Rayman because I love that game. I was considering SSF4, but I just can’t play fighting games on a handheld (except for tekken because it’s only 4 buttons anyway). I know they made the macros, but even that might be odd. We’ll see though, I will probably get it because it’s street fighter.
I’m good with my Pokemon Black DSi I just got. Maybe I’ll pick one up in a year down the road, where they have that “killer app”. SSFIV looks cool, but the rest of the lineup is meh.
i’ll get mine tomorrow mawnin. anyone picked it up early?
yeah I did.
omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg @SSF43D.
First of all, graphics and 3D look AMAZING. Truly setting the bar for games to come to the 3DS. Ultras look WOW in 3D.
Second of all, those macros are roflmaterial. Set 1 to Shoryu, 2 to Focus attack, 3 to Ultra. See where I’m going with this?
" Tap, Tap, dash forward, Tap " - fadc ultra without breaking a sweat. Haven’t done anything but mess around in training mode. Haven’t decided if I like dpad or analog better yet.
The software that comes preloaded in the 3DS is also amazing. You really just need to check it out yourself. A little teaser I can mention is that since the 3DS comes PRELOADED with a 2GB SD card, you can put music on it, play it in the awesome little music player built into the 3DS, and there’s an 8-bit button you can toggle to transform the music to… well… 8-bit :3
That’s cute.
Picked mine up earlier, but I haven’t gotten a 3DS game yet. I probably won’t for a while, because I’ve filled my shelves with so-so launch titles for every hardware launch, and I’d like to think I’ve learned my lesson this time. That being said, the pack-in software is pretty neat and I like the AR games.
The system is light but it feels sturdy, which is nice. Really encourages me to actually carry it around and rack up coins. The circle pad feels great, especially for DS games. I was skeptical at first because I really don’t like the PSP’s nub, but this is very comfortable to use. The cradle is a nice touch too, looks nice sitting on my desk, even if it is kind of useless otherwise.
I haven’t really made up my mind about the 3D yet. It was hard to stay in the sweet spot when moving about with the AR games, but I imagine it’d be fine for normal games that don’t use the gyroscope. I will say that it isn’t a gimmick. Nintendo might be riding on it as if it were, but at the end of the day it’s no different than any other graphics option. We buy new consoles every so many years for what ends up being primarily a bump in resolution, higher polygon count, maybe some AA/AF, etc. 3DS’s 3D is no different. It can look nice, has the potential to enhance gameplay to some degree, hasn’t caused me any eye strain or headaches, and can be turned off. Nice feature.
Can’t say much about the battery life, but I’ve already ordered a replacement battery on eBay. 2000mAh compared to the 3DS’s stock 1300mAh. Whether it’s actually that capacity and/or explodes in my 3DS is beyond me. $8, shipping from Hong Kong, I’ll get to test it in a few weeks. Also might pick up Nyko’s Power Pak+, but to be honest I don’t even really need a beefier battery.
Overall nice system. $200 would’ve been a much easier price to accept, but I’ve always been an early adopter, even if I get screwed 9/10 times.
for those playing streetfighter YOU KNOW EXACTLY what I mean.
So are all DS games playable on the 3DS?
Yes, you will be able to play ALL of your regular DS games on the 3DS, including Japanese games. I have read that the loading time is slightly longer than on the normal DS.
I have already pre-ordered my 3DS on Amazon 2 months in advance and I’m only going to pay about $154 (from gift cards), which includes 1-day shipping. Yeah, I’ll get it 2 days later but I can wait since I got it cheaper AND Amazon’s offering a $25 credit towards a 3DS game. :3
Still slightly ticked off that Nintendo made it region locked.
Longer loads?
I guess Nintendo really needs to take a page from the Book of Charlie Sheen.
As I see it.
I didn’t say it was a bad gimmick, I full acknowledge that gimmicks can actually work and work very well.
I’m sure many of us were scoffing at the DS having two screens and one being a touch screen when it first came out, but now look at it.
The problem is that the 3D slider is a purely visual gimmick. The NGP’s touch surface on the back is a gimmick too, but like you’ve shown there’s already good ideas for it in store. I’m just not buying the 3d portion of the 3DS being entirely innovative or what have you for very long.
We’ll see.
So I guess the 3ds came out today? I sort of want one, but the game library is pretty sparse, its hard to justify getting the system for one game…now if that one game was castlevania? Maybe.