ninja school

It’s not instant, it has start up, they can’t call it out in the little pockets in the trap.

seemed more appropriate in this thread than the other one so i moved it:

if you hit orbs, get them to the corner asap (duh) … call sent and do TK hk excalibur after drones hit… it’s weird because you’ll land/recover before them which sets up for a sick throw + drones corner reset

of course not only does this lead into throw reset, but you can go low ( or high (depending on assist) also

Im relatively new to sentinel strider doom, bein playin it for about a year now, but I figure I might as well contribute a few Ideas and theories ive been workin on, try them out if they seem useful or let me know if they are already in use.

Sent qcf x 2 p dhc into striders orbs
Doom qcf x 2 p dhc into striders orbs,
…at certain distances the sentinel/doom supers pull your opponent back into striders orbs

Sentinel force dhc into striders orbs
…this may be character specfic but if you time the activation of the orbs after the second
wave hits the first set of orbs will juggle your opponent then you can teleport over to their side of the screen and continue your combo

Strider c.rh+dooms assist(aa)
…this should be used sparringly as if your opponent sees this coming they can roll the c.rh, if it connects you can mix up your opponent ex: launch aerial rave, launch fierce opponent hits rocks fierce, orbs, ragnork, tiger re-orb, snapout.

Long bomb teleport air throw
…I honestly dont see this ever bein used i a real match but its worth mentioning

Sentinel launcher fast fly, lk+dooms assist, lk, rp
…I use this as a cross up, after the rocket punch fly past the opponent and a) the rocks will launch them to lk lk rp again or b) the rocks will chip damage

striders orbs (connect) wave dash to corner dooms infintite
…I dont see this in matches but I think its a usefully combo if the oppertunity presents itself, it builds meter, does descent damage, looks cool as fuck, and leaves you in a good strategical position. if the charater dies you can guard break super dhc into striders orbs re trap

striders orbs (connect) s.lp repeat sentinel assist wave dash to end of screen launch insert combo of your choice
…this is my stirders bread and butter combo, if orbs hit I repeat punches til about half or three fourth depleation of orb meter call drones wave to end of screen, the timimg is a bit tricky but you can time the hits of the drones as the orbs end as drones it to keep opponent next to me launch…you can aerial rave, re-trap, cross up, my favorite s/d move clock’s throw (air throw + assist) and so forth

strider orbs (connect) tag sentinel launcher lk fast fly lk lk rocket punch or c.fp rocket punch
…I use this combo if it looks like my strider might die and I need to pull him out in a hurry, note for the tag to hit you muct be near the end of the screen and be hittin your opponent with punches and orbs then tag

alot of these ideas can be intertwined to create a variety of mix ups and strats to keep your opponent guessin what your next move is. I hope some of these I ideas will get the ball rolling and generate some more tips and ideas. I saw a post from shout sayin that he can refill 90 percent of is meter during orb activation and that he can kill a complete charater in an orb cycle, that info would greatly strengthen the s/d community, I look forward to hearin his techniques. Ill keep work on new ideas and post up if I find anything else of interest. Later.

Long bomb then teleport air throw is awesome, the placement and timing are very tight however which makes it hard to land. plus it requires that strider not do long bomb XX activate which is rare in the confines of a match (for me anyways). I’ve also hit some people with short bomb, then normal jump air throw + doom after they bounce up for some nice life, but that’s probably just luck.

there’s an easier, very consistent way to time the drones into the combo when you get a hit in orbs. repeat lp mp until anywhere around time ( you can even do it when the bar is almost out) and do lp + drones, orbs end, lp lk mp mk, drones hit, dash in and finish off. Stolen from Clock himself.

anyone know what’s up with throwing the opponent during orbs? recently, i activated off of doom pin close to the opponent, and moved forward mashing punch for rings and somehow and threw him. He rolled right back into rings for a free teleport + doom call and repeat trap for about 50% life, it was ridiculous.

Loc That’s That Magic Im Talking About!!

cool loc thanks for the tip

as far as the throw with orbs Ive had it happen too but never paid much attenion to it,
have you ever had it happen mid screen?
is it worth looking into or do you think it was a one time thing?

the throw during orbs is easy to explain. 2 things have to happen. First of all, your opponent has to be walking into you or holding fwd. secondly, you have to throw during mid cycle of the machines that throw the rings so they can’t cause block stun.

The meat grinder

stuff I’ve figured out over a few years.

reverse drones

For those that have seen the djb13 video, there’s a particular trick where you snap the opponent out and wall jump+drones in order to cross the opponent up as they’re coming in.

With a little timing in this setup, a little before the wall jump happens you call drones, the opponent will come out backwards but the drones will come from the opposite side of sentinel. So the drones are going towards your robot. It flat out just looks awkward.

90% damage assist kill for 1 bar

its actually 100% depending on a few things but 90% on average is pretty damn good.

So what you want to do is get the opponent’s assist in the assist kill position. Where you have the assist to your back against the wall. Here, you do a s.fp to throw rings then do qcf+lk for a tiger, tap lp.

Since the dog comes from the backside of the screen it will always make contact with the assist right there. The trick here is to make sure the dog is a reset dog everytime. So in total, you get 4-5 resets dogs + orb damage then you still get the call doom, lk bomb. Its just savage and if you want this to be as safe as possible you must do qcf+lk, tap lp. Its a kara input to make sure when you throw the dog, you actually throw rings w\ it.

some AA’s are “slippery” for lack of a better term. They get out more frequently than others due to their “get out time” once they make contact with the ground. This plays a factor but still works against all AA’s.

front side assist kill

every once in a while, the opponent will leave their assist out and SJ to get their point character away. What you want to do c.lp, c.fp and mash c.fp then time the c.lp again.

What this does is that after the c.fp happens, you throw rings to ensure that they won’t pop up to the proper height. You just want the assist to leave the ground a little and the rings put the assist back on the ground. Then the next c.lp, c.fp is reset version. Of course, you can do c.fp over and over but I find the c.lp before it helps make it easier to do.

The bonus to this is that if the opponent dashes past you to flip strider around, the assist is now in the assist kill position for more life.

my version of anti guard cancel trap

This is my basic concept of trapping over and over and I find it to be pretty effective. What I do is s.lp+doom,,,, s.fp, s.rh, dog activate every single time when my meter is about to end and I need to retrap. If they don’t push block this, its free setup every time. Now when they pushblock, you have to readjust your setup based upon how far you are and where doom is in his chip rotation and its that simple.

bar building trap reps

say strider is playing against a full team and its just him and doom because sent got waxed. If you do s.fp, dog, mash P to throw rings, teleport onto them as orbs leave strider from the far side of the screen, falling,, land, s.lp,, s.fp, s.rh, dog activate, the pattern will build you around 80% iirc for every single bar. So you’ll only need 20% bar before you get the next one. Quite a broke pattern and the pattern itself is very easy with a little practice. Also, this pattern can lead to double doom setups off 1 bar for twice the chip damage.

perfect use for the satelite, sonic boom +p

I find that all over striders specials are above average including this. For one its his fastest projectile and when combined with drones cancel activate, its flat out retarded for space controlling due to its speed. So its pretty good for zoning and its easy to get after you activate. Once you activate, hold back, mash P’s for wave orb, then you should be able to activate it after a few rings easy and still teleport for a 50\50.

So aside from the zoning thing, it trades with sentinel’s c.spit from the right ranges. The satellite actually activates from behind strider. All you need to do is make sure the satellite is in front of strider before sent spits makes it over. Then cancel activate easy pin. If the opponent does c.spit+strom proj, and strider gets the satellite to trade with sents spit the storm wind will not be able to hit him and he actually gets a free teleport onto point even when HSF is activate.

the last thing about this is that it counters a cable trick. When cable has sent on his team and he calls sent to counters strider’s bomb, cable can do a ghvb for free to hit him clean. In this situation, if the opponent does this counter, the satellite will hit him iirc even when sentinel is called. The satellite simply sneaks in there and hits cable. Due to the speed of it, its actually usable from the right ranges if this tricked works properly like I remember. Its been quite some time since I’ve actually tried this one.
how to combo instant overheads**

my main problem with his instant overhead setup was that it never comboed properly solo. Sometimes it did and other times it didn’t and it always through me off. I think its all based around, the machine positioning around strider, when you’re able to mash rings and what set you get and the cancel point after the

In the corner, its very easy to do this because the opponent can’t bounce away from you making sure that the rings and the machines will easily connect. There’s a way to get this kind of circumstance midscreen.

What you want to do is force a sandwhich scenario where you have doom on one side and strider on the other. When this happens and you land the instant overhead combo during orbs, the opponents sprite has no where to go because doom’s sprite is actually keeping them in check so in essence, this is a corner setup midscreen. I just figured this out today honestly. Its amazing what you see when you keep your eyes open.

rejump orbs crossups

whenever you get rejump orbs, you can make this into really hard to block shit. Whenever the opponent gets hit in the air, there’s a momentum shift taking place. The rings cause the opponent to go away from strider. What you want to do is get the correct ring placement and cause a weird jump angle. This does 2 things. First off, the jump could cross them up. Secondly, the rings themselves can create the crossup angle but then slide the opponent back to the original side. 50\50.

double orb with doom

something I’ve figured out not too long ago. You get the opponent from midscreen to max range on their side of the time clock. It has a pretty big range for this! Then you,, teleport up and behind the opponent, charge back, j.fp to smack them back into doom and upon landing, lk bomb then cancel orbs. After the bomb hits, sj.lp,, sj.fp, sj.rh and work with FSD and dirve them back to the ground or land and mix them up. Don’t know if it works against sentinel but positive it works against mag, storm, cable, cyke etc… the smaller people who matter?
death pattern, 1 hit kill strider**

orbs hit and the opponent must be on their side of time clock. Orbs end, c.fp call drones, sj.lp, sj.fp. This will cause a fast FS to happen. Before the opponent wakes up a perfectly timed teleport will crossup the opponent on wake up. Then when you’re falling from the teleport, do a j.rh+doom every time, dash in, c.fp, qcf+fp, and 50\50 activate here.

The reason you do the j.rh+doom after the teleport is because if the setup is blocked, you’re guaranteed chip damage. If it combo’s, then doom doesn’t come out so its a 2n1.

when you do the c.fp, qcf+fp activate, you can activate on either side of your opponent and hit them standing. If blocked, instant overhead attempt. If the instant overhead hits but uncombo’s its a free trap rep.

Lastly, the teleport that creates the crossup is the fundamental here. If you time it as fast as possible its a crossup. Time it slightly off and its an original side attack so the crossup speed of this is VERY fast.

so for the cost of 2 bars, you kill a full character on hit. This is what i’m trying to do every single time now. Who cares if you know its coming because the ambiguity in this setup is just flat out retarded. The opponent can be on the front side of you and upon landing, be behind you.

dash bombs

Not sure who’s all messed with this but stumbled upon it one day. If you hold back, neutral, 2p’s, fwd+k, you will dash and then throw a bomb. Its a system mechanic that works with any charge move and any character iirc. However, a character like strider can crouch, dash, bomb to where a character like charlie wouldn’t. I think it has something to do with the animation frames of c. to s. in relation to glitch input speed.

So based on the proper setups, this is highly useful because you can create ambiguity in the air from dash bomb, cancel orbs. air 50\50 rebombs are just stupid imo and whats even stupider is that if the bomb is blocked is causes weird momentums you can use to sling your opponent behind or in front of strider thats another 50\50. Of course standing and crouching play a factor into where they go.

dash bomb setups:

I have 2 right now.

orbs are about to end and your opponent is on the far side of the screen to where c.fp, teleport combo’s.

then you do jupfwd+lk+doom, jupfwd tap lp,

this turns strider around mid air. A wiffed attack will flip him around.

Then you j.fp to smack them back into the doom rocks and charge. When you land, back, neutral, fwd+lk, cancel orbs.

If you time this perfectly, its an air 50\50. If the timing is slightly off, you can use the bomb to create a 50\50 bomb setup with jupfwd+lk. If that hits, then catch them in rejump orbs and get some life.

the other setup is the double orb pattern that involves doom. After the falling j.fp, dash throw a bomb will create the same type of scenario as the one above.

You can use this in the corner after you kill a character to get glitchy shit going on.

50\50 activation patterns

The concept of this is pretty simple, you use the activation itself and its properties to allow for a mixup.,, c.fp+doom, qcf+fp, cancel activate. My preference here is ambiguity but you can control it if you wanted too. The reason why I throw doom in it becacuse it makes the 50\50 happened faster.,, c.fp, qcf+fp, activate is great too but they have more time to adjust to it. The doom rocks juggle mid height. The biggest trade off isn’t the 50\50 itself but rather the positioning after the 50\50 hits. The no doom version leaves the character standing for easier combos\setups. The doom version leaves them in rejump height and can easily uncombo. However, the doom version allows for rejump crossups that are equally random. Its just a matter of preference.

orbs are about to end and teleport throw setup distance,, jupfwd mp, jump back to the original direction with FP, land, bird makes contact, then activate.

this is a 50\50 setup. The whole thing is a combo up to the bird part. The bird block is always one direction but it happens @ a real quick angle so its hard to tell. Say the block this setup, the bird’s momentum will sling the opponent to the back of strider for a crossup. So the bird is a crossup and the activate is another crossup of 2 different directions and if both are blocked, you still can do instant overhead during orbs so its a triple mixup into trap.

This setup on hit can create cross orbs from a teleport and switch sides shit upon landing into instant overhead during orbs.
locked screen combo**

something for some flash. orbs are about to end,,, dash under, s.lp,, cancel activate, qcb+lp. When timed correctly and the dash under hits as a crossup, the opponent will be towards strider back as he attempts a wall climb. Strider cannot complete the wall climb due to the sprite placement but upon inputting the move, the game things strider will make it their ahead of time so it locks up the screen as if he were there. You can get some dash under dash back shit going on and looks dope midscreen.
corner orbs setup trick**

if your opponent is in the corner and strider wall jumps from the corner as they end, the orbs will walk off towards the corner instead of away from it. This drastically cuts down the walk off time and allows strider to activate that much faster. It seems the orbs walk away from the way strider is facing. Since strider is has his back to the corner, the orbs walk off that direction

stick your opponent in the corner and wall jump, then jump back into the corner with j.fp. This will cross up almost every single time if you get the proper height.

onto the setup, when orbs are about to end, jupfwd+doom, wall jump, DJ back into the corner with j.fp, land, s.lp, activate. If you can hit confirm off the j.fp on hit, activate immediately, and dash out of the corner if wanted.

50\50 rebomb pattern

dash in,, teleport up and behind the opponent, falling j.fp, land, lk bomb, cancel activate.

This pattern on block will still work for a 50\50 bomb setup. It was designed to do so. The problem with this setup is that you have to get this vaccum effect going on. The have to be sucked into the rocks rather than pushed away. Other than that, its pretty simple to do.

working corner chip patterns

when strider gets someone in the corner, he has many options as most good characters do.

If I know my opponent isn’t looking to get out but it is in the corner, what I’ll do is stay away from him and trap him full screen. A properly timed teleport+doom is guaranteed still because of the rings that are still on the screen and I get a full doom corner chip pattern+ the option to activate immediately @ any given point because of staying full screen till my orbs ran out. If I activate again here, i’ll try an instnat overhead. If tahts blocked up, I’ll jupback+fp and mash a few times to zone off the screen while @ the same time, moving back towards the far side of the screen so my machines have as little walk off time as possible.

This is strictly based around the fight though. If someone is just antsy on getting out, so if you can tag them low for free.

corner shit on hit

orbs hit and are about to end,, c.fp, call doom, sj straight up, sj.lp, sj.fp, doom rocks hit, falling sj.fp\rh, land activate. This setup will pop them into doom rocks twice. Depending on the height of the 2nd fierce after it connects off doom rocks, you can slide into the corner for ambiguity.

wave orb insight

I’m fairly positive that throwing a wave orb will cut down on his recovery time from his activation. This allows you to get away with things you otherwise wouldn’t be able too.

2 methods to mashing wave orbs. The first one is hitting 2p @ the exact same time. The result in this is a wave orb + a dash to follow it up instantly. The 2nd method I dubbed “twiddle” because of the dj scratch I copied the technique from. What you do is jab with one finger and fp with a seperate finger. The you alternate each press with seperate fingers. Pretty simple but the result in this is that strider doesn’t dash after the wave orb has already came out.
useless trick**

strider can DJ instant overhead some characters iirc. So he can jump once and before landing, j.up any direction+lk for an overhead off his DJ.

If I manage to get my hands on a capture card for cheap, I’ll make a video of this post.

great shit dude. that 1 hit strider kill sounds fierce, as well as the double orb with doom, definitly goin work on that.

messing around in training again. if they’re in the corner, i was tryna figure out if there’s a way to get into the corner with orbs going… anyways

activate, do a little blocked chain…do FP teleport into the corner, and hold the opposite direction so he’ll jump off the wall…at the same strider wall jumps, call an assist like sentinel…sentinel comes out of the side of the corner, and the drones will push them forwards…so while you’re still in the air, do hk excalibur and you’ll glide in the corner.

i was tryna see if there’s any chance that this, combined with orbs, would be a decent cross up but i dunno. i have yet to try this in a match.

but i dunno if it’d just be better to keep them in the corner for the trap…or the free combo.

or maybe i’m just rambling and i suck :confused:

all though something like this isn’t guaranteed, it will give you what you’re looking for. orbs hit, c.lp,, df.rh, slide hits them, timed orbs to OTG them and a properly timed jupfwd should land you in the corner.

Also on the page before this, I posted up an s\d setup that puts strider in the corner for a crossup as well as speeds up his reactivation time. So you get the corner chip output, then a crossup, into a free activation pattern that can lead into an instant overhead or a jump out of the corner to put the opponent back into the corner.

hey does anybody have that strider frame data?

I’m not 100% positive that the frame data from this is correct but a lot of it matches up with joo’s frame data. It seems like striders frames are very similar to MVC1. I wouldn’t trust the teleport frame data though because striders teleport in mvc2 has different properties.

shout out to amir. I really needed that advice that game and thanks to it, it I OCVed the guy and was able to last a little bit longer in the tournament. I really need to learn to back off sometimes because it does get me killed. Really nice meeting NY after all the talk online. Yall peeps are cool as fuck and if you guys are ever in FL, give us a heads up and we’ll work something out for a session.

edit: can believe I went all the way out there and forgot to use the satellite.

instant overheads:

@ FR, this was my goal. To use 50\50 trap as often as I could. 2 bars worth of chip totals about to 30-40% midscreen. Which is reasonable. Now w\in those 2 bars you attempt 2 instant overheads, 1 per bar, you add 20% damage total. So 2 bars turns into up to 60% total life, block and hit.

It took weeks of practice to land this shit on small characters like storm. It wasn’t easy to learn and I still haven’t mastered it but I feel like my instant overhead percentage is around 80% right now.

For the games that strider can’t dump bar because he doesn’t have any, this is how you maximize trap patterns. Every chip and every hit matters. If the instant overhead, xx into qcf+lk combo’s but the orbs don’t maintain hit, it will do 10-15% life on average + leaving your opponent in a trapped position. Then add 10-15% for chip damage and you’re now totaling 25% life per trap rep. More if the orbs combo properly and or you get a great chip output.

an instant overhead setup that combo’s properly will do 50% life, into a situation that will still allow you to maintain pressure and potentially kill a character.

if you get an activation pattern that leaves strider next to your opponent, you get 2 chances to instant overhead your opponent per bar safely.

ok so today i was in training mode and i was doing striders corner OTG on sent, but my timing was a little weird so instead Sent was OTG’d out of the corner and strider’s back was facing the corner instead. Now usually when i do this sent just rolls to the other side and gets back up, but instead when strider landed i think i did a j.rhk as sent was rolling and it caused a flying screen. Dunno whats up with that shit someone care to explain wth happened?

no clue. Could of been a random glitch or it could be something new. The best thing you can do is try to do recreate it over and over till you figure it out.

ok so ive recreated it and have the video on my phone ill try to put it on my youtube account a little later on today

cool, looking fwd to seeing it. Sounds really weird though and it might have some applications to it.

yo tr@p, is this what you’re talking about?


I haven’t been able to recreate this 100%. found this awhile ago and still trying to figure it out.

I have another vid of sent’s body rolling away + flying screen in the opposite direction after the otg rh that i’ll upload as soon as I find.

EDIT: woops, didn’t see the part about the another j. rh causing flying screen. Well this is the first half at least

naw not that 1 i think were talking about the same thing with sent and his body rolling away anyways here it is


the quality is kinda bad cause it was taken from my phone, and this works when u do a j.rh as well i think, i just happened to be doing a j.rh the first time.