ninja school


yea I can explain this. Once you cause that forced OTG roll, the game is still in FS mode. Since you jupback, the screen thinks strider shifted a vertical plane and it results in a FS.

You can use this with other characters as well. Magnus, probably storm and psylock all have something similar.

good thing to note, if strider ever causes FSD in the air during orbs. If you jupbck off the screen locked area, a forced FS will happen. Its the exact same property as the video you posted.

i get that with storm all day but i continue comboing

Yo shoult I had question regarding your 1 hit strider kill…after orbs hit and end launch+sent drones sj.lp sj.fp when do you imput the command for striders teleport? And once you reappear do all drones hit or just one? This combo sounds nice I just cant seem to teleport at the right time…

Couple questions about FS bombs and building meter trap reps.

I accidently did a FS bomb I think… I heard it come into discussion here before so here goes. Well vs Sent I did a long bomb activate and Sent in response sj, fly. I sj and catch him with orbs and send him flying with a fierce/rh. Because I did a bomb activate Sent actually gets hit by the bomb and it takes me longer to recover from flying screen and Sent goes a few little more than usual. Are there any other setups to cause this in a match?

I heard about shoultzula 70% meter building tactic during a trap rep, can a c.FP be substituted for a s.FP? Seems the launcher can get cancelled faster than s.FP. Is s.FP just a execution precaution or is there another reason?

You want to stay away from FS bomb setups. Strider can be hit out of it due to the lag after FS. Kinda like BH’s super. Unless the FS happens in or close to the corner, those are ok to work with.

when I do meter building trap, its always s.fp and if you want to master it, you gotta kara cancel into the dog.

I understand kara cancelling the s.FP, I’ve seen it in action in some the random footage Preppy got a few months ago, of you of course. However, I’ve seen footage of Eddie Lee use c.FP into tiger karacancelled. You can actually c.FP xx tiger fast enough to at least get two tigers on the screen as if you were only throwing tigers. I was just wondering if that can be applied to the meter building trap since it’ll supply a little bit more meter by getting a couple extra fp’s and tigers in there. I think it’s because the FP is coming out on down instead of neutral, this will trigger a tiger faster when you reach fwd+lk.

Although there is a little problem that you might be inputting too fast and might end up with a qcf+fp. I was just wondering if you were specfically using s.FP to avoid such an event.

the fp, tiger is the meter building trap rep. Thats where a good bit of the bar comes from. As the orbs end, teleport + doom and chain again for a bit more bar. Depending on the player I’m up against, I can easily build over a bar for every trap rep.

what I meant by kara cancel is this, s.fp and mash for rings, qcf+lk, lp, mash s.fp again. I don’t think eddie ever karaed his. The reason why you must kara the dog with lp is that when you hit qcf+lk, you actually create a gap because you’re not mashing a ring @ that particular point in time and someone who’s exp in meter building trap can GC right out of that. When you kara the dog with lp, it will throw a dog then immediately throw a ring which is what you want.

also, the s.fp, kara dog setup moves strider fwd slowly. If you constantly did fp, strider will swing himself into the corner. So by doing the s.fp, you slowly move your opponent back towards the corner as you build bar and trap @ the same time.

you can still get the qcf+fp slash to come out while doing meter building trap. You just gotta practice it enough so that its not a factor anymore. I use that meter trap quite a bit during my play and I can’t remember the last time I did the qcf+fp instead of a dog. Gotta train yourself to get rid of mistakes.

Good stuff makes sense.

s\d vs tops:
vs cable**

one can say this is a good matchup but it can easily be a bad one as well. Of course, learning when to bomb, orb is important in this fight. Learning how to layer doom properly w\o bar on cable is also rather important. If you don’t have drones to bomb, orb, you’ll need to know how to work doom for what its worth. Cable can’t beat striders c.fp if you time it right. A good tool to use vs him if you can get him to SJ.

a crouch teleport with strider will side step gunx4 patterns with cable.
bomb, orb cancels out AHVB.
if cable likes to jupbck, teleport j.fp can nab him right of the sky. Rather important when doom layers become apparent because cable will jupbck to try to ahvb him easy. Thats when you air throw for a free bomb, orb.

If he has bar, take him out and learn the layers properly. One wrong normal that fucks up a layer can cost you the round.

of the tops, cable is pretty big so striders instant overhead setup during orbs really hurts him. Really good to use.

There’s a pretty well known counter vs strider if cable has sent on his team. Striders bomb+orbs can be countered by sent drones GHVB. Sent’s big ass absorbs the bomb and GHVB hits strider free. In this situation you want to use the satellite. It will counter cables\sent’s counter vs the bomb.

vs mag

a difficult matchup depending on the AA mag has. Of course zoning him the fuck off is a solid option. If mag has an AA that snuffs doom, keeping him full screen works. LK bombs properly placed can really fuck him up. Remember that hiding w\in its explosion sprite or staying w\in the parachute zone acts as an AA to an extent. Mag or any other character hates dealing with bombs. Most people will simply avoid it till its gone.

Having drones in this fight really helps. Its an added zone pressure tool that can make or break the fight.

Take advantage of c.fp when mag wants to get around drones or zone. If you don’t feel like risking it, teleport away from him and zone him off again.

doom can be stopped in his head where there are no rocks and magnus when adapated to doom AA will do this quite often. what you want to do is c.fp him when he tries this and get a CH. If mag decides that the CH isn’t worth the risk, its free chip + layer.

Having tight trap patterns vs mag can only help you.

vs storm:

possibly strider’s hardest fight imo. Run away is really hard to deal with when you’re behind on life. For starters, learn to trap her properly. Tight as possible w\ good chip behind it. If she gets away, build bar on the ground. s.fp, dog, repeat as needed till she comes down can give you quite a bit of bar.

You can also trying bombs as she lands to make her pay for her run away. Time it so that you can crossup with them to make it harder for her.

If storm is chilling on the ground, jupfwd.rh+drones, gram is OK. Learn to use sparringly though. Because of storms hail animation she slides back and gets out of range of the gram. You want the jupfwd to happend around mid screen so the length of the move makes up for the hail animation. If storm is waiting for something, she can probably AA+launch you for free but picking your spot properly can make this work. Gram is a very underrated tool with strider imo.

You can also use screen shift tricks to counter floats so she can’t land where she would like too.

imo, the satellite is pretty good in this fight. Sometimes, strider gets in perfect ranges where doom\sent won’t instantly work and it’ll be easy to get a read. From that distance, satellite cancel orbs works wonders and if you’re good enough, you can do TK satellite to cancel out storms hail. Only works if the other guy assists doesn’t make contact with it and destroy his hit box. Rather risky imo, to try that because the air one because of horrible recovery but the ground one is pretty practical.

if you throw a bird before storm does a typhoon, hail, strider is safe vs that and it can hit storm out of her animation. Doesn’t work if opponents assists absorbs the hit.

lastly, if storm likes to run away vs strider, see if you can “unblockable” her with striders air qcf+lp. Use it the same way as storms LA, LS just with strider. I’m not claiming its unblockable but I’ve seen it hit some weird ass ways. Only use early in orbs to make up for its recovery time on the way down and its not guaranteed. VS a player that knows what they’re doing, its really hard to bring her down properly. Litearally exhuast options on her till she gets by something.

vs sent:

can be very difficult as well. In all of striders, fight he has to work. Its just his nature.

first thing, learn the infinite on bot. You would want to kill him off this way if possible.

The double orb patterns vs bot eat him up. There’s even one with doom. infinite with strider on bot, s.lp+doom,, s.fp, activate, 2nd wave makes contact, rejump orbs. You don’t get the ground reorb but the same amount of life is available. Just the after series is a bit different thats all.

sent can spit check strider all day if you let him. What you want to do is stay mobile. Keep the robot moving and try to stay away from spots where big CH’s can happen. Try to lead in with doom and layer properly. Having drones also helps. Its such a big plus for zone. Its important to note that striders satellite trades with sents spit. A very crucial tool imo vs the bot because you’ll need to activate sooner or later safely. If you can’t get a layer vs bot, you can always satellite, orb from the proper places to help you get started. Satellite is free @ the startup of orbs and you can still teleport+mixup.

striders j.rh is an instant overhead vs bot. Solid life+trap.

Sent can dodge striders animals by staying in flight mode midscreen. The bird dips under his flight mode. @ this angle, you want to jupfwd+doom or drones if you have them to take him away from it. Don’t let sent get that angle on strider because it can lead to a dead ninja.

striders orbs counters HSF for free infinite.

imo, frustating your opponent with the ninja is the key to most victories. Eventually, no one likes to be chipped anymore and an escape is imminent. CHing that escape attempt is where the life comes into the picture. Use the trap to setup the rest of your game. Its a really good pressure tool.

The one thing about strategy is that if your opponent understands whats you’re doing, they can pretty much beat you with almost any thing. These strats won’t work 100% of the time which is why you have to adapt on the fly. Stay fluid during the fight and stay with core character mathcups strats.

if an AA is bleeding or another assist is bleeding 50%+ and strider has limited bar, snap them out.

if your opponent has bar and an AC looks like it could happen based upon previous AC’s or attempts @ AC’s, snap the AA in. What it will do is force the opponent to DHC thus resulting in no more bar. Sure you’ll lose 1 bar but @ the same time, you get rid of a huge threat to strider. Strider is the team primarily so do what you can to give him any kind of advantage. The threat of an AC usually makes him back off or @ least play more patiently which results in more bar for the point character in the mean time while strider tries to set something up. Once you snap the AA in, try to build bar if possible to make up for the snap and see if you can land a hit or 2 on the AA as he’s dancing around strider.

nice post.

and not to take anything away from Eddie Lee, because he is/was a great player in all fighting games, but even he will admit that he hasn’t played mvc2 in about forever and s/d has evolved quite a bit since he’s last used that team. i don’t think i’ve seen him at cf in the past 3 years.

For those that are new to srk, back in the day, srk crashed losing every post till the day of the crash and the communitity had to start over with new information. 2k3 iirc, anyway, some guy saved some old posts from back in the day and compiled them. Most of them are marvel iirc and it has TONS of info on the old school scene.

All though probably not useful, they do serve some purpose. What I’m hoping for is that the old clock threads are still around in the file somewhere. I’m currently still digging through them but I will upload them to this page eventually.

Good idea!

Hopefully Joe Zaza’s wolverine posts are in there, too. That’d be hot.

hopefully but if you dig in the wolvie archives, you can read that zaza’s thread were delted by him personally. There’s a big difference between a lost thread due to server problems and one that is deleted. I’m not sure how srk deletes shit but if the user has the ability to delete it from right off the server, chances aren’t looking too good.

" it takes some audacity to do this." is the quote you’ll find next to the zaza threads. Its a shame really, wolvie is nasty.

If I dig it up or any refernce to a zaza wolvie post, I will post in the wolvie forums.

Nice man. I’ll take a look through later, too, once I can d/l the files.

BTW, I don’t think I’ve seen you cover this in this thread, but I’m sure you know how to do this. Strider’s unblockable? If I understand correctly, you just have to activate orbs as the opponent is off the screen (either snapback or death), then walk forward and the opponent gets crossed up. I’ve done this once by accident, but then remembered hearing about it a few times in conversations.

Perhaps it’s something like the opponent is forced to block one way coming in because you already have orbs activated, but by the time you’ve walked forward (under them presumably), you’ve now forced them to block the otherway … but you can’t change the way you block in midair from a normal jump, so they get crossed up on landing and you get free orb chain combo.

Is this right?

i’m not sure about how striders unblockable exactly works. iirc, doesn’t it only work on magneto? snakeshotpeople knows more about it than I do. I’ve actually seen him use it in person, its cheap.

Forums - MVC2: The Clockw0rk Staff teaches MVC2
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Posted by Genghis on 10:09:2001 12:45 PM:
MVC2: The Clockw0rk Staff teaches MVC2
Clockw0rk is forcing us to volunteer to the community by sharing our strats. I
don’t know if anyone still plays this game or not but ask us anything. Well, not
anything… just questions we can answer. So please direct the appropriate
questions to the appropriate person.

Clockw0rk will be answering Strider/Doom questions.

shoultzula: since this is the strider thread, I’ll edit this for s\d purposes and exclude anything thats not related.

Posted by mixup on 10:09:2001 06:42 PM:
Hey, how do you beat a good spiral with Magneto? Die? lol wtf u do Shadeee?
haha dood is OG

Posted by mixup on 10:10:2001 12:36 AM:
You guys dont Teach shit! lol
you bastards think you’re funny?!?!!!

Posted by Clockw0rk on 10:10:2001 04:04 AM: ***
Heh… Genghis is a fat liar. He thinks hes funny too. Luckily, most of this
stuff is for him anyway. =]


YES!! clockw0rk, give me a general strat on strider/doom! if not id have to
bug the hell out of you on aim …untill i get blocked

Essentially, Strider/Doom = activate Ouro, then call Doom when you get close.


Strider/Doom and SonSon (2 character team)
I obviously know the trap, but I need help getting it in effectively.

Try teleporting, call Doom, then double jump forward/backward/up afterwards.


Yes! I’ve been waiting for a long time for this thread

Clockw0rk, please tell me, in explicit detail, some of what u’ve picked up
playing against the following styles of play:

  • turtling cable (ie Cable w/ CC+BH AAA’s or Cable/Doom/cc)
  • rushdown magneto (i’m sure u’ve seen plenty of that )

Like how to close in safely, general things u try to do, mind games on cable.
And how to stay alive against Magneto…

Viscant posted in an earlier thread that u do the following against cable:

“dash in s.HP + Sent, s. HK, bomb xx orbs”

If you could post other strats like that, it would be great

Also, a sentinel question for clockw0rk, how exactly do u use him for a
battery? ANything special other than doom + flight mode rushdown?

Thanks in advance for making this thread.
Now if only somebody would answer these questions…

Strider can take out a turtling Cable pretty cleanly so long as you keep your
execution next to perfect and you uh stay focused - as in remembering what you
can and can’t do, and what Cable can and can’t do. Main goal against Cable is to
start your Ouro safely cause nothing is w0rse than getting AHVBed during Ouro.
At full screen, bomb XX Ouro is relatively safe as long as you get the timing on
it down which is alot more tighter than cancelling off a bird or cat. If you
bomb XX Ouro and Cable AHVBs, he’ll eat the bomb (which does too much damage),
waste a super, and you get free Ouro (with the cost of a bit damage). If you
mess up the timing and Ouro doesn’t come out, Cable will still lose a super and
eat the bomb. With this tactic, Cable loses his best strategy against Strider
and is left only with a connect on c. short or AA to do damage to Strider. Be
careful though… I’m pretty sure if Cable has Storm 2nd, a DHC to Hail would
still connect.

At mid/close range, stick with cat/bird/st fierce/st rh XX Ouro to get orbs out.
With cats, make sure you time it correctly so that rings take over the blockstun
of the cat. With bird, make sure that you time it so that the bird occupies the
space in which he’ll AHVB so that he’ll get grounded by the bird or get knocked
out of AHVB. And with cancelling off st fierce/st rh (and anytime you do Ouro),
make sure to mash jab at first so that rings will knock him out of AHVB once it
comes out. If you’re close enough, a ring will nail him and you get free Ouro
and 1 less Cable super to worry about. Safest way to start Ouro on Cable would
prolly be to get him to block Doom and start Ouro (while on the other side).
With some w0rk, you can waltz around Cable so that he does block Doom from

Good shit to remember with Strider v Cable… he should NOT be landing any
jumping roundhouses on you. Strider’s launcher beats it like nothing so long as
you get the timing down. Also, Strider can teleport right through Cable st fp x
4. Especially useful if they mash any type of projectile assist at the same time
since that means free helper infinite.

Fighting Magneto is alot riskier than fighting Cable, especially if Magneto
knows what he’s doing (obviously). Best thing to do is keep Mag away cause
Strider won’t survive any openings you leave. Birds and cats at full range are
really good cause Magneto can’t do anything really but EM Disruptor (which will
either trade or negate), call Storm projectile if he has it, or superjump (which
gives you free Ouro). Close range is really risky for Strider in this fight.
Once he manages you get past all the cats and birds (which built up good meter
for you), this is the time you wanna start your Ouro. Thus giving Magneto as
limited windows of attack on Strider as possible. If you don’t have any meter at
the moment, what I do is fight back against his triangles. Once he starts
triangling you, try to jump foward against him and get him (during the vunerable
part of his triangle) with a j jab j short j strong j forward j fierce chain +
Doom. Same rules apply to Magneto when starting Ouro (get him to block something
first, or limit his escape). Also, if Magneto is coming down from a superjump,
Strider launcher should beat anything he has. Just don’t try to beat any of his
triangles with that (it’ll w0rk if you get lucky… but if you don’t, you die).

Good stuff to remember against Mag… birds and/or Sentinel ground type cover
the exact area that Magneto attacks. Time it right and you’ll be able to nail
Magneto pretty meaty with that. Magneto’s defense isn’t that much better than
Strider’s, so it doens’t take too much to wax him.

Sentinel as a battery is good IMO because it’s not like some other batteries
where you’re just running away fiercing and whatnot. With Sentinel/Doom, you’re
actually doing damage and building meter at the same time so long as you keep
rushing that shit down. Also, you get free Ouro DHC if you c fierce + Doom AAA
XX HSF XX Ouro right before the first set of drones leave the screen (so that
the 2nd set hits when Strider is already on screen).


Some questions:

How do you maximize the amount of meter built from Strider/Doom?

When you have alot of meter to kill, you can lockdown with Strider more
effectively with no assist-gaps in between Ouro, since you don’t have to worry
about building more meter (for the most part). With alot of meter, you can do
stuff like activate Ouro, then just lock your opponent down (at full screen)
with just rings. Once the orbs have left the screen, teleport and call Doom.
This maximizes the blockstun created by Ouro because the rings go reallllly slow
and will still be hitting after you teleport + Doom (as long as you don’t wait
too long). With this, you can Ouro as early as while they’re still blocking Doom
(because the orbs have left the screen already), eliminating any gaps in the

Basically, what that all means is you can throw rings from full screen with your
back to the wall so that the orbs leave the screen early enabling you to re-Ouro
quickily. This tactic is best for having alot of meter though, since throwing
rings does NOT build you more meter.

Hope all that helps.

- Clockw0rk

Posted by Viscant on 10:10:2001 04:10 AM: ***
Ooooh…Clockypoo!!! You are the deliciousest and I have many question for you
and and your staff men.

  1. Where is the proper place to find a tree monkey, preferably in the local
    area. I figured that you and your staff might know.
  2. How do you pick up a small ex-goth girl who gets really really jealous
    whenever I mention Puce’s name. This one is directed at Clockypoo only.
  3. How does ShadyK manage to stay in college?
  4. What are you wearing?
  5. I love you
  6. Strider is the best.
  7. I’m not wearing any pants.


–Jay Snyder
Le Viscant

Posted by Clockw0rk on 10:10:2001 04:13 AM:

***1) Not too sure. We found Genghis on accident. *** haha, thats fucked up.
2) You stop striking out when theres a runner on 3rd.
3) ShadyK goes to college?
4) Some socks
5) …
6) Damn skippy.
7) Put some pants on and go away. bleh

  • Clockw0rk

the other day, I was playing against my friends thrax vs my ssd. he kept on calling his mando to try to get some cheap licks in and I thought of a counter strategy on the spot out of no where. Throw a dog, and activate to make sure the dog snuffs out mando as he’s on the screen. I got it like 3 times in a row. Of course, there’s hella timing involved in it but who know’s if it will have any kind of “real” application.

also, whats up with strider being able to hit through someone? aka front side crossup. I keep having my’s do this. I’m guessing its based on positioning but damn, that shit is fucking tricky to block. You would expect something like that from magnus or other AD characters but not strider.

Wow. I’m glad Strider didn’t really retire. :rofl:

I don’t know man, hitting commando with tigers is mad risky, almost to the point where it’s not worth it. Typhoon hail will kill any attempt of that. Even if he only does it once, getting hit will leave you hesitant for the rest of the match, which will ruin everything.

bleh, forget i asked. you prob don’t understand it yourself.