Newbs Only

I think HP into Shoulder is the only way to go, It’s the easiest I know.
Or After activating you can do F+MP --> F+HP --> HP Lunge punch, You can then Palm if you’re in the corner.
This is Character specific, I don’t use Yun So I don’t know who it works on… Sorry… ^^"

And The dive kick Should hit under their waist, Fo the 123 to connect after.

Hope that helps… =]

I actually tested a bit, I’m having alot more accuracy with cr. mk > fierce > shoulder. Of course, if it’s chun / a floaty character, forward fierce > dash punch would work, but as far as I know it doesn’t reach shotos…

Could be wrong of course.

My question is what does st. strong and DP + RH mean?

st(anding) strong punch. notation stands lp mp hp\fp, lk mk hk\fk, punches weakest to strongest then kicks same setup.

DP+RH is yuns scissor kick attack

If I hit an lp shoulder > sa3 midscreen, what’s the best way to go into mp shoulder (to get them into the corner fastest)? I know fierce > shoulder works, but I find the timing unreliable due to internet lag, as well as my own not so great input. Is there a more reliable way?

anytime i hit the jab shoulder first i do medium shoulder then fierce and that works.

I actually tested a bit, I’m having alot more accuracy with cr. mk > fierce > shoulder. Of course, if it’s chun / a floaty character, forward fierce > dash punch would work, but as far as I know it doesn’t reach shotos…

Could be wrong of course.

i highly suggest anyone who plays yun learn 3 basic intros for genei 123(jab>lk>mp)>activate>>st.strong>st.fp>mp\hp shoulder>finish him,
and 123(jab>lk>mp)>activate>st.strong>st.fp\\\>mp\hp shoulder>finish him,
and simply>shoulder while already activated. idk how hard you may find these but ill warn you the second one should by far be the hardest so learn the timing a little with the other one first. the point of all 3 is after 123>activate they can parry if they blocked or if you where all of 2-3 frames off on your attack, so knowing how to make the attack after the activation is crucial for mind games and not throwing away your combo AND getting punished. is just godlike if someone is walking away from you, just dash up>shoulder if they react to your dash as if it was a dash punch which they probably will they’d be parrying high while gettin hit low.

when i say finish him that means theres still time left in your GJ to hit him more but you can look up enders in the other threads.

Thanks. Though when you go to the A New Complete Genei Jin Thread the combos actually says DP+RH. I don’t understand what it means.

dp = dragon punch
rh = round house\high kick
dp+rh = forward>down>forward>RH
st.strong = standing strong
cr.strong = crouching strong

happy new years muthafuckas…ask moar.

I just play Yun casually but usually with GJ I just keep doing strong shoulders in the corner. What’s a GJ combo in the corner that will work for a majority of the 3s cast, easy to remember, and does more damage than strong shoulders. Like I say I play him casually so I don’t like to remember 5 different combos for 5 different characters.

Dont play Yun if you dont wanna to remember that…
I mean it… Im not trying to be rude

The Genei Jin thread doesnt have “advanced” combos (well some of em, but notall of them), its all basic GJ juggling

But oh well
A really really basic combo that works against everyone would be

123, activate, st strong, f. fierce, hop kick, hop kick, st fierce, hop kick, hop kick, st fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, fierce dash punch.

But seriously, this is so basic you’ll want to learn more.

what he said man…you already have the timing down a bit from repeated shoulders. the hop kicks are timed a lil dif but once you get used to fluidly connecting palms hop kicks and st.fierce in the corner you just wanna get as many as you can out there in that order, for highest dmg.

how do i do yuns 2 hit punch in the air?

jab, f. fierce

Well i was going to tell you that, for me the F+HP it is the best hit yun has. It makes almost 1/4 or 1/5 of stun. I usually use it as an anti-air, if you time it you can hit them with the palm that is on your back making kind of like a cross up when they jump in.

I usually play with SAI, it is true i didn’t want to learn the genei jin. when you do the SAI in the corner against some characters against like Chun li you can do the following after the super, shoulde with MP, f+HP, lunge with LP. A combo like that i think it makes 1/2 of stun on the opponent.

Another tip, against some opponents the combo MP, HP, back + HP doesn’t work. For example, I used to play on Gametime in VA. When they made their final tournament i had to play against Ortiz, and I always used SAI. The thing is that Ortiz had chun, and i had yun. We were 1 match each playing the third. I had him cornered and low life, and i had low life too. I get a hit on him with the MP, and went for the HP, and back+HP, SAI to kill him. But chun li was crouching, and the HP didn’t, and i ended up doing the super whiffing, and him blocking. He had one bar full and you can guess he kill me right away. So don’t do that same mistake go better for the 123 combo :shake:

I always consider myself a newb so I’ll ask this here

I’m having a lot of trouble with good uriens. He has too many options to keep yun from getting in close, and he uses the same tools to keep yun from running away. His limbs are just too damn long. He has the 45 degree fire ball to take out dive kicking, short hop head butt can neutralize a lot yun has. The pros seem to just get in there, they make it look easy (like all the pros do). I’ve had moderate success with f+hp as a surprise reach knock down and cross up preventer, but that is just parry bait if I use it too much. Any advice?

Urien doesnt have anyting to counter Yun’s way to get in.
Urien’s only chance is to guess right and punish, with Yun you can do shitloads of stuff and just see if it hits or not.

By reading what you wrote, it seems that your opponent knows you and since he punished you a couple of times, so now you’re scared to try some stuff.

You dont need to reinvent yourself completly, just change your mind games.

If you’re being punished with a 45 degree ball everytime you divekick, thats because your opponent knows you gonna do it
No way in hell a Urien will risk that if he’s playing against a good Yun.

Stop being predictable
I believe you already know the matchup

Hey, I’m trying to get back in the third strike mood/“mode” :stuck_out_tongue:
Sick and tired of the SFIV bullshit…

Eventhough not that many of my friends play it… Not even many people in Norway do :frowning:

I’ve been away for A LOOONG time…

  • What should I do?(dumb question but I need to ask it anyway)
  • How should I learn to do the correct divekick?
  • Should I go for reset GJ combos? I rarely see this online/youtube.
  • This is dumb to but; against my friend Dudley and another one who plays Makoto, I keep running into this problem(on block). 123, activate, mp,, Somewhere in my strings Dudley just jumps up and owns me on his way down. Is there anything I can do here to prevent him? I’m in GJ and want the upper hand damnit :stuck_out_tongue: And Makoto has a bad habit of poking me out… They just be reading me easy, but still I need some help.
  • When should I jump in the GJ’s to get some of those mixups going, like, empty jump,, palm etc.?

Any tips or answers would be appreciated!
Sorry if any of my writing is way off as well…

ok…this is the noobest of all noob questions here since everyone seems to have this down already, but I gotta ask… what is the timing for doing the super motion when doing 123xx GJ?

I’m pretty new to 3S, but in general with this game and others I don’t have any problems canceling moves into supers but this one is really giving me trouble. I’ve done it a few times, but I’m not consistent at all, I think I’m just getting lucky. So what I want to know is at what point during the ‘123’ do you buffer in the first qcf? 90% of the time when I try it, the lunging punch (Zesshou-Hohou) comes out instead of the third hit of 123.

Right before mp actually hits them buffer it fast then when you hear the sound or confirm the hit press punch.

ok, thanks. So you’re putting in both qcf motions totally after you’ve hit all the inputs for 123, but before the mp actually hits. I guess that was my problem, I was trying to buffer it in somewhere in the middle. I’ll keep working on it the way you suggested.

another way is to use negative edge and when you press mp for the third hit, you hold it -> qcf qcf -> release mp. for some reason it works better for me this way.