New trick up our sleeves: The Hsien Ko changelog

It’s not new, it just depends on how high the opponent is popped up after coming in contact with an iron ball.

Good to know, thanks.

Question time! I’ve been practicing this for about an hour and I just can’t seem to do it.

For anyone who has the guide, combo 2…is there a mistake?

The combo is cr.:l: :m: :h: :f: :h: forward jump, air :m: :s:, land, cr.:m: :h: :s:, super jump, air :m: :m: :h: :s:, land, :qcf: + Chireitou.

Is anyone able to actually catch the person with crouching :m: after the aerial :m: and :s:? Standing :m: works fine, but crouching :m: is something I can’t seem to juggle the opponent with.

I’ve tried that combo, and yea, I can’t get it to work either. The Cr. M juggles too high for Cr. H to hit. I would just skip it and go straight into Cr. H instead of Cr. M in my opinion.

Ok so the glitch happened to me again this morning and I still can’t replicate it in training mode.

The guy I was playing was using Nova. I had Hsien out, she was gold, and I went up for an air throw, he tech’d it, but Nova’s rocket slam move came out while Hsien kept doing her air throw animation… despite having nothing to throw at all. And of course she was completely invincible during this time.

I’d be okay with this glitch if I could make it work in the lab, but I can’t for some reason…

Did she exit it after a little while? Or do you mean she did the drop to the ground without holding anything? I want to see this; she’s seems to have some weird bugs in Gold armor this time around.

No she did the whole throw animation, she just wasn’t throwing anything. Nova got out, did his attack, and she just kept diving towards the ground like she was holding an enemy.
It happened earlier with a ground throw against a Wesker player, too; she flung her arms to the sky even after the throw break, while holding no one.

So either this is a glitch, or gold armor secretly makes Hsien-Ko blind/retarded

That’s… really weird. Sorry to keep asking questions, but does the camera pan in on Ko like a normal throw? Is the opponent free to move around/beat her up?

That’s the other weird thing, the camera doesn’t zoom in at all. And normally I guess they would be able to beat her up, but I think she has to be gold, so… and actually I don’t think she took any damage at all from the Nova thing; it just went right through her as if she was invincible in her throw animation.

Ugh, pendulum assist is free to Strider’s Legion :frowning: It puts him way back in the corner so beam supers DHCs will hit fullscreen plus the zoo takes her out for sure.

The S-characters are so troublesome for her… Strider, Storm, Sent, Skrull…

Do the air MS reallly late. big pause between the jump forward and the first air M

the glitch is probably one of the things they are patching out
i hope i get to see it before that :frowning:
anyone get her alt yet i think it was just released today :slight_smile:

Is the swords hyper faster now? Regardless, I’m finding it really useful for DHCs. Going from Swords -> Bionic Arm lets spencer combo afterwards. There’s probably tons of other hypers that would work too.

Capcom n the new costumes:




I believe it’s a tad faster, yes.

They considered the pajamas, fuckin a man.

The funny part is, I’ve brought up the ideas for the Pajamas and the Chef’s outfit (and the SonSon one a few times I think) a number of times in various forums (including Unity. One of the only reasons I went there was to promote that costume, heh), and it was met with good reception. The good news is that this means a second alt HAS to be one of those, though we may never get second alts anyway.

I just want my pajamas : (

Don’t sweat it, man. They totally have to deliver another MvC3 and it is bound to include more extras like costumes. Screw Marvel’s obsession with having no alt colors though…

I only recently realised you can follow up an Anki Hou (that’s item toss, right?) air hit with stun item (so knocks them to ground) with most, if not all normals. That was probably in the original game, right?

I know someone mentioned the Japanese voices actually calling Hsien-Ko by name now (and English name), wonder if it says Hsien-Ko or Lei-Lei on the JP version. JP voices also call Phoenix Wright by his English name rather than Naruhodou Ryuuichi. Also kinda funny hearing him say “Hsien-Ko-san” and “Felicia-san” :3

if she can take steps in the air, stands to reason we should be able to double jump :frowning:

how many of you plink to dash? i barely did it in vanilla because of the premature 5h that always came out
but now it seems to never happen unless i want it to. i don’t know if it’s a fix in the input priority or just that i’ve become cleaner with my inputs but it’s more consistent for me :slight_smile:

^I plink by pressing M first, then L almost simultaneously but not at the same time. You can see it being done right if you turn on input display in training mode so it looks like MLMLML and not

It’s also important to do it at a steady pace, because unlike the rest of the cast with normal dashes plinking too fast will make h-ko dash too fast and not go anywhere.