I’ve noticed this too. I think they spaced the area in which the balls drop out a little more. If can manage though, try to dash to the other side before doing Tenrai Ha. That should generate more hits.
Sorry, I don’t play Hsien-Ko, so this may be common knowledge, but here goes:
I was toying around with Hsien-Ko today and found out she could combo into her (crappy) launcher after a back throw. Does this make her any better? Gives her a Thor-esque throw combo to surprise opponents with.
[sees ending]
She could do that in Vanilla.
Anyway, Just want to ask, are Ko’s items in fact random or timer based?
I threw three snowmen in a row today in an online match.
Shuma-KO 4EVAR!
According to the New Testament, the game cycles through the list of items every frame. The move is virtually unpredictable by design.
Holy Shit I am GOOD
but then, of course, there’s this:
Lol, I remember when I saw that video. Before the great Wailing Wall of Page 47. Oh, the days…
Speaking of which, there’s a list of what item gets thrown on what frame in Vanilla in the old thread somewhere, though that’s both outdated and fairly useless anyway. Though I’m starting to think Wright’s items are on a similar timer (don’t have the New Testament).
You can combo into her st.:l: and st. off the throw as well. Better to do that.
I’m not sure if fighting Jedah is the smartest thing to do, but hey, who knows what Ko and Thor can do with their combined power. And Jedah making it in somehow is always cool.
So I’m not crazy and the glitch I mentioned before actually did happen. I actually started with ammy and tried to dhc into armor and then both came out with shuffle+chireitou, h-ko wasn’t floating at all. Didn’t pay attention to my meter but I swear it looks like it took 2 bars.
so wait, do you mean she could combo after her back throw (kind of a given) or literally combo into her back throw (possible with Anki Hou stun items)?
After reading some old posts, I want to try out Strange for Hsien-Ko. His bolts assist might have something that Arthur’s daggers doesn’t. Also, to answer Noble’s question about Nemesis’ hyper into Tenraiha as a DHC, it actually works but you need good timing to make it work.
Ah, cool. Good to hear that then.
As far Bolts vs. Daggers, the Bolts hit pretty high. So Daggers might be slightly better in certain situations on the ground. Loose theory, though. Might be something to bring up in the Tiers thread.
My theory for that assist is that if they crouch to avoid the bolts, then they are very vulnerable to IAD attacks from Hsien-Ko, and if they attempt to chicken block out of the mix up, I guess Cr. attacks would work if the assist can hold them in place for Hsien-Ko to catch up and get in range. I find daggers very useful on enhancing Hsien-ko’s zoning and gives her the ability to slowly advance if they block it, but I don’t find much use for it for mix ups outside of the corner. I’m getting a bit tired of using Iron Fist anyways, so I thought about trying out Strange
I would love to bring up stuffs for the tiers thread, but considering that I’m just an online warrior, I feel that most of my opinions wouldn’t mean much. Then again, I kind of getting tired most players including me being negative about Hsien-Ko and just say she can be deadly if done right.
I know it probably doesn’t mean much, but most of GAF is online warriors and we’ve had quite a few knowledgeable posters over there. I’d say our opinions are just as good considering all the stream monstering and gaming we do.
I’d feel like I wasted my time if four hundred hours of gameplay and 100+ hours of stream monster experience boils down to nothing. :xeye:
Ah, I see. I never thought about using it for hi/lo’s.
And like Steely said, you don’t have to be a tourney player to contribute. Anyone’s welcome as long as they have good input, and you have good input. A good portion of the people on there play online anyway. You could probably put in a better word about Lei Lei than me, heh. A lot of people, when they theoryfight there, say they don’t know what she’s capable of, so she’s usually just thrown into a soup of “I dont know what to do with these low tiers, so they’re unorganized.” Though she’s definitely not anywhere near the top, people need to know what to expect from her up give her proper placing.
Yeah, you don’t need to play in the Premiership to know good football when you see it
Oh, then I feel very silly from thinking that. lol
Whew, got to 4th Lord. I have to confess, I would have never reached that so fast without Lei Lei. Already played her 1000 times plus in Utimate o_O
Today, I came across a legit Darkstalkers team. Dude was using Lei Lei on point. To actually fight. Oh man, I felt so guilty when I armored immediately and got her the hell out… After that I met him again and this time I just played the mirror match. Respect. But I’m so cheap
Nooby Phoenix players are so fun to troll with Hsien. Either stand in the middle of the screen refreshing Rimou all the time, or kill her while Golden and get that free combo while she’s c.AAAAAAAAAAAAA’ing.
Prolly old technology, but if possible, when I kill the second char, I try to switch Golden Lei to 2nd spot so if opponent kills my first char by activating XF3, I will get Lei in and they are forced to wait it out. (or better, recklessly go in for easy punish :))
Is it new that Hsien can relaunch after xfactor canceling Tenrai Ha?
I cant quite get it 100% of the time but I have had the most luck with Tenrai Ha > xfc > s.H > c.H > S