New trick up our sleeves: The Hsien Ko changelog

I wonder if this happens to other powerup hypers, especially ones used for assist work too like Gold Arthur and Denjin Ryu. I’ll bring this up in the Glitch Thread.

So Ko-Ko is covered by her coughboyfriendcough Shummy with Mystic Ray. But I can’t really figure out if Hsien-ko should be middle man or anchor (Shuma/Frank/Ko-ko). Shuma makes meter like Gates makes money, I’m never afraid that i’ll have less than 3 bars and typically I have 5 by the end of a match… Her Hyper Armor Power-up with level 3 x-factor is a force to be reckoned with and I know how to get in with Ko-Ko pretty well. Opinions?.

Ko-Ko? Like the gorilla?

She’s not really the best anchor. Though neither is Frank. I dunno. If Shuma makes lots of meter, then I guess that’s your option with that team…?

Well it is a just for fun team. But 5 meters + Hyper Armor Power up + X factor level 3 = 1 guaranteed combo XD.
Frank can still be hit pretty easily while in X-factor. Ko-Ko can walk through tons of shit.

Oh well if it’s just a funzies team do whatever you want heh. You’re the one playing.

Do whatever I want?

How about?
Jon Talbain/Morrigan/Lei-Lei

The team I use with Ko is Zero/Hsien-ko/Doom or Hawkeye. What do you guys think?

My team is Zero/Hisen-ko and Doom or Hawkeye. I mostly like the synergy with Zero/Hsien-ko with DHC options like rekkoha into tenrai ha then tenrai ha again and back into rekkoha or have Ko turn gold and DHC to Sougenmu. And Doom helps to get Zero/Ko in. Any other opinions because I Really wanna make this work lol

hi i’m new to this thread, i was thinking of having nemesis/hsien-ko/morrigan as my team. Is there a better order that i can do for this team?

Voice 53: Ah! This is a tight spot. :eek:
Voice 62: Whoa, man, your face is scary!
Voice 72: Oh man, that was really frightening!
Gotta say 53 made me raise an eyebrow, I’m guessing her new quotes are vs Ghost Rider but could be wrong :lol:

The last two are actually vs. Nemesis. No idea about the first one. Maybe… Frank… West…?

And as for team discussions, I don’t want to minimod, but those should go in the Team Building thread.

[media=youtube]YDVcwOQIOQM[/media] well you guys, i managed to find a video of the hsien ko ending for anyone who doesnt have the game yet, if it matter to anyone still x,x

I really wish I had video proof to back me up here, but I have experienced a glitch two times now with hsien ko. I dont know if its limited to online play since its never happened playing offline. It has happened both times DHCing from Gold Armor into Dr. Strange’s Spell of Vishanti. What appears to happen is that Strange comes on screen to do his super, but hsienko also stays and starts her super flash for Chireitou. After Spell of Vishanti comes out, Hsien Ko stays on screen, stuck, floating in mid air. She takes damage and cant be called out, but doing a TAC will take bring her in.

Also sorry if this has already been found or if its not the right place to bring it up

No, this is the right place to bring it up. Though you’re not alone. There was a little discussion on it on the last page.

Zabel will not be happy about this.

Ah Nemesis, makes sense. I think the line about being in a tight spot is what she says when she jumps in after a teammate has been downed (seems to be a new edition to UMVC3).

Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling fighting over Thor, classic :rofl: Cool she got a whole new ending, Felicia’s is exactly the same, Deadpool’s is the same with different characters crowding him.

Her quote for jumping in after a KO is “I’ll settle the score,” and it sounds a lot more mature than her other lines. Unless there’s a different line for when she’s the last character coming in, which is possible.

For some reason, I have gained a new respect for Thor.

haha play a team of Hsien-ko x Thor, they are “bff”. This new ending is like fanfiction to me.

Is the spacing on Tenraiha different? For example, if you spike your opponent into the corner with j.S and land right next to them for OTG spiked balls, I feel like it doesn’t hit enough times. I don’t recall that in vanilla…

On the topic of H-ko on point, my team is H-ko/Felicia/Doom. Depending on the circumstances, I’ll either play H-ko until she’s dead or gold armor + kitty’s helper DHC when it’s convenient. She’s not a good anchor at all IMO.