New trick up our sleeves: The Hsien Ko changelog

I can do it by accident just by rolling my fingers across LMH but it’s not 100% accurate :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I remember having trouble with the not moving anywhere thing at first. Even then, I’d flub it occasionally. I’ll look at it this way from now on. Thanks.

I rarely ever played Hisen-Kos in Vanilla but one thing I did know was that I could block her spike ball super High or low. Im noticing now that If i block high or low or air block I still get hit out of blockstun and get hit by the super. No i’m not mashing for pushblock. Wondering if there was some sort of change to her super that makes it hit a certain way that I’m not aware of? If so its pretty useful.

The Anvil hits overhead, it did in regular MvC3, the spiked balls hit mid.

I haven’t picked up the new testament of the MvC3 bible, and I was wondering which of Hsien-Kos moves had frame data change. I have the old testament, but I dunno how accurate it is for frame data any more.

According to the Brady Guide, the only change is her :s:. Recovery is now 21 frames (from 30) and is now -3 on block instead of -12. Otherwise, everything’s the same.

So her launcher is no longer punishable on block(besides ammy and other 3 frame jab users)?

I guess so, which makes a lot of sense cause I haven’t been punished for it very often in Ultimate haha

Just Ammy and Dark Phoenix can punish that. As well as some command grabs since a lot of them are 1-3 frames depending on strength, if they reach of course.

Wolverine with Berserker Charge as well.

New Testament lists standing L as 4/4 but it could be wrong.

You’re right, I misread it.

The frame data doesn’t seem to be all that accurate. Despite chireitou having faster start-up, the guide still lists it as 30+5, the same as it was in vanilla. Her S in vanilla being -12 on block I always felt was a typo since not even Cap’s cr.L could punish her. There was also the capcom change log which stated her cr.M would have faster start-up and less active frames, but the guide lists it having the exact frame data as it was in vanilla (10/7/17).

I did find the Chireitou bit very strange too. It DEFINITELY feels faster, but the data stayed the same…

I chalk it up to this game being rushed. Hell, Replay mode is missing from the game and the rumored patch will be fixing some “bugs” related to Phoenix Wright. The folks writing the guide probably had a lot on their plate with this game.

It all (if not all, the definitely most along with Capcom needing a moneymaker for the end of the year) has to do with Marvel’s tight schedule, unfortunately. They need to use the game as an advertising vessel before all of theseus new movies/comics come out.

I feel sorry for Wright players, but at least Lei Lei’s own assist isn’t getting nerfed. Not like it would’ve, but the two are often compared.

On another note, blue Nemesis and normal H-Ko color coordinate very well.

They’re nerfing Wright’s assist?

That’s the rumor, anyway:

Haha, hell yeah! I have zero sympathy for Wright players that whore that assist out, that shit is too cheap to put in words.

You kidding me? They have to get to Turn About Mode and that shit is much harder to do than getting into Dark Force for Hsien-Ko. Phoenix Wright doesn’t have a lot going for him, that was one of the few things good about the character (other than being Phoenix frickin’ Wright).

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