New trick up our sleeves: The Hsien Ko changelog

mm, i think Strange projectiles will be the smallest of the concerns for Hsien-ko (teleports, spell of vishanti, astral magic lv3 on random uncancellable sempu bu >_>)

Spit it out, MAN. Oh nooooo…


I was thinking about doing the new BnB combo LLND made, but instead of doing St. S, do an Edoga after the Cr.H, call Spencer’s assist, jump cancel forward, land, then either continue the combo and finish it or go for a reset. Of course, this will probably only work if Edoga can still connect after a lengthy combo which has me slightly worried. If not, then I guess I can try different setup, probably one involving with the use of forward M instead. I’m also pondering that if a well timed assist call can pull them down after doing an anti air Edoga. The extra hit stun might make that possible.

I wanted to use Nemesis with Hsien-Ko and Arthur but I’m pretty sure that’s a bad idea if I don’t have anyone with decent mobility.

That’s good to know. As long as a hard tag into a full screen hyper works, then it should be fine for everything else.

So Mei-ling is Hsien-ko’s alternate, no surprise there. I was really hoping for pajama Hsien-ko.

That’s weird. It’s not her dressed as her sister, but actually her sister.

Can’t say I like that. I dunno. Kinda boring. And lazy. But whatever.

At least it’s accurate. Mei-Ling is pretty plain. And I’m glad they changed the face - blue would not have looked good against all that tan brown.

Good news on RR and Strange’s projectiles reflecting/nullifying properly. Very curious to see how gong works against Hawkeye and Nemesis’ projectiles. Keep 'em coming LL.ND!

Yeah, I look forward to Gong vs. Hawkeye results!

Talbain Ammy is… an odd choice. Feel like it should’ve been an actual alt from Okami. But hey, more Darkstalkers shoutouts.

Yeah, I guess we’ll just have to see how HSD affects this.

Also, is it just me, or did her “stats” all get lowered?

Yeah, her guide page looks small lol. Most of it’s about her new items.

I also just realized that her winpose is going to look really weird with a different face now. The face is different, I think.


head explodes

hey at least it is a new costume.

Her S launches way too high to get any H head charge combos. Can’t do any extended combos with glaive so far.
Glaive chop seems to lose the ground bounce reset property overtime or during combo length(not sure) and the move seems to push opponents away more.
Cold star has less untechable time, this turns down the synergy she and leilei(and chris) have.

These are just early impressions for now, I have yet to mess around with air weapon switch.

Pretty much. There aren’t any more spiked balls coming out, the hit counter just doubles. 17 hits is the max btw.

So more jump cancel combos.
Off a ground throw: st.M>f+M>j.MH(3 hits)S>st.M>cr.HS>j.MMHS
I recommend this combo if you’re up close or have gotten close enough in a reset attempt. This combo is the most consistent, easiest, and most damaging: st.LM>cr.H>f+H>j.MS>j.L gong>j.LS>land>st.M>cr.HS>j.MMHS Should do 420-430k before hypers.

So she got more buffs besides dating Shuma? AWESOME!
But really you guys, dating Shuma was all she ever wanted.

(cue music)


Not according to her new ending. Haha!

Gonna update this posts on gong vs projectiles:
-Rocket launcher explodes on contact. Similar to phoenix tk shots

Ghost Rider
-Nullifies judgement strike

Dr. Strange
-Reflects flames of the faltine(also with yellow glyphs), daggers of denak, and mystic sword.
-nullifies flames of the faltine(red glyph beam), bolts of balzack
-eye of agamotto rips through it

Rocket Raccoon
-reflects spitfire
-nullifies st.H lasers, mr.flapper and pendulum

-Nullifies all versions of gravimetric pulse and energy javelin

-Judgement cut rips through it
-nullifies round trip

-Reflect L and M hell spitfire
-nullifies H hell spitfire

Frank West
-All levels of object toss are reflectable
-nullifies hammer throw
-giant swing rips through it
-snapshot rips through it

Strider Hiryu
-Reflects formation a1, a2, and b(satellite)
-nullifies formation c(bomb)

Phoenix Wright
-Maya Shield nullifies gong
-Maya slide rips through it
-reflects evidence discard
-nullifies all versions of paperwork storm(high and low). In turnabout mode, paperwork will rip through it.
-nullifies “get 'em, missile!”
-reflects most types of evidence presented in trial mode/turnabout mode. Nullifies file folder and photo

-f+M rips through
-reflects st.H arrows, greyhound, spritzer, violet fizz(hawkeye also gets poisoned), ice breaker, rusty nail
-nullifies hunter, most of kamikaze(you’ll still get hit by a couple arrows), H ragtime shot
-jack rose will explode on contact. the explosion is unaffected by the gong once the arrow is set on stage.

Her new ending involving Shuma…oh man, why am I not surprised?

I’m sad hearing about Ammy though. I guess trying to learn her in Vanilla is pointless at this rate. I really liked the synergy between Hsien-Ko and Ammy too…

Ah, cool stuff. How do you plan to level up Frank with the other two? The consensus right now is that he loves characters with long combos like Dante and hypers that hit a lot like Skrull because they net him the most XP at the end of the combo.

Wait. Don’t tell me her new ending involves Shuma… oh dear.

Dude I gots to see this XD. Post it up!

Sooo… how is that Frank feeling, LL.ND? Should I head over the the Frank forums? I was actually very intrigued by him when I saw his level up system and I believe he has some potential. I think he pairs well with Ammy too.

A couple more questions…

-Do you feel any solid improvements on gongs for recovery or start up?
-Does the item toss feel any faster than Vanilla? She looked like she was on crack when I saw the Max changelog vid.
-Is there anything that you feel she is still missing in Ultimate? I’m not gonna make a discussion out of this, I’m only asking out of curiosity.

… that is it.


I thought my head would explode too, since I knew theyd go for this. I have mixed feelings, I luv how accurate it is, and its a nice change up, but for some reason, it kinda creeps me out, seeing Lin Lin do the neck crack thing is just odd, only Hsienko makes that kool for me, the Pajamas would have been boss.

This made me lol pretty hard, I’m like: “Oh No they Didn’t!” John Talbain aka Okami with Pants. I won’t lie, with this alternate, it opens up more room for new members on my team, I would learn Okami just cause of this costume, my first fav 3 in Darkstalkers were: Hsien-ko, John Talbain, and Felicia, I really didn’t get into Morrigan until TVC which is pretty late. I can keep my theme and not feel off lol. That damn sure means he didn’t make it to the game lol, but I’ll take that costume.

Yeah, I think that’s actually my biggest issue with the costume besides it being a little bland compared to the rest of the cast: Mei-Ling doing the neck snap. It goes from being kinda cute to somewhat terrifying, like a Japanese horror movie.

I kinda like the creepy factor myself.

Also, I too wanna see dat new Hsien Ko ending. Anybody got a link?

Ammy and Frank are working out pretty good. You can reach level 5 with just a 2 bar thc with shopping cart hyper+okami shuffle, no x-factor or drinking necessary.
Frank himself isn’t looking too good. Hammer throw and giant swing are looking pretty useless right now and the idea of unlocking his moves dampers his position playing the point character. Until he gets his very useful barrel roll in level 2, frank doesn’t have much in the way of opening up his opponents. Level 4 frank is another story…

gongs and item toss feel the same. Besides the weird voice clip, I don’t know what else the new items do. It looks like mechanic is still the same from vanilla mvc3 when I tried p1 recording/playback and I would get the same item every time.

Besides the wishful things she needs (cancelable senpu-bu, faster overall speed, fixed item mechanic, combo after air throw), I can’t think of anything else. She got an overall damage buff and jump cancels that have tailored her to be a better spacing character for controlling the air and ground.

With Lei Lei, its so hype, with Lin Lin, it actually look like a Poltergeist :x.