New trick up our sleeves: The Hsien Ko changelog

Oh God, I just read Noble’s full post and now I can’t get the image of Hakan trying to sell oil out of my head. The image of Shuma trying to sneak into her room will be the stuff of nightmares. X_X

You might wanna avoid watching the ending for *The Mighty *in that case.

So sad…

HOLY SHIT! That’s what I was thinking of, and I didn’t even know it! I remember reading the book in middle school and seeing the movie. Just waiting for someone to replicate one of these two posters with both Nemesis and Lei Lei:




Just randomly put Morrigan’s face in the background of the first one.

That would be epic. Hell, I’ve seen it done with TF2.

The ending is so sad, yeah.

Got the game, will be updating this post throughout the day:
-Not only has chireitou’s start-up has been reduced but they blades themselves travel faster. Chireitou still only hits one character if you happen to happy birthday someone.
-standard bnb with jump cancel f+H>j.HS>st. MH(1-2 hits)>cr.HS>j.MMHS should do around 340-420k and is the most reliable to do right now. Anything other variants are tricky to do, but I’ll see what else I can find.
-off a anti-air f+M you j.MMH(1 hit)S, land, st.M>L gong>st.LM>cr.H>S>j.MMHS and should net around 400k before hypers, 750k with two mashed tenraihas.
-I believe her st.S has been given more horizontal range. So far she has no problems combo’ing against shuma, tron, ammy, joe. Modok is still a problem.
-Hyper viper tenraiha is still in the game! Did a much easier corner loop(486k before hypers) with two mashed tenraiha’s(+ gongs) to get around 880-900k.
-M and H versions of houtengeki got slightly better grab range. Cannot follow up with chireitou.
-x-factor damage: lv1-25%/lv2-45%(down from 50%)/lv3-65%(down from 75%)
-Snowman does indeed incapacitate your opponent. Doesn’t look like any of the new items have increased durability, may need the guide to clarify what’s what. Whenever the hunk of meat is thrown someone says “looks tasty!”. o_O
-Cannot follow up after air throws. Also, I think her normal throw range got slightly bigger or maybe magneto just got fatter…

Awesome! Cheers to ll.nd. That anti-air bnb sounds really good.

Just one question though:

Hmm, does the faster speed mean some hard tag follow-ups won’t work anymore? (specifically thinking: Chireitou from the corner, hard tag to Hulk, H Gamma Charge, Gamma Crush)

All of that sounds great! The mashed tenraiha really helps her damage output, it seems. I really like those combos too, they look really fancy :stuck_out_tongue: Congratulations on getting the game early!.. T_T

I wonder, can you combo after landing an Edoga on an air opponent? Is henkyo ki startup reduced? What about Anki-Hou? Oh well, I’m sure you’ll post this soon enough. Thanks in advance for all the info :slight_smile:

Bummer on not being able to follow up Houten Geki with Cheiritou, but at least the move itself was improved. I don’t suppose she can act off her air throws now?

Thanks for the update. Do you know if her item toss has been buffed overall in speed? It looked tons faster in Max’ Capcom changelog video.

This is a biggie.

I’m liking these buffs. The buff on St. S sounds good to me if Hsien-Ko has an easier time comboing into it, especially against small characters. I wonder what’s the new range for the command grab. It’s usually better to do a normal grab instead since she can follow up, build more meter, and get about 400k damage for a simple combo. The command grab buff might change my opinion on that one.

I’m wondering the same. Can Hsien-Ko still super jump then hit someone after Chireitou? Is the hyper still glitchy when done against two characters?

Also, how much meter do you build from the two combos with the use of the jump cancels? I’m curious about that one.

Thank you LL.ND! The st.:s: and Houten Geki buffs alone sound good to me. I’m liking the new doors that her jump cancels open. Makes her less linear. Did you try using them in conjunction with Senpuu Bu midscreen?

He said that it still drops a character during a Happy Birthday, unless he added that after you asked, of course.

I wonder if we can still do Spencer’s assist rest off Chireitou. Timing will definitely be tighter.

Is the “Looks tasty!” line the announcer? That’s really weird lol

Thanks for the continued updates LL.ND. It’s nice to see they threw some improvements her way, but it doesn’t appear that anything that was actually “wrong” (not being able to combo off air throws is just garbage) or “broken” (Cheiritou dropping during HB’s, refuse to believe this is intentional) about her was fixed.

Maybe we could get some information on the new characters and how Henkyo Ki works against their projectiles? Also, can you see if the M and H versions of Trish’s Low Voltage reflect properly now? God, can you imagine how much better she would be if all of the game’s projectiles reflected instead of simply being destroyed or dissipating when coming in contact with a gong?

Who knows, maybe it’s Mei Ling? Oh shit, she was the announcer this whole time!!!

thanks LL.ND :smiley:

I have two questions, can Hsien-ko after of a full Chireitou catch the opponent with a st f.H (edoga) > jump cancel and continue the combo? and, are the gong startups faster now?

Oh, didn’t notice LLND updating his post. Thanks. Meh, at least her extended combos and mashable Tenraiha will improve the damage done on happy birthdays. As for the Spencer assist reset, I was planning on making a new one without using a hyper. I can post about it if you want.

Also, I wonder how did the HSD effected Hsien-Ko. Did it make it worse or better for her?


Well… she has better midscreen and corner combos than before so it looks like it got better. Some people just assumed that HSD getting worse in UMvC3 means that everyone got nerfed, but Hsien-Ko’s was so abysmal that it couldn’t even compare to the rest of the cast.

Double ouch

I can’t imagine Chireitou dropping happy birthdays being intentional. Just look at Mag Shockwave. It probably had something to do with its speed.

Yeah, go ahead and post it! Spencer will be competing with Nemesis for Point on the A team, though I have a feeling he’ll win anyway because I love that assist too much. Better mobility, too, especially with the new faster Zips. Still gonna use point Nemmy somewhere.

Fuck the Trish matchup. Anything to make that bitch cry is good in my book. I find her voice more irritating than Felicia’s, for some reason. Must be franchise loyalty.

Oh god, Mei-Ling sounds even more annoying than her sister! Capcom! What have you done?!?

Seriously, though, the female announcer is ass. All echoey and crap.

Yeah, never got why her HSD is so bad. Dante will be feeling it the most, according to Dante players’ reports in the Balance thread (some links are impossible to do now, I think). So he won’t be a god with every option and tool at his disposal. He’ll just be a demigod with every option and tool at his disposal. They’ll just have to play smarter. ahemhammernerfahem

Also, new dialogue:

Hsien-Ko to Nemesis intro:
“Man your face is scary.”

Looks like I’ll have to teach her to be accepting and respectful towards her new bodyguard. It shall be done.

Dr. Strange to Hsien-Ko intro:
“And they call ME strange…”

Ouch, Stephen. Especially because you’re in her little fancomic, and you two might be working together. Shouldn’t you know what she is anyway, being Dr. Strange? Be proud of weirdness.

Also, shootings to Tessa and Donovan in Strange’s ending. Don’t tease me like that, Capcom.

Speaking of Strange, Hsien-Ko’s probably getting a new or altered ending like some other characters.

It’s the Christmas story. I know it.

:frowning: I find Felicia’s voice cute, and her little friend is so adorable :3

lol my whole team hate themselves, Hsien-ko to Nemmy, Strange to Hsien-ko. BUT it was the same with my vanilla team of Dormammu and Thor, so no big deal.

Naw, Hsien Ko’s ending will consist of a similar story to her being with all of Capcom’s misfits, then all of a sudden an unpictured voice says “I pick Hsien Ko.” Her face lights up and she rushes offscreen towards her newfound benefactor. Her final line will be, “Finally…somone will love us sis! I just know it!” with the biggest grin on her face and a few tears in her eyes.

I should’ve clarified: Japanese Felicia is annoying, in my opinion. English could be better (also IMO), like her VSav voice is better, but I’m okay with it. Still, Trish. The delivery sounds so off. “Euhaha!”

I expected Strange and Hsien-Ko to get along, what with the whole mystic theme.

All while playing this:

Gotta love that Chinese melodrama ending credits music.

Boy, I talk a lot. Once I get playing later on, hopefully that talk is more constructive lol

I haven’t messed with any hsien-ko+spencer(or hulk), but I can say that it’s still possible to combo after chireitou. Something about chireitou dhc into grenade launcher feels more consistent about it. Still I’d rather tenraiha over chireitou for happy birthdays now that mashed tenraiha does slightly more over it, plus trading hits will allow you prep another mashed tenraiha.

HSD feels the same. It is possible to L senpu bu after f+H, but you gotta be pretty close to it and I don’t think it’s worth the damage over the new bnb she has.
Anki hou and gongs honestly feel the same to me, and if there’s any difference in frame data the guide says then it’s pretty minute.
So far, gongs do reflect rocket raccoons’s blaster and nullify his bear trap and log trap. Against strange, daggars of denak are reflectable but it’s recommended to do air gongs cuz the projectiles will whizz over ground gongs and hit you. Flames of the faltine is reflectable, bolts of balthac(?) can be nullified, forgot to try mystic sword.

the two jump cancel combos i mentioned before build 95% of one bar while the corner loop approximately builds one.

Also, Frank’s shopping cart is a great alternative to cold star in regard to hsien-ko’s reset game. Speaking of cold star, seems like ammy got nerfed a lot. And I’m not talking about the air dash nerf. x_X

Nullifying Bear and Log traps is good news. Approaching him may not be as scary as I thought.

Do you have to mash for the entire animation of TRH to get max damage?