New trick up our sleeves: The Hsien Ko changelog

Yeah, probably. Laziness.

You know what I think would be an interesting concept for this game? A move like Game and Watch from Smash Bros that would let you absorb stray projectiles to charge a really powerful counterattack. Not really related to Hsien Ko in any way…unless there was a version of Gong that would do something similar.

I remember Anakaris had a move like that. He would swallow the projectile and then spit it against the opponent, only it was more powerful because Anakaris had time to charge it.

Speaking of it, I wonder who from the DS cast would get a better transition in MvC3’s system instead Hsien-Ko and Felicia. Q-Bee and Jedah would be interesting, and I wouldn’t mind Anakaris returning even though he already appeared in MvC2. B.B. Hood would be redundant as R. Raccoon plays similarly as her, same as Talbain since Nova and Iron Fist pretty much do anything he does except that Flash Kick-like move.


Let’s see:
• Zabel/ L. Raptor (airdash pressure/mixups, fullscreen super like Raccoon’s)
• Q-Bee (airdash pressure, mixups, honey bubble oki, bzz bzz bzz)
• Jedah (yet more airdash pressure, this time with a hitbox which would work better in this game, spacing with scythes, flight, mixups, Dark Dimension style super)
• Anakaris (see MvC2, he’s cool)
• Donovan (stance shenanigans, sword)
• Huitzil (everything)

Honestly, Hsien-Ko and Felicia have the potential to be great anyway, and it’s not like Felicia’s bad by any means (her weakness of getting in might be alleviated now with aerial Delta Kick). As has been said many timesbefire, Hsien-Ko actually has great air mobility (her ground mobility had always been crap), but Capcom must have some kind of grudge. Really, I just want a new DS game. Neglecting your characters now is bad for a future revival, Capcom.

So did we ever figure out whether or not her 6M got better recovery? I’m thinking there may be some loop possibilities with jump cancelling 6m into an IAD into something.

Nullifying beams is just fine. Reflecting them sounds too powerful. They only need to be faster on recovery and I wish the inputs were changed to something else.

They are supposedly cutting the recovery frames a bit which is good.

I hope Ms.Marvel gets something like this. I’d main her right quick if she did get a mechanic like that.

It gets increased untechable time so it is easier to combo with than before.

Felicia’s pretty solid in MvC3 and the best of the 3 IMO, it’s just that there are characters that do what she does but better and easier so why use her? That’s why you rarely see her methinks.
BB Hood was pretty fun(ny) in MvC2, mines and grenades made for interesting normals.

All Hsien-Ko is missing at this point is the pendulum cancels, a better gong input and tweaks to her item throws. Most of the changes that have been applied are the kind of small changes that amount to good stuff so long as the glaring issues(mobility) have been fixed and I’m pretty happy with those in retrospect. I never wanted her to be a top tier character, just a mid tier character that has options.

The good news is that another MvC3 is probably going to come out next year anyway and she can only move up from rock bottom(where she is staying) so here is looking at UMvC3:PE. I hope Darkstalkers stays where it is at right now though. I play around a hundred matches a week on GGPO and the game is pretty challenging/fun right there. Capcom brings way too much grief paired with the awesome in their games and it is just not worth it to me.

I would like a new DS as long as Ono is under some heavy supervision, seeing as he’s probably going to be heading it. As often as it’s said, I do not trust that man when it comes to keeping things simple. God characters that overshadow the rest of the cast bonds the community my ass… It bonds it with negativity.

I’ll wait to pass judgment on Gems, though im not really paying much attention to that game anymore. With Niitsuma’s team, I can at least understand their time constraints, which is unfortunate, though that doesn’t excuse their lazy handling of some characters/mechanics. Whatever. Like I’ve said before, if Capcom truly will make a third version of this game, then it’ll probably be a vessel to promote DS. And there will always be GGPO in the meantime, yeah.

I guess they just don’t care for franchises that haven’t received a revival in the last years. Even Morrigan is suffering with bad mixups, and she is the most popular DS character.

Hsien-Ko’s speed increase was one of the most requested buffs, and yet it seemed they didn’t care because it didn’t appear in the official changelog. Some players said she is a bit faster now, but I’ll only believe in that once I play the game.

I agree with you on that. Since they announced the gems thingy in SFxT it sort of killed my interest in the game. Why they can’t make a fighting game without weird gimmicks is beyond me.

So looking at the Capcom video changelog, it looks like the report from Portugal is looking accurate in regards to the new Anki Hou items in that most of them don’t appear to do anything.

  • Barrel - 70k damage, no special effect
  • Silver Samurai statuette - 70k damage, stagger effect
  • Cat statuette - 70k damage, no special effect
  • Servbot Snowman - 70k damage, freeze effect which seems to actually incapacitate

I guess with a variety of different potential effects and the increased list of items, the risk of getting a bomb is lower… still there though. Bleh.

Max went over some of her other changes, but obviously he’s not familiar with the character (no mentioning of jump-cancellable command normals, even though we now know it’s there) so it looks like it will be up to us to root out the significant stuff. First thing I know that I’ll test for sure is if you can perform any follow ups on her air throws now, and if you can perform Cheiritou off her command throw. I really hope you can - the one advantage Cheiritou has over Tenrai Ha is that the damage is guaranteed.

The untechable time after Edoga is pretty significant. Iron Man hit the ground before he recovered after a c.H xx Edoga. That means that jump canceling after c.H xx Edoga mid-screen might lead to some pretty interesting and useful combos. Also, no wonder some people were able to do a 3 x gong loop in the corner more easily.

Btw, long time lurker, MODOK/Hsienko player here. Hi ._.;

Yeah, I’ll admit the Edoga change is nice. All the more reason for them to replace her Anki Hou assist with Edoga.

Edoga would be an awesome AA assist for controlling space. That would make too much sense though.

Yeah, it’s nice and quick, perfect for a good but not broken assist. But nope.

So Max went over her first? Maybe he’s getting the unpopular out of the way. Haven’t watched it yet, so I don’t know who’s in it.

New items mostly not doing anything. Booooo. Not like it was anything to get excited over anyway, though it was the change they touted the most. Like Ranadiel said, the most positive thing we get our of it is less bombs.

I wish the Portuguese testers said what hyper they used to follow up her cmd grab with. Oh well. Just five more days.

And yeah, I predict some nice corner resets with the new Edoga, provided her HSD is better this time around and wasn’t hit along with Dante and the like.

Each time I think about the possibilities from her jump cancelable normals, the more I get hyped. I don’t know about you guys, but the possibility to extend combos, hit confirm into a combo from a safe distance, and able to completely shift the momentum into yours from a blocked attack sounds like something to be hyped for. I’m predicting that Edoga will be used for mid screen combos and as a zoning tool even more (more hitstun sounds like a buff to her zoning if it hits and I guess I can assume that she can jump cancel back to gain more distance) and as for the forward M move, I predict it will be used as a counter attack to hit confirm into a combo from hit or change the momentum to yours on block. If Hsien-Ko can use Chireitou from her command grab and combo from her air throw, I can see Hsien-Ko’s damage being much more stronger and consistent as well as make the reward better.

Am I the only one who feels that her item toss looks overall quicker?

Half of the equation for a good Hsien-Ko has been produced with all the damage buffs she gets mid screen and her slightly buffed zoning/combo friendliness. The other half remains locked away in old Vampire Savior vaults that even Capcom can’t access.

All she needs is a mobility buff with pendulum cancels for her to become really useful.

Actually I thought the same thing while watching Max’s video. The item tosses do look like you can throw them in a quicker succession.

[LEFT]I’ve noticed that too. The M version looked unusually fast for my eyes. I hope Anki Hou in general got buffed in terms of recovery.[/LEFT]