I’m not even really disappointed when I hear of no significant changes from Hsien Ko any more. It’s like that one relative that’s always in and out of prison. When you hear they screwed up and are in trouble again, you just kinda shake your head and go back to your mashed potatoes. It’s so expected that it doesn’t even affect you any more.
I thought I was like that until this. Not really much more disappointed than I already was, but I was actually starting to like the prospect of jump-cancelable cmd normals. Something you could get a little creative with. I didn’t expect much, if anything, to be added, but to take something out? That just rubs more salt in the wound.
Really though, it’s like they WANT her to be bad and for no one to use her, which is…odd.
I still think it’s because she was shoved in to balance out the female:male ratio. We need a girl, Niitsuma says this girl’s one of his favorites, put her in. Aaaaaaand done. Finished roster.
I can maybe understand leaving her unfinished, then working on her later. But it’s a waste of time and resources to make something that no one will use and then leave it that way. It’s backwards even from a business perspective, not to mention that she could’ve been a unique and very viable addition to the roster that could’ve made the game more fun for everyone. It probably has something to do with the tight deadlines Seth was talking about. I guess that’s what you get when you’re working on a project that’s meant essentially to be a vessel of advertisements for upcoming attractions, and Darkstalkers doesn’t seem to be an upcoming attraction in the very near future (I’m sure there will be one within the next, say, four years. Generously).
I remember saying in June that I’d flip tables if she didn’t get anything, but at this point, I don’t even have the strength to flip tables. The only thing to really look forward to are more Gongs and Tenrai Ha with slightly higher damage. Tron, Shuma, and Haggar are in the same boat…
I won’t lie, that kinda pisses me off, I was looking forward to new combo’s that didn’t break my hands, and new options for pressure on pokes, and punishing airborne people with 6:l: and 6:h: into combo, I really wanted to work with though, but now we got jack shyit. People keep saying shes a waste of a character slot, but if Capcom thinks so too, they might as well just completely remove her with the next patch, so I have no reason to play the game anymore lol, and I’ll go focus on other games. Without H-ko I feel like MVC3 aint worth playin.
Hey all, I totally forgot to test the command normals for being jump cancelable, sorry.
The Gong startup didn’t seem that different from vanilla.
Don’t loose hope, we are not experts in any means with plenty of chars, so some of the info might be wrong and there could be plenty of stuff we didn’t see, notice or found out.
Like we said we only about a 4 hours to test stuff, and we only tested Frank West and RR in training mode thoroughly. Then we tried to cram up the rest of the cast in teams while doing some casuals and stuff.
Would love to have had more time to get more info out. But oh well just a few more days.
No worries, then. You guys have done a good job with the little time you have and the amount of characters you needed to test. It’s understandable something will slip by. And yeah, just 7 more days, anyway.
Y’know what we need to do, buff Hsien-Ko with increased speed and faster normals in Heroes and Heralds mode. Then we see if that version of Hsien-Ko is closer to her VS iteration. If so, we should send videos of us beasting with her to Capcom with the title: “This is how you buff Hsien-Ko”.
Maybe you should stop paying them to use a shitty character. Vampire Savior is always there on GGPO and there are other fighters on the horizon.
Others have said Gong startup is faster. I would consider using Hsien-ko because she is one of the game’s best turtlers. People think she’s bad because they try to attack with her, but I just want to delay while calling Dark Harmonizer.
I would turtle up to 5 bars and then go crazy with gold armor on point, or just DHC to Dormammu’s Stalking Flares to burn up meter while having the best “get off me” assist in the game.
I think Hsien-ko backed by Dark Harmonizer, Hidden Missiles, or Mystic Ray is still a solid character. No, not one of the best by any means, but I think she’s totally playable in that kind of setup, whereby you just slowly chip your opponent down through frustration.
Wow, the jump cancelable removal almost gave me a heart attack until it got confirmed that it wasn’t tested. Though, I’m not going to bring my hopes up for it unless I see it with my own eyes. Also, the last change got me confused. What hyper was it tested on for the command/air grab? If it was Chireitou, then it would make her damage much more consistent from her command grabs.
I’m looking forward to Maximillian’s changelog vids on the Capcom side for this week.
I’m stubborn, id have to have to be crush physically, mentally, and spiritually to one fuck of a degree for me to come close to to giving up on a character I have that much in bound hype on, that or have a baby and needed to prioritize, not like that will never happen, so i’ll just keep getting bodied till either I play smarter or dirtier, if not both. But that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna vent from time to time, I’m only human.
According to some thread on srk, gamestops over socal will be selling the umvc3 guide tomorrow. I’ll be sure to pick it up and report what I find.
Well, with the late-night depression out of the way, I now have something to look forward to again.
Oh yeah, I remember this strategy. Stuff like Wolverine probably would’ve screwed it over, but in Ultimate, it might be more viable. None of the characters I want to use allow for that kind of strategy, but hey, I might pick it up for a side team sometime.
I think Hsien-Ko’s going to be in Max’s “Characters neither I, nor most people, care about but I have to cover for completion’s sake” video at the very end like his most recent one, bar Wolverine.
And I’m actually anxious to hear what’s in that guidebook. I’m sure we’ll learn at least something small from it we didn’t know before. LL.ND, did you get it the first time around?
As for what hyper they used to follow up… Good question. I think it crossed my mind last night, but I was too tired to focus on anything else other than that little scare. I’ll go ask in the test thread.
Yeah, the only thing that should get through Hsien-ko’s Gong spam is full-screen hypers if you do it right.
It’s almost never the case that two characters compliment each other perfectly. At some point you have to decide whether you want to make your team for your main, or merely have your main compliment the other characters. I went through dozens of Dormammu teams before I decided to just go all out for Dormammu, and I have not yet regretted it. Two months is the longest time I’ve stuck with a particular Dormammu team, haha. I suspect many Hsien-ko players have not really set themselves toward making the first kind of team I described above.
I got the guide the first time around, and it’s worth every dollar. The Hsien-ko section was laughably bad, but not because of the guide writers. It was obvious that the authors were asking themselves the same question every one else asks himself at some point: what the hell is the point of Hsien-ko? They ended up deciding she’s supposed to be a zoner, but it’s obvious from their writeup that they weren’t entirely comfortable with that claim.
I should theoretically be picking up my copy tomorrow as well, if all goes well.
Max has said that he would actually like to have a live actor for Hsien-Ko on his show. Maybe he knows more about her than you think.
It is hard to do a proper write up on an incomplete character.
I’m going through this phase now, and character loyalty kind of makes it hard for me to switch characters for the better good. Since I kind of got bored of Haggar, I switched him for Spencer which is working out much better. I tried to switch out Arthur for a better character with a familiar assist, which was Taskmaster, but honestly, I somehow find the daggers assist too valuable to replace, so I went back to Arthur. I always found it one of the best assists for Hsien-Ko, and I still do.
Whoa, wait, really? Where’d he say that? I expect good witty zombie banter between her and Wesker. DON’T MESS THIS UP MAX
Even though he’s not full-on zoning, Doom is tempting me to pick him up again. I may have to try this out.
And yeah, I think Arthur Daggers lock down better because of their timing.
That’d be pretty cool, then again any Darkstalkers character portrayed by a live actor on his show would be cool