A more realistic change is a change in the properties of all her items. A minimum of 3 low priority durability points is the new standard across the board compared to 1 low durability point per item. She should also be able to cancel her item throws into Senpu Bu.
Canceling items throws into Senpu Bu which can be canceled with S for more Senpu Bu and item throws could be very tricky and it’d give her some some modicum of strength in the air.
Still think that’d look off. I’d rather her get her DS pursuit as an OTG, and allow for an assist like cold star or dark hole to extend the combo. Pipe dream material either way, and it doesn’t change the problem with her airthrow is it doesn’t even let her use an OTG assist to do anything afterwards. I doubt her having an OTG will change much if the throw itself isn’t changed.
I actually did that last month. I didn’t receive any answer, though I suspect her air dash might be one of the things they are having difficult to balance, hence why Seth didn’t answer. (You know they can’t spill out things on development that weren’t officially confirmed by the company yet)
Hey LL.ND, did you get a chance to test out Rimoukon?
Dev team reads this
No way. Completely unfair. Oh, and Takahashi, is Strider finished?
Yep! Vajira works great.
This is true. It’s like the awkward period during Tenrai Ha.
Oh, and you’ve got a very good Soldier, by the way.
Well, I asked nicely whether she’d be seeing meaningful improvements on Seth and Niitsuma’s twitters, didn’t get a response (naturally). I logged back on a few days ago and all of my posts had mysteriously disappeared, but I don’t really know how all of this Twitter stuff works so maybe I did something wrong (even though they stayed there for a while)?
Unity, people will most likely ignore you or say that she’s fine and people are too lazy to figure out how to use her, though you might get a few sympathizers.
It’s always worth a try, though. Maybe we’ll get noticed through numbers. Though yeah, they can’t really say anything about development under wraps prior to release, though it’s more to get the message across anyway. Post-release, it’ll be interesting to hear their rationale. He’ll, even Thor got something that sounds like it could help him out.
Couldn’t really tell. I remember happy birthday’ing someone with tenraiha> x factor>mashed tenraiha and it killed both characters. Dunno if that helps.
I didn’t bother with it, but it was still possible in the evo build. I imagine it would still be possible if you mashed on it for a bit and then stop to time the next gongxxtenraiha.
Still works the same way afaik. I didn’t check to see if you could build meter during it. Duration seemed about the same.
Well, I remember the UMVC3 panel at this year’s SDCC there was a match held. Nitsuma picked someone to represent Capcom characters and the representative from Marvel chose someone to represent Marvel characters. When the guy representing Capcom picked Hsien Ko, Seth said something along the lines of,
There was a slight chuckle after that from the room. I’m pretty sure he knows that she needs some help.
We’ll see how she does with jump-cancelable normals and the mashable Tenrai-Ha. Maybe all that hard work getting in will pay off somewhat if these do increase her overall damage.
yeah, her jump cancelable normals should at least add some depth to her. i’ve had a bit of success with her pendulum -> j.h/j.s “mixups” and adding jump cancelable normals might actually make her a little more “tricky”. it won’t be so well against hulk anymore since they buffed his super armor moves iirc, which is kinda a bummer. jumping in on hulk’s s.h with j.h or gold armor pendulum assist always is fun. :lol:
That’s good and all, but it took me all of ~50 games to get proficient with characters like Wesker/Magneto and they pay off so SO much more than Lei Lei. It’s just unfair that she should have a higher learning curve AND a lower payoff for it than other characters, because 7000+ games or not, Hsien-Ko doesn’t have a ROM, or retarded mixups/reset.
In a traditional fighting game, this version of Lei Lei might not be that bad, but this is Mahvel, where every high tier character just vomit damage and mixups all day long…
You might be able to cut through with Pendulum. His s.:h: now has 3 hits of Super Armor on it (2 to break it, 3rd hit hurts him). A little situational because of Pendulum’s startup, but it could work. I enjoy doing that too.
Well the funny thing is, considering how she plays in VSav, she should have some retarded mixups and setups. But it’s like they thought of adding because of that, and then got rid of those good things. Headscratching indeed.
I wanna add that her f+H jump cancel should also add a lot to her reset potential. By herself, without assists, she can do a ground series into f+H, IAD j.MS for a ghetto overhead reset. With long active assists, like cold star, she can f+H, IAD j.H, land, dash cross up plus enough time for another IAD j.MS. I recommend you guys go to the lab and xfc f+H to test/see things to come when ultimate arrives.
Now all she needs is a speed boost in the form of a faster air dash or cancelable senpu…
Edit: Fixed bombs too. Dang me!
Senpu Bu without cancel capability is pretty much useless in this game with all the pillar type hypers. Hopefully she gets the cancel, faster dashes(air & ground) and a hitbox on those Godforsaken bombs.
Those new jump cancels could definitely make for some nice resets…
I’d still say I see it working like Dante’s twirling gun OTG, just lower to the ground if they don’t want to make it totally track. Otherwise reduce the range like you say.
Oh, I see what you mean. This would mean that Felicia and Morrigan would get their Pursuits too, which I don’t see it being a problem…
Though it’s never going to happen.
Don’t have too much time to test the XFC :f::h: out right now, but maybe later. I’m interested in that reset potential, too.
And yeah, Pendulum has to be used very carefully because of the lack of canceling. So many times where I see a Purification of something similar and I want to cancel and block, only to be locked in and flying towards my doom.