New trick up our sleeves: The Hsien Ko changelog


lamest. buff. ever

They left her for very last too.

I bet they’re reading these forums across the net and laughing.

I am going to be perpetually facepalming for the rest of my day now.

I don’t know if I should be laughing or crying from that.

I still laugh a little (and groan) when I see people say stuff like “Hsien-Ko’s on the razor-thin edge of being broken with Golden Armor.” Really? Like I said, if it’s that much of a problem, Capcom should just make it a Lv. 3.

But there’s still one thing missing from Anki Hou. If Capcom wants to drive the message home, they’re forgetting this one item:


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

although it looks like this page when translated only really talks about new moves such as ryu’s denjin mode, wolvie’s swiss cheese, etc. and added gimmicks to existing moves and nothing about actual balance changes. i wouldn’t keep my hopes up though. -_-

but what if capcom was actually trolling us though and when umvc3 comes out she ends up being so broken, with like a pendulum cancel, x-23- like speed, wesker-like damage, 10 second gold armor that could build meter, jump cancellable normals, better prorating combos,1 mil health, an otg, better gong command, all anki-hou items dizzy, pendulum has invincibility to projectiles and beams, etc. hell even a tri-jump for the hell of it? shin-hsien-ko (shin-ko? :wgrin:)

I’d be the first one to ask for nerfs in that case, while facerolling my way to victory.

They should also give her a flight mode while they’re at it. You know, because she’s a Jiang Shi. Cancel a Pendulum into flight mode. And then Anki Hou from the air.

The only thing is, people’s opinions toward her wouldn’t change much. Instead of “This character looks stupid and is trash; should’ve been Talbain,” it would be “This character looks stupid and is broken; should’ve been Talbain.” The day Talbain enters MvC3 is the day I hunt down all Talbains with Ms. Lei.

Hey guys, there’s gonna be a fight club next thursday in LA and you can bet I’ll be there to give leilei another go. I’m not too hopeful she’ll get the buffs needs, but if not either way that should ease our anxiety as this should be close to the final build. I’d like to make a list of things to try out, so please add any I’m missing!
-Fixed anki-hou mechanics/fixed bombs
-cancelable/faster senpu-bu
-faster dash/air dash/walk speed
-more horizontal range on standing S
-mash tenraiha for more damage

I would add if it’s possible to combo off from her new jump cancelable buff and if any of her normal and command attacks got any change on hitstun, damage, speed, etc since they seem to be unconfirmed unless someone can correct me on that.

Adding to what LLND said, I’d like for gongs to come out faster or that their reflective properties be considered active “faster” so there is no more of this Samurai Edge > Gong bullshit even though the gong is actually going off. I’d also like to see the durations of light and medium gong extended. Heavy gong is fine though. Also, my “just for the hell of it” suggestion - make gong shockwaves persist even if she gets hit.

Didn’t we think that cr.:l: had more range from the stream videos? That could be something to test out.

• Gong mechanics (projectiles from new characters, startup speed, etc.). Ninja’d by Ranadiel.
• Experimenting with the faster Chireitou
• Meter-gaining in Rimoukon? Rimoukon duration, all that stuff.
• Testing that cat. We’ve got to know what that thing does. It could be the key to her success!

It’s too bad it’s hard to test Anki Hou, it being random. I can just imagine myself doing QCF’s for 10 minutes straight to see what happens while a line grows angry behind me.

Thank you for doing the testing!

Oh and if Neo_G is there, take him hostage until he agrees to give in to our list of demands.

The only true list of important stuff:

-Check for pendulum cancels as quickly as possible
-Faster air dash/walk speed/ground teleport
-Check gong input
-Check inputs on S button just in case
-Check for meter gain/speed/damage buffs/time increase on gold
-Try the jump cancel stuff for a bit and see if you can get some new combos(don’t have to be any fancy shmancy magneto stuff lol)

BONUS: Ask around and see if Ammy’s air dash guard is back. It was the cruelest nerf I’ve seen in the game so far

Everything else is either secondary or it will reveal itself with time(launcher for example). Also, all of these are more important than hitbox on bombs haha.

Dude… I saw your fights at WNF and you were my hero with Chris and Ammy. I loved a lot of the stuff you were doing with Lei Lei too. You totally could’ve gotten past Killer Kai if his Wesker would have come up against your Ammy before Chris!

Edit: I forgot to mention something important. Try to get to the building where they are holding the event at least four hours ahead of time. Bring a PSP, Water and whatever else is light and comfortable. I had a meh experience at the NYC event and I got there nearly two hours before opening time(there were probably a thousand people ahead of me and my cousin).

Good luck and have fun!

I’ve been voting for Jon since the very first characters polls after MvC3’s release. I think the guy is cool and I instinctively smelled out his rushdown style. I really think Donovan is kick ass as well, but I’m going to continue voting for Talbain since he has gained some popularity as of late.

Demons and demon hunters can totally be friends! XD

Think it goes without saying to see if she has any new moves that isn’t new random items :rofl:

Except for Demitri. He’s just an ass to everybody. lemon cladu

I’ll admit, any new Darkstalker is a good Darkstalker, as long as we’re getting a new DS game anyway. I think Jonny Boy would work really well in this game but could be redundant with Wolvie running around. Probably not, though. Could just be Beast Cannon salt speaking. I’d love for Donovan or Zabel to be in, though. I’m sure Donovan’d have dialogue with Hsien-Ko, and Raptor definitely would (and with Shuma, too!).

Maybe Talbain will appear in Iron Fist’s ending. That’d be a fight I’d like to see.

We need to find out if he has any close relatives he cares for a great deal. Maybe we’d get lucky and find a niece he’s fond of studying abroad in the US.

“Give us cancelable senpu bu or Niece_G gonna be sleepin’ with the fishes!”

Maybe, but I’d pay $40 just to see the entirety of UMvC3s cast get midnight blissed.

I’d pay $80 just to see Hsien-Ko buffed. Hell, I’d pay even more.

I’m dead serious.

I’m really good for it, Capcom.

You know, I’m curious to see what a MB’d Shuma looks like. For every other male character, I guess there’s always Rule 63. As for the non-DS girls…

MB Morrigan is probably the scariest thing in the entire series, though, I’ll admit.

Oh, they’ll be fine with that. That is, until you’re outbid by the guy asking for Dante and Magneto buffs.

What is funny that, according to those polls made by Pixiv recently, Talbain was spotted in the list of characters that players did not want to see in DLC. I wasn’t surprised though, since I have seen a good number of people saying that they find Talbain boring or generic.