New trick up our sleeves: The Hsien Ko changelog

Well, most of us wouldn’t be playing MvC3 in the first place if we weren’t masochists, anyway.

I’ll be playing this game come Ultimate, though I haven’t been playing that much frequently. And with school coming up, it’ll be even less. And if she ends up staying where she is now, I think I’ll find myself playing her in VSav itself more. Though she’ll stay my main in this game. That’s not going to change.

I’m not sure if I’m a loyalist for Hsien-Ko since I didn’t know she existed until she got revealed for MvC3 then I decided to try her out when I found out that her Gong reminded me of someone else from a different game who I used before. Luckily, I really enjoyed her gimmicky move set and the vast variety of weapons she used so I ended up maining her.

And yes, I never played Darkstalkers nor heard about it until MvC3 :frowning:

I had never played Hsien-Ko in a Darkstalkers game before but I was already aware of the character since I am a small fan of the franchise (she has a pretty big role in the anime too). I had dabbled with Felicia and Morrigan in Vampire Savior and MvC2 before MvC3 came out though :3

Funny, I just made that connection only a few weeks ago. Oddly enough, there’s a Lei Lei skin for the Medic, though it looks pretty obnoxious in TF2, and unless you like to see her head get chopped off in a fountain of gore… (despite characters getting sliced in half in Darkstalkers). There’s a TF2 thread on this site as well. Not much happens in it, though.

I’ve gotten a few comments of appreciation from other players on my H-Ko spray, but I remember the first time someone commented on it, he asked “Why is that girl wearing a piece of tape on her head?” and then someone else: “I’ll never understand anime.” I laughed a little inside.

Anyway, back on topic.

TGS in 10 days. New build?

Damn, we really need some new, substantial info for her.

Sounds like you play TF2 besides me. We can add each other on Steam if you wish to. Hsien-Ko skin for Medic? That’s weak, Pyro or Spy would be better considering that she can both deflect and turn invisible, plus I hardly ever use the Medic.

On topic: If we get a new build, I hope they change the order of the health bars on the screen. Like everyone else said, it’s confusing.

I want to say that the one we’ve been seeing is final. Which would suck, because you can’t really tell how your other characters are doing.

they got a skin for the demoman, but it’s really… weird.

back on topic, i wish they could at least buff her speed to vanilla XF lvl 1 status. she seems so much more effective

i hope that hsien-ko is not really going to end up as an assist character. i mean other characters also used mainly for their assists pose more of a threat than her on point:

-tron has long damaging combos (although usually dependant on j.C which is getting nerfed, and other combo-extending assists)
-doom can be quite nasty on point as shown by the assist me videos and clockw0rk. (i.e tri-jumping, dash-cancelable normals, damaging combos)

That nose… there’s something wrong…

And Doom is going to be scary in Ultimate. All the while retaining those assists. Personally, I find Missiles to be much more annoying to fight than Pendulum.

Since I mentioned this in another post earlier, I figured I’d mention it here too:

Hsien-Ko can’t block while performing her backwards air dash, nor can she block immediately after. The only thing she can do is cancel it with a normal or special and hope she either doesn’t get hit or ends the animation of whatever she cancelled it with so that she can block again.

I hope they change this in UMvC3 but I remain skeptical. Ammy’s air dashes are being changed to have this no-block property as well, so maybe now since it will be on a more popular character enough of a stink will be raised to get it fixed.

Yeah, that’s something that’s always been annoying, though I feel that was intentional (or in Ammy’s case, unintentional), and so I just tried to work around it.

It wouldn’t be as much a problem if her air dash was like, ya know, not slow as fuck.

A fix for that would be nice, especially when I accidentally air back dash then eat a random beam hyper from across the screen. I hope I’m not the only one who experiences that.

lol. I did a quick search and there’s a much better skin for Demoman with a good replica of her MvC3 model. Although, it’s still being worked on before being released according to the guy who uses it.

It’s not even a dash really. More like a jaunt.

I just refer to it as the airstroll. Like a walk in the park. Seriously, why so goddamn slow…

I know what you’re talking about. I usually try to keep my airdashing to a minimum around Akuma and the like because of that.

@Demopan skin: I think I’ve seen that one. And speaking of Demomen and Lei Lei, I played against/with the Demoman player Lei Lei today. Though I somehow managed to only die twice (I think) to her as a Medic, it was rather… terrifying. In case you don’t know, she has a script that allows her to use an Xbox controller with the mouse to sharply turn mid-charge. Not bad with the pipes, either.

Yeah, that’s the problem with it. I understand them not letting characters block while flying or during a dash, but hers shouldn’t really qualify for either in its current state.

le sigh.

I luv seeing this Hsien-ko Darkstalkers hype, I’m Team Darkstalker as well, I’ve been followin you guys discussion but haven’t said much atm since I don’t have much to add, but I’m still in it to win it with her on point when I am able.

Might be just me again, but on the video below at 26:10, Hsien-Ko does her F.M move and it seemed to have a much faster start up than before.!

I don’t know. It looks like it, but because she KO’d Strider, the freeze kind of screws with the timing between the move starting up and it hitting.

After staring at your avatar for a good minute, I can’t help but notice how Hsien-Ko’s juggle is just the middle sword spinning in mid-air while the other two just go up and down. CANNOT UNSEE

I wouldn’t call it hype exactly, but I’m also happy that there is more activity. TGS had better give us something to sink our teeth into…

I hope she gets more shit to throw, that’d be a huge buff