New Samurai Spirits Sen begins testing October 27th

I don’t think we need a new 2d SS really, we have tenka. I don’t look this game like a sequel, it looks more like SS going 3d just like Kof maximun impact. it’s easy money for SNK since 3d sells more in America, that is if they bring the game here and gets a console released. The U.S likes 3D and knows samsho(SS II best in the series:rolleyes::confused:). This game looks nice and raised my hopes that snkp can actually make good graphics. If done right this game can make snk more recognized in the U.S.

What I really want to know is how do people who actully played the game at the location test feel about the game?

How very interesting…I can honestly say that of all things, this was the LEAST I was expecting K2 to do.

But nevertheless…I’m interested. I’m just hoping that maybe, because this IS an early loke test, maybe it’s just the thing that Poppy, Mamahama and other possible pets/assists have just not been “drawn” in the game just yet.

And in any case, I’m interested. I’m liking the character roster so far (more bad-asses and hot chicks, less lolis! ^_^), and I think this could definitely be a good choice, if this pans out.

I await to see more…

Lol yikes, I -have- played them, even the 64 one. That doesn’t change that the controls are similar to SC’s, and I only comment on that because of the angles of the slashes. Also, I didn’t bash it for that, just pointed it out.

We can act all OG, or claim to like the series more than the next person, shit, we could even have a pissing contest, but it doesn’t change the facts of this game.

My neg comment was funny though, props. So serious over this lol.

The first Samurai Showdown had 2 Slashes, 2 Kicks up until III, which had 3 Slashes, 1 Kick, which lasted until V, when the 2 Slashes, 1 Kick, and 1 Special Setup became permanent. Sam Sho 64 had 2 Kicks, 2 “Punches”, and Warriors Rage had 2 Slashes, 1 Kick, 1 Special.


There WERE 3 slashes in SS1 and SS2. You had to press the two slashes TOGETHER to get the hardest slash.

That’s in all the games. The point is, there was not a specific button assigned to that third slash. That’s the whole point of this.

permanent…until tenka? so it was permanent for 1 game + an upgrade

You know, I haven’t played a samsho game since the first one, but does this still have that “press buttons real quick because you both used your swords at the same time and so you can knock the weapon away” (and they’d have to go pick it up) thing?

yeah, I don’t remember the word at all.

That true IF you don’t take into account the fact that Samurai Spirits and Shin Samurai Spirits were among the very very few games (SS2 was actually the last one) to be found quite commonly with a 6-button layout. And though 2 of the buttons were shortcuts I’m not talking of a rare mod but an official layout: as official as the SNK L/arch or diamond.

I feel old now…

Actually that’s what they implied back when they showed the teaser vid : they didn’t talk of, say, updating SS64-2 (which could be one damn good idea since it’s got so much potential, unlike PSX crap). Instead they introduced the project as officially being a SC killer… which means that it has to be quite close to SC. A pure 2.5D wouldn’t be an SC killer in the first place since it wouldn’t even gather the same players

True, but the Viking and Knight do seem odd as fuck. I mean you can explain Galford and Earthquake just being from those areas around the time, but this other stuff is just mucking up a already mucked up history.

And no Shiki just shows they are stupid as well. I mean freaking SHIKI people, she was at one point the second most popular character in the series and when you finally do another 3D game she isn’t at the top of the heap. Makes me sad for the game and I haven’t even played it yet.

Key thing is: if you were that concerned about historical accuracy in the SS series, you should have threw the red flag up years ago. But the bottom line is, it really doesn’t matter. The Viking, Knight, Afro Samurai, Native Girl and other newbies fit right in with a series already known for its “American Ninjas”, crazy South American tribespeople, Frenchwoman with uber-fencing skills, assassin maid and multifarious types of demons, as far as I’m concerned, and I bet that’s pretty much the ideal thing for 90% of the people who will end up caring about this game.

Before you give up hope, there still are technically 3 slots left for characters. Between her, Ashura and Iroha, you already have 3 characters who are both a) fan favorites and b) are probably the characters most cared about that aren’t already given in this game.

It’s no real secret that K2 probably wanted to try and give this series a fresh start with its new direction, both as far as 3D and new mechanics are concerned, as well as the character roster. In other words, I wouldn’t be surprised if the above listed 3 are the ones that probably get in, because they probably do more to compliment K2’s vision for SS, as opposed to Yuki’s loli-cious paradise. And if that isn’t the case, then I would expect either more new characters, or possibly re-envisioned characters from what we’ve seen before.

I, for one, would not at all be opposed to a completely re-invented and grown-up Shizumaru, for instance.

Well, yea. Taking in the fact that it has not changed, even for this game, which is Sen. You can thus honestly say, that the current setup, which started with a 2D entry, is now the mainstay.

I remember a few cabinets that has 6 buttons, but it wasn’t the norm. Even the in-game graphics themselves, displayed 4 buttons, only. And specifically mentioned the harder attacks by pressing A+ B (etc) together.

I think SNK going nuts these days…
Like first making KOF in to 3D a busted game… Well almost all the new series of KOF is pretty busted… Since like 2k… Then goes to 2k2 a good game… After that all busted…
Then now making samurai showdown in to 3D?
I really wonder…

samsho’s been in 3D long before this game, please STFU

obviously there are noob’s here that don’t k now alot about SS. I’m not so sure of this one yet but, if they can make better improvements and probably add some more Warrior Rage characters I can be down for it.:wonder:

Well, I’ve officially lost interest. They took one of their best series and turned it into Soul Calibur Shodown. Seriously, when I saw one of the loketest vids on another forum, I actually thought someone had posted a Soul Calibur test vid in the wrong thread at first. :frowning:

I mean, almost all projectiles have been removed and as well as removing virtually everything that made the characters unique, like Galford’s dog, Nakoruru’s bird, Kazuki and Sogestu’s elemental attacks? WHY?

You don’t out-do SC by cloning SC. You out-do SC by making sure you do your own thing really well. You’d think SNK would have learned this lesson by now, since they only started to get noticed once they stopped trying to out-SF SF. Ironically, it was Samurai Shodown that was their first true successful “Not trying to out-do SF” project by going in a different direction. And now look at it. What a waste.

Eh who’s to say this is the permanent direction of the series, you’ve got KoFMIRA and you’ve got KoFXII coming, so I wouldn’t think the old SS gameplay is gone for good, this is just another, albeit derivative, take on it.

Well, that means 2.5D Samurai Spirits will stay buried though… and it’s a shame when you see how good SS64-2 was, even with all its faults.

As for 2D, a “tenka 2” has been talked of officially given the sales and feedback on the first but currently it’s about as much a legend as a finalized version of Garou:LoM so I wouldn’t count on it before quite long (not to mention they officially said they originally planned to finish the series with tenka)

Well, at least there is a theoretical chance that one comes out someday. unlike most SNK series aside from KOF and (very) arguably Garou Densetsu…