New Samurai Spirits Sen begins testing October 27th

You put my feelings in better words than I could of. Though I hope it comes out to be a good game, no wait… a good Samurai Showdown, it looks unlikely. If it is a good game in itself, then cool, but for now it looks like a generic fighter.

Please don’t kill Samurai Showdown, only Street Fighter is above this on my list of fighters.

Well lets just wait and see, it does seem like it has lost alot of character diversity and the things that made them great characters to begining with when i read things like “native american with axes” and “a knight” “afro samurai” it was like being taken back to 1992 all over again.

and another thing what is wrong with people saying it looks like SC?
are people not entitled to air there views whever they be correct or incorrect after all is it not why the fuck we are here?

at this moment in time all i can say is at least they kept SOME of the original characters even though it looks like they’ve lost all the stuff that made them so unique, i dont see no reason why you cant fall in love with those characters again in this new game

Like I said on the last page, the most important thing to me is seeing how they’ll try and keep a style distinctive and separate from SC. I’m also wondering about those last 3-4 character slots and the possible re-implementation of Galford and Nako’s pets, but since this game probably isn’t going to come until Spring 08 (like pretty much EVERYTHING ELSE), I’m hoping that we’ll see more later on.

Also, it seems that, in spite of all the negativity that may be on the Western side of the equation, according to those who actually were able to go to the test (includes some peeps from MadMan’s), the game was actually pretty good. Hell, furthermore, they say that it’s probably the most positive public reception that a SNK game has received in quite a while. We’re talking about something that hasn’t really took place since like back in the original SNK days, here, people.

So, if the testers are mostly positive, then I’m inclined to stay positive myself.

Oh…and I think I’m going to be rocking J when I get the chance to play this baby. :smiley:

It doesn’t look like Samurai Shodown at all… i’m disappointed.

I sure as hell did not expect to see juggles.

It is way to early to tell how the game will play at the end of the day, but the inclusion of Wan Fu (especially sword swinging Wan Fu) puzzles me. I’d almost think this was a remake of the first SS but apparently the Red and Blue ninja boys are in it so…

“I sure as hell did not expect to see juggles”

Why not? They were all over SS64.

Yeah but Sen is a total SC clone whereas 64 were purely 2.5D with engines derived from the originals

good to hear. the negativity that people i know were spreading about this game was starting to get me bummed out about the possibility of the US never seeing this game hit our shores…good to know there’s still people who still appreciate a good fighting game. :nunchuck:

Wait, is this confirmed? It sucks if that’s true…I can see Genjuro’s Card projectile and Kyoshiro’s Yoga Flame type move(if they increase the width) being useful in a 3d enviroment. Hopefully they still have those things in there…at least the Rage Guage is still in.

Anyway, it looks nice so far IMO, and hopefully it will be a welcome alternative to people who like the SC concept but don’t really like the gameplay(like me). People should give it a chance before they bash(hell, SvC looked great too when the loke tests were underway IIRC, and look how that turned out.)

Heads up-
new loketest from 20-24 of this month! Also the official site of the game is open-
^new loketest vids are up ~w~

edit JEEZ raged hits do some ridiculous damage, this game got way more defensive from the looks of it.
rimururu looks really fun~

I can see that, the new shown character is cool IMO, though 3D Charollete looks kinda funny with that armor of hers :stuck_out_tongue:

Get on that TENKA BITCHES…

Wtf, did I just saw guard impact in the game?

Yeah its in there…Get on this and get on that Tenka people…

It ain’t like SS hasn’t had a GI/Parry before now. It was just that people never used it because it had no real merit. Now, it seems like it’s actually some what useful…too bad they probably won’t have any Weapon Flipping…

Any way, I’m still liking what I’m seeing. Of course, I guess I better keep my hype in check until the final version of the game arrives in like March or there-abouts.

On another note…why does Sogetsu have seemingly raven-black hair now? Where’s da blue? :confused:

Edit: Some more impressions can be read at this MMCafe topic -

The reason it’s 3D and not 2D is because Enterprise (the developer that made the previous games) left to make Arcana Hearts. And finding sprite artists is very difficult in this day of age, especially with a non-blockbuster series.

Actually, it probably has more to do with the fact that K2 (formerly known as Team Galapagos, the guys who made the first few SS games) were back in the saddle than anything else.

After their time with SS, K2 were the ones who made a number of the Tenchu games, which, if you played the games, you could definitely tel there were moments where it seemed like they wanted so badly to get SS back in their lives.

So, now they do, and they’re basically going back and applying their new ideas to their old flame. In the end, 3D was chosen because of a design choice on K2’s part, not just because Yuki Enterprise left.

I see. Thank you for the info. :woot: