New Korean Lever Offers New Possibilities for Mad Catz FightSticks

Actually, the shafts are like 1mm bigger than the Sanwas… if you remove the black plastick base

It’s nice to hear that there is finally going to be another joystick option in addition to Seimitsu BUT what about the handle choices? Is it going to be all bat top or will there be an optional screw-on ball handle like the Japanese control levers?

I’ve also seen from Laugh’s site that your color choices were limited with the existing Korean joysticks. Will this be the same case again – you have to buy specific, limited colors for the joystick – or will there be more mix-and-match options like you see with the Sanwa/Seimitsu joysticks?

IF ball handles were to be an option, would there be any shaft covers that could be adapted to cover/protect the exposed metal alloy of the joystick? I’ve never seen any comparisons of the diameters of any Korean joysticks with the Sanwa JLF/Seimitsu LS-series… IF the thread screws are different (wider) – presuming that balltops are an option – I wonder if there would be any chance of producing an adapter for the wider array of Sanwa/Seimitsu balltops.

^ All good questions. laugh / Crown would be best to answer those.

Well, the battop on the k-sticks can’t be removed… so you have to buy a joystick that comes with the balltop… but then again, the color limit is so bad… or swap the shaft and use one from Sanwa and add any balltop in the color you like, they are the same diameter.


Are you using a Sanwa’s shaft with that stick?

I have one Myoungshin that I modded some time ago and It looks exactly like a JLF, everybody gets confused when I play with that fightstick.

yup. But im using one with a jlf extender I bought off laughs website a long time ago. Which I don’t see on there anymore. oh well, this will work just as good i suppose.

Those aren’t made of rubber, it’s plastic. The small dust washer is plastic, too, so no one has to worry about dry rot.

And, if you’re worried about dry rot on the grommet inside the stick, you could coat it with silicone grease like Shin Etsu or SuperLube and it will keep your rubber from drying out. Oh boy, here come the innuendos.

I know that, owning one, but I used it in the terms he used.

The grommet won’t dry rot either unless you keep it perpetually in humid conditions.

Gated microswitches! Great!

Just like the Seimitsu joysticks…

… and I DO happen to have a spare JLF shaft left over… :slight_smile:

Between this, Paradise’s LS-32 lite, and the Fighting Edge, there are more JLF alternatives popping up.

(Of course, there are still going to be people who say the Korean joysticks are too loud!

(Don’t know about you, but I’m NOT paying $75 for a “quiet” joystick let alone $20 for a “softer stick” mod…

(But that’s just me.)

Does this ‘bounce’ like those saulabi sticks, so you can just tap down and let go, and it’ll input down, up?

are you talking the STOCK Saulabi stick?

I don’t think I’ve ever had a quality Korean stick do that.

Stock afaik.
It’s not really a matter of quality. It’s just the way the spring tension is. If you just slap the stick down and not hold it, it will rebound to the up position, just like an IL stick. It’s great for super jumps and MK teleports.

Myoungshins have really good neutrals, hence why they’re glorified by the Tekken community.

If its stock, then yeah, I can see it happening, and there’s a big difference between the two. There’s also a little less dead space IIRC with those leaf switches, and easier activation than a Myoungshin with real microswitches. So that’s probably why you can do so on them.

Sent from a phone, using an app that I purchased from an App Store, that appends this signature above my signature to make me look superior in social status to everyone else.

Hmm I wonder would the Quick Release JLF shaft work with this, and does it work with a regular k-stick if anyone knows?

When last I was dissecting arcade sticks I did a quick comparison of the JLF bits to a Myoungshin Fanta and it would seen that the JLF shaft was slightly thicker than the Fantas. That said you might be able to widen the hole through the centering grommet and actuator in order for the JLF shaft to fit without affecting functionality but obviously one wouldn’t be able to tell about functionality until everything was reassembled.

:eek: Any updates on this?

it’s just up to ryan to add them to his shop

In the meantime, is someone able/willing to order this for us from this store?