New Korean Lever Offers New Possibilities for Mad Catz FightSticks

Very interesting indeed. It was that rubber thing that made my friend dislike the crown sticks. This is def. broadening things up. We might hear some stuff from Mexican FGC, given that both Luis Cha and El Rosa went with a Joytron once they tried mine. This is great news, Thanx Markman and Thanx Laugh!!!

^ but essentially won’t this thing have the same qualities of typical fanta stick? which is mainly, the use of rubber instead of a spring. otherwise I don’t see the point besides a better looking bat top and it being gateless.

I do wonder, since the Korena sticksuse rubber parts, are they susceptible to dry rot after a long period of time?

I’ve had tires sitting outside for years getting rained on and they have not dry rotted, so I doubt a stick in a temperature controlled living space would ever dry rot it would probably wear out first like all stick parts do over time way before any rotting takes place. Rubber is durable stuff

He was talking about that rubber part that juts out the top of the stick, not the rubber grommet inside that provides the resistance. That will still be there, as it’s a real selling point for K-sticks, the feel of the tension and the lack of a restrictor gate.

Sent from a phone, using an app that I purchased from an App Store, that appends this signature above my signature to make me look superior in social status to everyone else.

Any word on which microswitches will be used?

Since it’s Crown, I’m guessing Gersung (though I’d prefer Omron myself).

Dear Laugh,
Please send us some “demo units” here at the unnoficial SRK Asian Test center.


very cool indeed.

cool! I want one of these!

Great news, I checked with WW.MCZ laugh and he mentioned it will actually be available sooner rather than later. Within the next month or two!

Godlike! Will definitely be giving this a look-see.

Well, I’ll just hold off my Datel case mod then for a little while longer. I had some red/black Crown buttons I was going to install and wanted a Korean stick in there as well, but if this will make things easier I’ll just wait and work on painting the case in the meantime.

Great news. Now I’ll have to be on the lookout for any sales on sticks with a Namco Noir layout. K-Stick + Namco Noir = too much win.

Damn, this shit is hot. Want.

Nice. :smiley:
Can’t wait to get ahold of this. :smiley:

Hey Mark, does he mention something on the mounting plates only? Are they gonna be available separately?

I don’t want to buy another set of sticks just for this, I already have some Myoungshins laying around that need to be installed right now!

I haven’t heard of anything.

Those koreans sure do like small shafts. That thing needs either a longer shaft or a ball top/