New Korean Lever Offers New Possibilities for Mad Catz FightSticks

Special guest blog on the Mad Catz site, by Western Wolves laugh ! New Korean stick lever offers new possibilities for your Mad Catz FightStick! -

Thanks laugh for the writeup!

I am actually hype for this lever! I would wanna install it on one of my Japanese sticks.

Ok, this seems to be good, but are the mounting plates going to be available separately?

I ask because I already have some Myoungshin sticks so, I just need the mounting plates…

oh snap this is hype indeed. I heard about this before, then it kinda disappeared, glad to see its on its way.

Posting just to watch.

I use an extended shaft in my stick and am thinking about just using a battop.

This is cool as hell Mark. Thanks for posting it up.

Dat Crown

Super interested in this.

Thanks. My wallet is mad, but thanks.

Looking forward to this.

Good shit, I’ve played a bit on a k-stick, but being able to mount one in one of these cases I’ve got sitting around will be nice.

Ksticks are fun to use. I totally prefer these over american bats. Then again the only american bats i like are the IL ones and i’m not a total fan of circle gates

SO is this a completely new crown model or is it 303N with modifications ??

also its nice for laugh to help out with something that benefits madcatz stick users

The model has to be new seein how that big ass 35mm rubber thing is removed, unless that could always be removed I should check mine. The shaft is probably also smaller because of that. The title is also pretty misleading because this is not only a new possibility for MadCatz stick but pretty much any stick that can mount a jlf which is pretty much all sticks on the market

It’s not misleading. It’s a blog post on the MAD CATZ site. That’s why it was listed as such. But you’re right, it will work with almost any stick that can mount a JLF. However this stick lever was/is being designed with the Mad Catz TE FightStick in mind.

^ looking forward to new TTT2 vids from you!

sorry bruh. I’m officially retired. :frowning:

Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against madcatz products( 5 te and a VS) but the actual designing of it has nothing to do with a madcatz stick it has everything to do with the actual jlf plate and getting rid of the 35mm bumper so it fits 24mm holes. But nothing really madcatz specific. I mean the base is still the same height length so it wasnt adjusted for the middle layer of te sticks or anything. They might have initially thought hey how can I get this in a madcatz stick but that is where the madcatz specificness stops. It doesn’t really matter though its a cool product that should allow people to easily transfer stick.

^ I’m not arguing any of that, if you read what I put. I’m just saying how this came about.

It was a blog post written for the Mad Catz site, that’s why it’s positioned as such. Nothing more, nothing less.