New Korean Lever Offers New Possibilities for Mad Catz FightSticks

I wonder of there is more than just white or if we can switch out the bat top with the og 303…

My IL stick doesnt do it, the spring is softer then I thought befoire i bozught it (stock)

Does that mean they are officially out now? The page translator kinda sucks so idk.

been out since june

there’s a lot of cool stuff for sell on that acada site i linked above hopefully laugh/ryan can hook us up

yea stock myungshins feel really good at first.


so is the joystick in sale now? Where can i to buy it?

They’ve been out since June but yet this thread and that blog Markman provided in the OP were created in October? :confused:

Or are those just the prototype models?

I just ordered one from Gmarket - comes to about 30 USD including shipping.

well then link that shit nigga. :mad:

For the first option drop down box you have to choose the second entry to get the jap mounting plate.

Imma talk to laugh real quick.

Do it Cut cause im about to pull the trigger.

EDIT: On second thought, ill wait till ryu receives them for his impressions.

what items includes the purchasing? Wires,Mounting Plate?. Why
I see two images of different plates whit the Joystick?

Give us your impressions when you get it ryu. Damn, its EMS shipping too.

EDIT - ON THIRD THOUGHT, i bought 6 of em. The seller “istmall” is legit from the reviews.

Not to be paranoid, but I really hope this isn’t a business decision on Laugh’s part. Maybe he’s afraid the new Crown will cut in on the sales of Korean Omnis?

Not really.
The Omni offers something beyond just “big stick with Korean stick” that a TE can’t stand up to.

My guess is Laugh’s been too busy practicing for SF25th tourney :wink:

I’d support laugh as much as I can I’ll be the first to admit, But I really hope he message me back soon, cuz im just about ready to order from someone thats not him :sad:

I do too Cut, but this was too good to pass up. Thats why i ordered. But i still wanna buy the 306s. I love the CWJs and the 305 but im about to sell the 305s since they were too soft.

I havent seen anyone aside from kowal comment about the 306s.

will you guys relax. AFAIK laugh was the first to tell us about these sticks. I’m sure he’ll make at least an effort to carry them in the near future. Ppl get so fuckin goofy when it comes to korean parts/laugh.

there’s no beef in this thread towards ryan, it’s strictly vegan