What I’m saying is that since he is more drawn towards Gief, he plays Gief, even though his talent may be more towards Ryu style. Get it?
Are you going to try to argue that learning the basics is actually hard with these characters? These characters are pretty good for getting the basics down, and I agree that this gives the beginner a chance against those at his own skill level.
I never said that you can become a master of any of these characters easily, because it is simply not the case. You developed quite a Blanka because of your dedication to the beast, but I am not arguing that is difficult to master Blanka, but he is not a bad beginner type character. Even a button masher would get the hang of the basics of any of these characters.
Don’t give me BS about all characters being good for beginners. Dhalsim masters would disagree in a heartbeat, as would Gief and Hawk users. My respect to these guys, those are hard styles to learn.
Sweet poison…the thing about blanka’s “one trick” as you call it, is that its actually a few tricks in one. the threat of his bite is what opens up all the other tricks that blanka has. without it…the correct thing would be to always block. although i do agree that how easily blanka can dizzy you is BS.
Back to the topic at hand. Apparently none of the characters have chosen the OP and he asked who is easy to start out with. I assume he wants to win and I disagree that vega is an Intermediate character. he is the easiest character to pick up and go with AND win. Shotos are the characters that the rest of the game is based around but they are not easy to use effectively without alot of practice. Just being able to DP consistently takes ALOT of practice and is crucial to their game play. when moving into higher levels of play you then have to be able to dp with much less time to react. that means burning the motion into your DNA. People say the dp is great cause it’s instant…but it’s actually very easy to fumble in tight/stressfull situations.
No matter who you choose, a shit ton of practice is required to play competitively against seasoned veterans. But if youre just looking to play casually AND you want to win… I say Vega requires the least amount of work to start getting wins. And if not vega…Honda IMO can be brutal to people who don’t understand how to hold him off.
Mike, Mike, Mike, no where did I say tick throwing was bad or was even complaining about tic throwing. Please show me where I said that. If not please do not put words in my mouth or threads Now what I said was a certain player as well as many other high quality Blanka players are one trick ponies. I also stated that due to the high priorities of normals it makes it a very difficult matchup for Sim to keep Blanka out. He has to play a perfect game or apply some pretty good pressure which can be just as difficult as keeping Blanka out. I also stated that they are taking advantage of what the game is giving them. I cant fault them nor do I.
Keep in mind I am strictly talking Sim here but he has no true anti air to limit Blanka from jumping in like say any of the shotos, guile, dee jay, honda to name a few. Sim strictly has to use normals which I dont care as that is Sim style of play. What’s frustrating though is knowing when someone is going to do something and you still can not stop it. Also Blanka’s moves come out so fast that it is almost impossible to figure out what he is jumping in with to try to counter with say one of your normals. His upward yoga flame has a very slow start up flame so unless you know its coming the move is useless. Also the good Blankas jump in just so that the edge of their move connects which also prevents countering his jump in.
Long story short this is a very tough matchup for Sim to control spacing and keeping Blanka out. Again it can be done but like I said the odds are not in his favor. Even with that I guess you just have to try to out think your opponent and try to get them out of their comfort zone.
dammit…you quoted me before i finished editing my post! i did reread what you said and edited to try and get my point across better. you didn’t directly complain about tick throws. but, you did shoot down 2 respected players for using tick throws very effectively and if thats not complaining, i dont know what is.
besides that though…i would think sim has an easier time countering the bite as his throw range allows him to counter throw. shotos have to DP out of it which i think is more difficult to time.
it’s all good man. But no a shoto has an easier time fighting up close to blanka than Sim with the dragon punch. Blanka can literally jump back and forth and not worry about getting hit due to the way his normals come out. A dragon punch has better range and cancel many of blankas attack if not all of them if he jumps in due to the invincibility of the move.
Again though that is Dhalsim’s achilles heel. He is can handle fights up close but that is not where he wants to be, at least not on the defensive side of it. Like I said all good blanka players know that is how to fight Sim. There is no disputing it. Unfortunately I just wish Sim had a few more better counters for Blanka jumping in but you have to deal with what is given.
Also staying on topic I also think that Ryu and Ken are definitely easier to pick up. Sure as you go against better competition your timing will have to be on point but in all honesty at least with ryu throw a fireball, make the opponent jump and punish, rinse and repeat. Ken can be played somewhat the same but you are going to have to control your spacing better as his fireball is not as good for zoning as Ryu’s. I dont think Vega is as easy to use as people are making him out to be. But as I said in my first original post. Use who you like and learn how to play him.
I’m kind of surprised that the general consensus of “easiest character to learn” is Claw. Sure, wall dive spam is easy enough, but pokes, antiair, and zoning are a little more involved for Claw.
I honestly think that the shotos are the easiest to play with because their games are so stupid simple. Anti-air: DP, zoning: FB, throw in a cross up or a tick throw and that’s that. I’ve always (probably erroneously) thought that Ryu and Ken (from World Warrior) were the “default” characters and everyone else was just a variation of those two.
This is exactly why I thought what you said was funny. I am a one trick pony? what you don’t get is that if Sim’s game is to keep blanka out, and in high level play its really hard to get in on Sim, why would I waste my jump in or cross over and not grab if you are blocking? Of course I would grab it might be the one of only a couple times I can get in on Sim. The thing is if you weren’t to block that cross up you would get combo’ed, but regardless good high level blanka players will get damage no matter what when possible and at high level play a good sim player will block cross ups easily so grab is the only option or as mike said bate the sim for a grab and mix it up. I know it must be annoying but it is just as annoying for me to play a sim who runs from corner to corner you know (This is the experience I have gotten from playing the best SIM’s in person or live: Gian, Jason Cole, Fatboy, Shirts, SJV)
Yep, why waste time and energy on a combo that may or may not be blocked when you can go for guaranteed damage?
I said if you do block I think grab or grab mix up, if you don’t block its a combo and ask anyone on here I hardly miss when I get the chance to combo. I didn’t mean that no matter what I will grab block or not
Yeah, that was a gross simplification of what you stated. My bad.
wall dive spam is THAT powerful. i’ve been able to win with claw in player rooms against guys that were cleaning up just by using wall dive shenanigans. i always felt the pokes were less involved cause the speed at which they come out and their range makes punishing whiffs, and baiting whiffs easy. as for anti air…the flip kick is quite good.
i am basing my opinion on 2 things. first which is obvious, that i have a hard time with decent claw players, let alone expert ones. and second…the few times that i’ve played ranked with claw, i do amazingly well for someone who barely knows how to use him. obviously there were times when i’d get shut down, but still, i was able to plow through alot of players, some good ones too, with relative ease.
i remember as a beginner thinking all i had to do was spam fireballs and DP jump ins. i got my ass handed to me often cause it was so obvious. the fireball zone strategy requires a feeling for the other player that comes with experience to make it effective. or maybe i was a slow learner? either way…i think shoto zoning is more involved than what it seems on the surface. give yourself more credit man!!! the strategy you described sounds easy enough…but in practice, its the intricacies of executing it and reading your opponent that makes it effective.
True, but purely from a learner’s standpoint, a beginner isn’t going to be expected to zone out Thelo or Jiggly. The way I approached the question is “what character would be best to chose when two beginners are playing?”
I mean, as a Ken player, you’ve pretty much summed up 3/4 of my strategy.
bluetallcans can confirm into bites on block or combo on hit like a motherfucker.
i say you play the character that you suck the most with. remix is not about having fun, it’s about getting frustrated and complaining.
HA! funniest thing i’ve read in a while!
I just truly believe that shotos have the most balanced game and have the best chance for a beginner. Shotos (even Sagat is shoto-ish in execution) have so many advantages:
Fireballs! Who the heck wouldn’t like a tool like the fireball that can reach across the whole frickin screen! Not even that hard to execute! My brother was executing fireballs at 5 yrs of age! Fireball specialist Ryu can vouch for this!
INVINCIBLE Dragon punch. How many anti-air and anti-poke tools actually beat this?? Yes, it is weak on the way down but many a player have fallen at the end of a round due to a shoryuken. Mr. Ken Masters is a testament to the power of the almighty SRK!
Shotos are so user friendly and the advantages so obvious that the extreme shoto (Akuma) had to be banned, and Sagat is a feared top tier competitor.
You said this: “You don’t have to have a lot of experience to be really good with them.”
See above.
I never said Blanka wasn’t a good beginner character, I stated that you he should pick all characters till he finds one that he is comfortable with. No matter how you slice it, he is still gonna need lots of practice to get good with ANYBODY.
anyone up for a pissing competition?
but i would agree with mikeidge in that vega is powerful for some one who only has the basics of the game. pokes cr. mp cr. mk hk. wall dives all very useful and not very difficult to understand. but of course no character is easy to master.
and what else can you really expect from blanka.
later bros
In some matchups the skill is not in doing dmg, but getting into position where you can do dmg.
You talk as if Blanka can just walk up and bite without effort.
Okay for the last time I never faulted how Blanka has to play against Sim. I said that they are taking advantage of what the game has given them to play. And where did I say Blanka can just walk up and bite without effort? I did say that due to high priorities in normals Blanka has a very easy time getting in as Dhalsim has to be very accurate in guessing which attack to cancel Blanka jumping in. Once Blanka gets in Sim does not have too many options as Blanka can go immediately into the bite. I’ve tested this in training mode and Sim can not counter it.
I’ve posted videos of high level play and this is how Blanka has to play the matchup so there is no need to dispute this. Let it die.