Thinking back to when I was a kid, I think the first character I picked (as a beginner) was Chun Li, simply because she was fast, and wasn’t Ryu or Ken (since everyone seemed to use them). The speed was a good advantage to have as it gave you the ability to rush down, as opposed to Dhalsim who requires a lot more thought and tactics.
Well that was back in the MegaDrive days. I can’t remember exactly why, but I did eventually become a Ryu player as time moved on. It was probably something along the lines of preferring him to charge characters.
I played Super SF2 on the MegaDrive for a very short while, but I initially didn’t like the changes to Ken and Ryu (going from WW to Super), but what was worse was the updated sound effects, announcer and music.
I had played some Alpha 3 on my Playstation and I like Ken’s style and the way he controlled. I also liked that you could select the white suit (the only reason I used Ryu over Ken in World Warrior),
I really only started playing SF competitively when HD Remix came out. I just jumped straight in and started re-learning with Ken. I also picked up Zangief on the basis that I saw how good a friend of a friend was with him.
I tend to pick characters based on just that - their character. I like Ken’s confident, cheeky attitude (which is sort of what I am not) and his overall design and the fact that he is a good all round character.
Zangief is awesome because he is Russian and something about him just makes me crack up laughing. I can feel my opponent getting angry at tick SPDs through my TV and it’s a guilty pleasure. I also like Dhalsim for similar reasons, because he can be really irritating, which is kind of funny to see people get irritated.
Norieaga suggested to pick Ken as a beginner character, which although was in jest, is probably not a bad idea. It’s not quite as simple as spamming jab DP’s, as you become predicatble and piledriverable. Ken is probably easy to pick up as he is quick, has a very good reversal game and a decent up close game with knee bash mix ups, but ultimately he is weaker than Ryu in practically every matchup.
It probably comes down to Ken’s weak ass fireballs and not being as effective at controlling space, however I personally find Ken vs Gief a lot easier than Ryu vs Gief. In this case, the slow fireball helps.
The choice is yours. You can choose a character you like best and work with them or you can choose the character you feel comes most naturally to you. The reason a lot of people use Ryu and Ken is due to them having a good all round game. I would love to suggest Zangief, but some matchups are really hard, even for an experienced player. You may find you like one character a lot, but they have certain matchups that are bad. You could simply find another character once you have reached a good level with your main to fill in the gaps in your matchups.