I started playing SF when 4 came out but then I hurt my right hand. Ready to start learning again.
I’m just wondering who a good starting character is. I was originally starting with Vega but found that the combo with a charge character like him were tough to grasp.
Is there anyone that’s generally considered a good starter just to learn with?
HDR combos is not as significant as in other fighting games. Vega is a great player to start off with, I think anybody who started with him, should stick with it.
Vega is fine, he has almost no emphasis on combos. The main trick with him is mastering the wall dive, but other than that you’ll be hitting cr. mp (strong) all day.
For complete rank beginners to the game, I suggest blanka and chun li. Both are very effective when you’re just learning the basics
vega (claw) is super strong but you need to be at least “intermediate” to start winning with him. You have to have the basics of how the game works (throws, charging, etc). Blanka and chun are still good at this point.
I’d suggest blanka. Some beginners just dont like playing him because of his looks, so if you feel that way go with chun. But I’d recommend blanka.
This classic video by r3ko will inspire anyone to play blanka:
and then to inspire some more:
If you’re not inspired by that then, well, then I don’t know what to say.
Im okay with him, just having trouble grasping more advanced combos, thinking they were essential to being good with him. But if you guys say they arent ill stick with him.
I remember when I was doing the challenges in SF4 some of his combos were just nasty to try and pull off and I started thinking about bailing on him.
Feel free to add me if you ever want some Vega help, man. Tag is to my left. Also, IMO, the best beginner character is Ken. You’d be amazed at how many wins you can get by spamming jab SRK.
Vega/claw is the ultimate beginner character. you dont have to practice combos. all you need to learn is walldive shenanigans and you’ll be winning in no time. the hardest thing vega has to do is reverse out of things with his flip kick sometimes.
As a veteran Vega player, I think of Vega as more of an intermediate character.
Vega has speed and shenanigans going for him, but his damage is really lousy. I have to connect a couple of crouching mp just to be equal in terms of damage with the mp moves of other characters. He also takes damage lousily. A few smacks from Gief and the round is over. Any decent player with reversal can counter wall dive shenanigans easily so you have to learn to be unpredictable with him. Vega by nature is a reactive character, meaning that he takes advantage of openings, and this requires knowledge of all the other characters to do this. You should probably start with someone else to learn the ropes, then come back to Vega l8r and you will be simply amazing.
For beginners, I would look at Chun, Ryu, Ken, DeeJay, and Blanka. You don’t have to have a lot of experience to be really good with them.
Don’t get me wrong. Vega is fantastic, hell I main him. Just be warned, it is one hell of a steep learning curve to really start winning.
A good way of selecting characters is to see who wins tournaments. Ryu wins or places high on tournaments, Vega doesn’t.
Vega does place high in tournaments… but he is in an intermediate character harder that others to learn that’s for sure. I would suggest you stick it out with him though, it will be worth it in the long run. I main blanka and I wish I would have started with someone else in the beginning to be honest, just because when you do get better it will be more even when playing other top tier characters
That’s a tough one to call. Charge characters seem easier to execute, but that charge time can also be a weakness. Instant SRK is faster than having to charge that Flash Kick. Also it seems that fireball battles tend to go in favor of the non-charger in terms of execution.
100% disagree. Not trying to get philosophical but that is the problem with people’s thinking in a lot of things. Everyone wants it easy and doesnt want to work to get better. So sticking to the topic at hand this is why there are tons of ryu/ken/honda as opposed to t.hawk, zangief, fei long.
I would recommend going to youtube and typing in a character and watching their gameplay. If you are intrigued and like what you see stick with it and practice and you’ll get there.
You will see there is nothing to learn each and every characters move. The difficulty comes into execution and out thinking your opponent due to spacing and priority that comes with the moves. Case and point most people can if they tried a little to do either zangief/ t.hawks 360 move. The problem is not being able to do the move but being able to get it off while playing.
Anyhow I am rambling now but pick your character, found videos and practice.