I was just responding to you calling me a One trick Pony, and stating why it seemed that way. Remember how you said all I do it tic bite my way to wins a page back?
I was just responding to you calling me a One trick Pony, and stating why it seemed that way. Remember how you said all I do it tic bite my way to wins a page back?
I believe on letting the character pick you because i was in the same boat after AE was dropped from tournaments because i was a CE Blanka player and then i had to actually learn how to play the game for real’s lol so i bullshitted with so many characeters thinking they were it like cammy, dhalsim, ken and so on while freaking bluetallcans was learning blanka he choose blanka right from day one when we started taking this game serious i remember taking beatdowns with cammy like 60-2 against afro legends while antonio was in my room kicking peoples ass with hes blanka. It wasnt until one day chun grabbed my attention and i was fairly good at charging so it just like clicked one day and i have been using her ever since learning everyday.
Here’s some advice take it as you will Don’t go to youtube and look at top players playing the character you like thinking oh hey thats a good character i’ll use him so i can win because 1 your not them you dont have thier skills 2. Learn from expericence that’s what made me the player iam today and everyone knows who i am now ask them how my style is and its freaking stupid and unorthordox…
Hope you have fun in this game and good luck
I know you didn’t fault the way Blanka has to play against sim. I just disagree that it’s easy to get into a favorable position.
And Sim can counterthrow can’t he? Noogie range was nerfed but what about his other throw?
Yes, Dhalsim can counterthrow using his Fierce throw, which was not nerfed. Blanka outranges him, but it’s only by a few pixels. I have no problems reversal throwing Blankas. Sweet Poison does complain a lot about the Blanka matchup, but he’s just venting, and not really complaining. I know just how tough it can be to get good with Dhalsim, and Poison’s improving all the time, so I don’t see anything wrong with venting once in a while. It’s all good. = J
character picks you. I played Ken and Sagat as a “kid”, then when I got better than my friends (about the age of 15) on consoles I picked 'Gief as he was the “worst” character and it made it more balanced. I got pretty good with the big man, and stuck with him through Alfa (and picked him first in SF4).
I completely forgot how to play Sagat, and nowadays can only play a very basic shoto.
About 10 years later I started playing on PS2 Capcom Classics against a good Guile player who just shut down my Zangief - I just could NOT get in on him. I think one time he beat me 15 times in a row. I needed something else.
I tried a few different characters and found out Guile has a real weakness to Dictator (I guess i could have ended up with Blanka just as easily) - ever since then I’ve mained the boss man.
Vegas a very strong character, and a good choice. Pokes, slides, great throws, a really good “get off me” move (the flipkick) and one main “trick” to master - walldives.
Plus he is annoying as hell, which is satisfying in its own way
Story of my SF life.
Thanks Blitzfu for looking out. And speaking of venting there should be a vent thread since there is a bad and good games thread.
And I will figure the blanka matchup. It’s just a matter of time.
make one so I can bash DeeJays and Shoto users
Beating average players by spamming walldives with Vega is very easy.
Beating average players by simply punishing their whiffs with :d::mp: and their jump-ins with :hk: flipkick x2 is very easy.
Beating high level players with those tactics is not quite as easy.
Jeez jumping into Sf2 after awhile is harder than I remember.
Lies. Dhalsim even told me that he picked you when he picked me.
Dictator wants to pick me, but my execution is getting in the way again.