NECRO's bad matchups

Bad match up for necro
chun li

especially dudley… he just spams roundhouse and when necro tries to him him, he gets hit back and if dudley is smart hes just making ex MGB motions coz if the roundhouse doesnt connect it wont come out… but if necros limb comes and dudley hits him… X_x its EX MGB time

ibuki , i witnessed a good necro player being owned by ibuki twice

yeah he sort of lacks attacks to counter her lows. Uoh, low parry, SA1.

Well thats not true it depends on player if you play me ill show you so dont count the chickens before they hatch.

SA1 owns Elena.

just because remy has a flash kick doesnt make him a counter for necro, not at all… Remy gets stunned by necro hella easy… and he can fly over the projectiles fairly easy… its not to hard to get in close… And hugo… ducking forward and standing roundhouse own him for free… standing roundhouse all day beats hugo… just dont let him get close… its not a counter in the slightest… now chun li and urien thats a different story… also Dudley owns necro for free and while there are some ways around it, so can ken.

so necro counters: chun, urien, dudley, ken

His bad match ups are: Urien,Chun,Makoto,Oro

Notice i didnt mention Ken cause it depends he really beats shotos 4 free but of the three,Ken is the most dangerous one but it should be a free match.

Actually I’ve been convinced that the char Necro can beat up on easier than others is Chun-Li. One of those matches showed how even with counterattacking at a major base vs chun’s regulars or against her b.FRCE can be pretty effective. I dunno if this is true all the time, but there are ways Necro can beat up Chun for free besides this…I know there is!..If the Japs found it out we can too for cryin out loud!

Ken shouldn’t be that bad if they usually rely on rekka-ken/c. fwd/fb and j. dp all the time (or at least most of it), because although he’s faster and what not, Necro can counter most of his moves and prepare for any SA. And his Frce tornado hook can be used in some length to prepare for the stun if Ken’s not fast enough to SA it or something else…

Speakin of which how does Necro fare up against people such as Yang and Elena? I haven’t fared up a good gamer playing either one, but what should be the things I should be wary of of playing either one?

Elena- faster, agile, more able to outzone him in most situations…

Necro- parry her wheel, scythe, and rhino horn, set up for the stun, get happy while she moans in pain and pleasure. Gotta love it even when you KO her lovely ass to the canvas.

bad mach ups for necro
1- remy (please help me i can’t win)
2- chun
3- dudley
4- yun

makoto , oro, yan , and gouki is dificult but youn can win

Co-sign. I also find Urien dangerous, his normals really eats up Necros health…
Gouki shouldn’t be that hard thoug. Hella easy to stun if you use ES. If you wan’t to control him and lose that preassure game of his just use SA1, it works really good.

Dudley is not so bad, Just zone his ass, walk around back and forth if he jumps hit him with b+mp, if he parry’s it cancel it to dp+hp. Poke at him. If he knocks you down, well you’ll probably get hit wit a super or two, try to get out of the corner and put some distance between yourself and him.

chun owns him b/c she ducks under his godly mp…

ummm necro pretty much owns akuma :slight_smile:
he stuns his soooooo easily. and akuma takes damage badly, obviously.

necro’s mp owns akuma on the ground too, akuma can’t attack lol.
and umm electric snake does how much stun.

i mean yeah akuma’s rush down is sick but 2 combos and he’s stunned lol.

necro not owns akuma
akuma rush necro very well whit kara grab and mind games and if you try stun he use keep away game (fireball and teleport ) and escape of you
you need one chance and stun but is dificult
dudley have better pokes and good stun on you and juggle very easy necro
he is dificult stun and have very good corner-mind games
please help whit remy and yun

^ I agree on Akuma, Dudley I can’t say, haven’t had that match-up, but these uber scrub Akumas who throw back-2-back air fireballs, demon flips, air hurricanes n shit will Necro can’t do much imho. No quick enough moves to hit or punish Akuma. And Necro is not exactly mobile. I dunno maybe I’m wrong, but anyways. Anyone got tips on this match, unlike the strategy guide

2 words
magnetic storm!:rofl:

I’m afraid I can’t take your word for it because you have the evil Honda in your sig.

umm if you can’t beat akuma’s simple air fireball runaway tactic why are you playing 3s… akuma get’s near you magnetic storm… once he learns you do that and he empty jumps necro has a lot to do her jump straight up drill kick, throw. mp. lk etc. if akuma turtles fine just build meter? what is the problem with him running away i mean u don’t have to stun him to win. he takes shit damage one big combo off mp and he has lost a fourth of his life.

parrying demon flip isn’t hard unless it’s done meaty if somebody just does them to do them then it’s you fault for not beating akuma scrub.
use necro’s big stretchy arm to fuck akuma in the air esp. if he telegraphs his hurricane kicks early. on empty jumps just block low and follow your heart. if your using necro you should now his tricks and all that, he’s not a character you can just use easily, he’s not chun or a shoto for god’s sake.

now a good akuma that’s another post all together a good akuma is tough on anybody except chun, yun and ken :slight_smile:

I know he aint ken or Chun, fuck them both

The Honda is the second strategy

This is exackly what i mean! Akuma just can’t fuck with magnetic storm Electric snake ain’t bad against him either but i prefer magnetic storm for fighting Akumas.