MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Yeah, Disney squashed a game featuring all of their current movie character that’d they make money on. At this point Disney is being blamed for everything. I mean, look at The Last Jedi, you think they care about anything? Hell no, they want green.

Disney squashing it just wouldn’t make sense. Unless this is drummed up controversy like melee in 2013 to improve numbers at evo.

Yeah, agreed.

Is nonsensical to blame Disney on this as it makes no sense at all business wise. I don’t believe that for a minute. This was all corporate greediness from the EVO staff and it showed. MikeZ knows what’s up.

Anyway, where are the Season 2 news recap? Capcom needs to bring the Season 2 news ASAP to dispel all this bad juju this game has.

I’m not buying the Disney bit because UMVC3 didn’t get any cease letters or any other Evo that featured
Marvel characters. I do believe that it’s politics and there’s a convention pay per play thing going on. I remember
one of my associates wanted to get a booth there. Namely Shang Tsung. They wanted to charge him 15K for that puppy
to sign autographs. This is an old school pic of when he came to one of my Philly Tournaments.

Can you guess who that is? Old boy in the hat. I’m the black guy with the black/grey scarf.

Oh and STEAM HEADS, now more than ever shit is taking LONG AS HELL to find a match.
DROP YOUR STEAM ID PLEASE. I’m finally starting to feel competent and even BUM said he’s
going to stop supporting MvCI.

Add me:

Maybe Disney has plans for a Pro Tour? But that would prove they don’t know how to do it if they’re leaving the game out of EVO.

Disney has so much money that if they wanted to do it, believe me, they could do it LOL!
Sides they got combofiend now. He knows how tournaments get done and events Disney does
are WAY more intricate than Evo. I worked for them for 5 years doing events. Evo is a cake walk.

I mean I knew evo was a business now but its crazy how apparent it is to anyone watching.

The leaked video mention capcom/disney wanting a cut or fee for using mvci iirc right?

20% Royality Fee but its a overall E-Sport/ProTour thing, not just evo related.

Still only part of the picture, but personally I’m still optimistic for the game. I’m not holding out for big e-sports participation, but I expect the community to still play at locals and regionals. NY does not look too promising right now as I could probably start a weekly and be the only committed weekly in the whole city.

They better release S2. They’ve been cockteasing me with Gill for far too long.

I’ve already added you, but it seems we’re never on at the same time.
Not that I’d be a great opponent since I’m pretty sure the gap between us would be substantial haha.

Damn you’re hard on yourself. Believe me if Psychoblue can get my number you can too.
*friendly jab

Was a business decision unfortunately.

We chilling with KoF now.

Why capcom/marvel haven’t announced anything is both strange and dumb on their part. They have done EVERYTHING they could to make people dislike this game. Even injustice 2 with less entrants and viewers than MVCI had NRS teasing shit all the time. From the start they, not sure who to blame, fucked up. No xmen pretty much wobbled mvci and every blow after that pretty much has it hurt on the ropes. The first event being on the same time that cc was? Bland characters? No announcements or anything? No wonder it’s not doing well. People who hate capcom/marvel grabbed on on the fact that no xmen were in this game, we all know this, but for the devs to stay quiet and make horrible decisions there’s no excuse. I for one will continue to play this game, because I think the gameplay is awesome. But I really wish the devs cared about it more.

This is the karma you all deserve.



Karma we all deserve? The hell is this goblin talking about?

Putting this on the community is silly. Come on.

-MVCI still being played
-Hard to include a game that isn’t supported
-Capcom supported it the most

Thanks Marvel.

Why even hire Combofiend if not for being impressed with whatever hustle was shown with MVCI?

Marvel still has much to learn about the FGC, all these years later. Can’t forget these are the same dudes who told Capcom to drop MVC so tha EA could make Rise of the Imperfects, or a mobile game that gives Miles Morales Chun’s SFV Super almost frame for frame.

Despite that, Capcom has been working with Disney since the 80s on and off and still can’t let them do their jobs.

…that is of course, it is for the reasons we think. Wiz’s relationship with Capcom has seemed tenuous ever since the CPT started.