MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Diversity and Comics needs to end the current company culture at marvel now.

And @“po pimpus” don’t put the blame on us. We play games and have lives just like you. This is primarily a capcom and marvel problem. Don’t let a silly game get between that.

The idea of Marvel being the reason for MVCI not making Evo is strange, but it’s not really surprising.

Like I always say, Capcom has a fighting game channel called CapcomFighters and they can’t even stream MVCI on their own channel. When one of the CPT guys was asked about this, the answer: “It’s complicated”. More like it’s fucking Marvel.

Good riddance to Marvel. This much of a hindrance isn’t worth the backlash. Capcom would be better off doing a crossover elsewhere.

Po most likely jacked off at the news so I’ve learned to just ignore him.

Marvel causing issues doesn’t shock me but that still doesn’t explain the contempt shown on that stream and in previous statements about the game. Saying that no one is playing when there are other factors apparently at play is an awful look since all that’s doing is shitting on the people and making themselves look like a dick.
I can, to an extent, understand the game not making it in but I cannot ignore the giant “Fuck you” that was handed out especially if these claims of Marvel being the issue are true.

Now more than ever, a Season 2 news are NEEDED.

The game is still being played and yesterday’s decision drew a hard line with the fans of the game.

The silence that followed the initial reveal last year that lasted 4 months can’t be repeated.

We know where Marvel stands ATM, is time to bring the hype with more announcements, trailers, the works. And the faster, the better.

An announcement today or in the following days will bring much positive vibes for this game and boost the community’s morale.

Season 2 ain’t happening.

This game is most likely finished.

And for those who mention the patch from a few weeks ago, that’s no different than the last patch UMVC3 had to fix some bugs and remove Mags’ alt.

Feels like Markman more or less confirmed what I said this morning.
Wish Wiz woulda just said that in the first place.

hmm, maybe with the higher profile of evo “televised broadcast” the licensing is definitely going to be more in play but ESPN is owned by Disney. My bad. Let me reach out to one of my peoples. It won’t change anything but shiiiiiiie worth a shot. A lot of the times the people that can make a difference just get something like this as a blip on their radar with an assistant just shutting shit down or some random licensing lawyer in the chain.

Yeah, it’s more complicated but Disney is THAT big.

It’s possible that’s where it’s going, but there’s also been word that new support is supposed to be on the way. Then again, there was also word that shit was coming for Marvel 3. Only one way to find out.

The not being at Evo thing is not as bad now that pro tours are a thing. Can still have pro tours outside of Evo and CPT is pretty much carrying most of the real tourney spotlight for SFV now. Even Evo itself for SFV is under the banner of CPT.

If a month goes by with no updates or news then it’s probably safe to assume they they pulled a Marvel 3 and dipped out of providing any new content. With no news at PSX, that could be what this is alluding to.

I had a crazy dream that Capcom announced Street Fighter vs. Jojo, but like that would ever happen.

do you really believe they will give it a own pro tour at this point?
game might get some entrants in the us but outside of it…i dont see how thats going to work out for them at the current state.

dlc content was for sure already in the work so the question is how far they where done with it. i would be surprised when we dont see at least for this year another dlc season pass. futherones most likely not without them trying to do bring out a new version like they tried with sfvae…and even that didnt really worked out well for them. the decision makers at capcom should all be fired.

It’s possible. Very poverty games have their own pro tour and Injustice’s pro tour isn’t even very international. It’s pretty much only NA/South America and Europe. Marvel 3 had its own community based pro tour so worst case scenario, you get a community made tour. It can basically happen whether it’s through official means or community means.

With how easy it would be to make some extra bucks off some new DLC, yeah I agree that content is likely coming down at some point. Which if no one decides to step up to make a tour, at least you get more stuff to play with.

I would say SFV AE has worked well enough. Their ultimate goal was just to make sure they were on top of fighting game eSports and that has been done in SFV while still keeping a solid playerbase online. The fact that DBZF is the only thing that has an actual shot of beating them in eSports shows how strong of a hold they’ve gained in that. SFV being the only game that console and PC players can play together online is a big deal for community and being able to play whoever you want to play. With other games you need multiple platforms or can’t play certain people without going to an event and hoping they are there.

MVCI had the most entrants of all of the side tournaments at EVO Japan, and Nemo clearly still plays enough to do well at Versus last week.

Show that there’s gonna be support and people will come.


They have to make an effort to create goodwill. Community will appreciate the effort if there is good faith in making a good product for the community.

But they HAVE to talk. They HAVE to COMMUNICATE.

This mute thing from them has to stop ASAP.

I’m starting to get why Mike Ross went on a hiatus.
It’s becoming more and more about $$$$ and popularity status than actually the games themselves. Sure those things are important to keep things afloat and grow the community, but things are becoming very similar to the “console wars” that makes everybody looks like a bunch of losers.

The accesibility movement is really killing FGs IMO.

Even if Marvel is considered “dead” by many, as long as I can find people to play online I’m going to stop having fun with Winter Solder and Strider/MonHun.

The problem with “fixing” the game is that it’s not just some AI fights and call it a day like SFVAE. The complaints about this game is some extensive shit that might be too much work for them. They could just develop a good shader, touch up some models and audio (like Zero and Thanos getting beat up) and add a jukebox mode and I’d be satisfied. Make good use of cheaping out on reused assets and throw some veterans from 3 for free (Amaterasu doesn’t even need new voice acting), and people would be all over the game.

I feel for my Marvel bros. I know MvC:I has been in a rough state, but I thought it would make it in this year.

I’m really amazed they didn’t drop Melee for it. Has to be pure $$$ numbers. Also, the DBZ game has been the perfect hype storm and perfect release date.

I hope to see many of you make it out for the likely side tournament.

Remember when the VS series was laughed at because of easy bake oven combos from magic series?

Also lol at that UMvC3 avatar, that game shat damage in disproportionate ways to where anybody and their mothers had easy ToDs and if not silly ass L/R mix ups with beam assists…oh and dumb ass x-factor.

Your post is accessibility killing the FGC. The input for DPs isn’t the reason why games have gone to shit. Calm your ass down.

This scene has always had weird pseudo hate for the games that aren’t yours. The current situation right now is that Capcom very much delivered a substandard package AFTER they’d fucked up with the initial SF5 offering. You also have people who don’t want to play it because of how tagging has worked out in practice etc.

Also if people were in it for the money, the damn Anime scene wouldn’t have been growing in the past few years.

Also there’s NOTHING wrong with being in it for the money. Most of the top players have had to work and grind back in the poverty days up until now. Of course they want to follow the money, they’ve earned it. They see what other communities in gaming has, and want a piece of the pie.

Ultimately a balance will have to be found by TOs and such, but players have no reason not to go and follow the cash if they are able to play at the level that is required to do so.

I agree, I’ve seen some people GREATLY overestimate what this game needs to get on track. When some people speak on “what the game needs”, they usually just give a long wish list because the really just want a different MvC game. This game is not MvC4. They didn’t do a good job of communicating that. MvCI is not going to be MvC4. There are MvC fans who are just not going to get into it. MvCI definitely needs some work, but that doesn’t mean the game can’t get to a place where it is healthy.

People need to remember that doing it for the competition is tied to doing for the money. It’s classic really. Back before the money
people would migrate to whatever game had the most competition whether they liked it or not. DBFZ has a lot of n00bs to Pwn.