MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

This. I feel like there’s a massive disconnect where people are doing it for the money and playing for the love of the game and miss that is why Mike Ross left. He didn’t leave because the accessibility of the FGC is compromised(that’s absolutely stupid), it’s because people are clearly playing for money rather than the love of the game and it’s beginning to take away from the FGC as a whole.

Playing for money is fine but doing that to the point of not even having fun with it and consistently bemoaning how bad the game is…but you still play it only because of the money is the main issue.
It doesn’t help that like you said, the FGC on top of that has a massively weird fascination with hating every other game but at the same time wanting to make the FGC be taken more seriously…which is impossible if you have the previous mindset. Basically, I ultimately feel that trying to go for E-Sports with this type of mentality still in place is an impossible situation as the FGC will never succeed with these mentalities still in play and wanting to be E-Sports at the same time.

Eh, nobodies really complaining about DBFZ, Tekken, or most of the other games like Marvel. The FGC really has always been toxic but now there’s a whole population that doesn’t even play the games themselves. They just find more entertainment in being toxic and trolling online. It’s funny there’s a guy at my work, knows terminology, all the streamers names, famous players names, etc. I thought I had a kindred spirit but dude doesn’t play ANY of the games. He’ll bitch about a game in a heart beat though. I mean damn, I’m a huge VF fan. I didn’t like VF5:FS at all, and I spent less than 2 posts complaining about it.

It is what it is. People would have hated this game for other reasons anyway besides money because this game doesn’t appeal to everyone. DBFZ has people that genuinely love the game that are playing it not because of money. A lot of people at that. ESports only really influences pot monster scrubs and top players. Everyone else tends to play what they like.

The game not being in supposedly has nothing to do with the ESports side of it anyway. It’s marvel (milkshake sjw bitches) and Disney that have the problem. Mike Ross is a figure likely to be influenced by esports because he was a prominent figure. But that’s why he went on the down low. People like you and me though? That has nothing to do with us. Angelic and Yipes are doing something for evo with help from markman to have something for marvel.

Like the game or hate it the fact that people are willing to do that far for a community when they are supposed to be deep into esports shows me that we aren’t as negatively affected by esports as people think. If DBFZ or GG ever gets put into that position again we know the community will support it. There really is nothing to bemoan here. Every day is a day.

I’m impressed at how much Disney is avoiding blame in this scenario. Disney is the reason the game has it’s dry “movie” aesthetic, launched with a lackluster roster, and due to their money grubbing ways apparently why they wouldn’t OK it for EVO.

It seems to me the EVO team actually did want Marvel, but got shut down. To make up for it, they’re trying to give Marvel as much focus as they can get away with “unofficially” utilizing the new side tourney stream. I really think MvCI is gonna shine at EVO anyway, just tragic that the game has to suffer so much because of Disney.

Hearty laugh at anyone suggesting ArcSys paid their way into EVO by the way, those guys can’t even afford english dubs for their games lol

I hope you’re right bro but without an EVO spot then it’s gonna be hard to shine…

so… i want an honest opinion from SRK itself.

Is this game dead?

This game wasn’t supposed to come out in the first place. It went from something that wasn’t going to come out for a long time or almost never due to licensing to reality. Until the fat lady sings, Marvel Lives. You don’t stay at Evo for 15 years straight to die. Marvel is always bigger than what surrounds it.

I doubt you do want an honest opinion, no one really does.

But let’s be real, a game is only as dead as its community. If Marvel players LEGITIMATELY like MvCI, they’ll have plenty of chance to prove it now.

Disney isn’t avoiding anything, they just don’t say shit to consumers generally speaking. They put shit out and call it a day. It’s really the way the movie business works and kind of how gaming has fucked up and thrived.
They’ve made the decision makers to accessible while Hollywood picks and chooses who they respond to very carefully.

As someone who kept the lights on with SFxT for 6 years because I chose to continue with that instead of follow the money, it can get difficult to find anyone who will give you a challenge when it becomes clear that the sponsorships aren’t going to be there.

That being said, I wouldn’t in my wildest dreams think that would have happened to Mahvel. The fact that I cant’ wrap my head around it actually bodes well for anyone looking for the money, because there’s gonna be a ton of support for that game even without EVO. Real talk, if Mahvel players thought the game was shit, they would have moved on, and many of them did, but there were just as many who stuck around waiting for things to turn around. I own DBFZ, I’ve played it for a while, but the combos don’t feel quite as satisfying as they do here. I don’t know, maybe the rest of the FGC passed me by, but I think MVCI as a game is hype. And I get why Disney did what they did, because my office pops off for this game especially since BP and Venom got revealed, but we all know that Mahvel isn’t a game for the weak of heart not matter what kind of changes Capcom may make to make the game more accessible. That combined with no X-men (which is a cardinal sin for the FGC, and I completely agree even if Capcom would have easily put a couple of them in if they were allowed to) and an aesthetic that is completely contrary to what the FGC looks for in Mahvel…yeah.

Real talk though, I feel like the FGC has passed me by looking at what games are at EVO on the main stage and what people pop off for. I’m playing DBFZ but I know I wouldn’t give this game any time if it didn’t have DBZ in the name, and seeing people pop off about it on twitter watching the matches doesn’t get me as hype as it should.

This is basically me right now.

Well, what do you expect? You can’t make Marvel fans stand behind a game that they don’t like. Fortunately, the Marvel scene is beyond Infinite. Is Infinite dead as in development for this game will fully cease if it already hasn’t do so yet? If that is the case, then I want to say yes. Is Infinite dead in the sense that the community will stop playing the game? No. Infinite had a lot of missteps but people still enjoy it.

What surprises me are the tweets from regular Marvel players who are shocked by the celebrating and cheering that Infinite isn’t at EVO. Where were they for, I don’t know, the past months when the game was out?

I’d say most aren’t surprised Marvel isn’t at Evo, but hearing all the blatant celebration about it stings.

Can’t really blame people for it. I see alot of tweets of people calling those out for celebrating but to be frank, it’s hard seeing it as callous but more of really getting tired of Capcom’s nonsense and it finally bubbling over to a massive extent.

People want to send a loud and clear message to Capcom and Marvel was sadly the victim after the disappointment of SFxTK, the absolute failure of a launch of SFV and even worse of Infinite. People are tired of seeing Capcom practically phoning things in when NRS is stepping up their game, Team Ninja is stepping up for fucks’ sake(and I’m a fan of TN), Arc-Sys stepping up like nothing else, etc., etc.

People want to see Capcom give a shit and it’s not just R/Kappa, ALOT OF PEOPLE want Capcom to get their shit together. And if Infinite went on the Main Stage of EVO, it would prove to Capcom yet again people will eat shit and lie with it because it’s Marvel baby and thus it’s Capcom baby.
Does it suck that a longstanding community loses something big? Of course it is, again, I’m a fan of DOA and them ending support of DOA5LR the way they did hurts like a bitch but we are still looking forward and doing the next tournies until the next game comes out and possibly supporting that game. And you Marvel fans are far bigger than DOA’s, far bigger than Skullgirls and both of those was able to make 3 different tournies their EVOs, so why can’t you?

It’s honestly hilarious and yet pretty damn pathetic that people continually harp on Infinite losing it’s EVO spot as if they NEED it when other games not only never had a shot at the main stage even through nonsensical reasoning, but dealt with it and simply made due with other tournies. Yes it sucks but I will continuously say it because your community is far bigger than everyone else’s as some of you love to harp on about:

MOVE. ON. ALREADY. Practice what you preach and go make something your EVO. Go prove that your community can do without EVO, prove the doubters wrong, prove the haters wrong and move along.

Don’t make me play that song as it might as well be a national anthem for this type of shit.

Why are some so sudden to agree quickly with the people saying Disney/Marvel was the problem is completely concerning… that is only grasping straws if they truly believe that Disney/Marvel was the true problem (they likely would of atone with roster and maybe even advertisement for a slice of life that the PR from Capcom has killed off [and even “indirect” PR, ie: pro players/well known faces shilling, in a bad way] which could not be eradicated regardless of Marvel’s support).

There is MUCH MORE than just the roster that the game is being held back from for its true potential. The only big name I recall that actually touched topics like a reasonable person would, regardless of how people puts him down due to judging his content by the way his play, was Max. Forget about whatever mindset you have about “player-skill aspects” to tell how reliable a person’s feedback is. Besides him and a scarce of other users, your generic Capcom PR and pro players were trying to avoid to not only give criticism that would of helped their game in the long run, but they pulled things that even a generic Capcom follower would find to be unreliable to follow along with.

You can’t deny that a lot of the indirect PR (pro players) biasness “could” be claimed “by some” for money purposes. Plastering early leaks of DLC from a pro player can hurt the image in multiple variables, such as DLC being ready too early, trust issues, etc. It doesn’t help that the the whole proposal/functions/agenda scandal just poses a bad outlook for the game. It’s sad, but at the same time, they should know better. Communication does SO much, as it has the potential to atone to any previous faults while maintaining loyalty to their consumers… yet instead, it happens to be another troubling issue for the game’s downfall.

It is so misguided to say that Marvel/Disney is the only problem. I’ll tell you what though, the only people who are not at fault, imo, are the ones that legitimately enjoy the game and avoids selfless promotion for their own self-benefit rather than considering what should be a game that should meet satisfactory demand. Keep having fun imo… I personally feel you guys deserve better respect as a whole from Capcom, their PR, and so forth.

The irony is that the Vs. Series itself was always built on laziness. Like, laziness is the entire reason it exists. But because Capcom was putting out more hits back then, and of course the concept of the Vs. Series being a LOT more novel, players were more willing to put up with it compared to now.

Honestly, the Vs. Series would’ve never made it to MvC1 if it existed now, because players would’ve never tolerated MSHvSF.

Kind of. The thing is that, at the time, having the idea of Capcom characters facing off against X-Men or Marvel cast was on terms of being unbelievable. Older friend of mine who was around arcades back then was hinted/rumored about a VS arcade game coming out that would include Street Fighter with the X-Men cast, and some of them ignored because it sounds like something that would never happen… and when the day came that it showed, it was just jam-packed with people all over the cabinet.

We’re now over the point to where most people want the next game to either meet similar satisfaction (or better) from the previous game in terms of content.

Simply games are mainstream.

I’ll make life easy for you: See how there’s two smash games? Yeah, Evo is not an FGC tournament any more. Accept that and you’ll be a happier person.

I asked my Smash friend if there was anything in Melee at this point that had yet to be discovered or settled that couldn’t be settled in a community run event, and he bluntly told me that it’s a solved game and there are maybe 5 characters that can hang at a high level but the meta is so finished at this point that if someone other than Fox wins, it’s considered a massive upset. I’m not going to debate whether Melee is a fighting game or not, but I find it odd that it gets main event time when it looks like Nintendo would rather have their fanbase give their competitive attention to Sm4sh instead…and clearly they do being that’s on the main stage too.

MVCI not being on the main stage wouldn’t be so much of a sting if Wiz just came out up front with the real reason why instead of just stoking the flames of haters that weren’t even going to events. You could say that no one is showing up for KOF14, but KOF is a far bigger international name than BBTag and it has another update coming out. MVCI was still outdrawing INJ2 by a good bit along with several other games, but INJ2 got the nod instead.

I already had a large dislike for both the American anime and Smash communities, largely due to their own drama rather than the quality of the games themselves because the Xrd salarymen arcade players are typically pretty chill to talk to, but now I gotta wade through both of them just to find a game with a DP input, of which there are only two on the main stage at EVO this year.

Like I said earlier, I feel like the FGC has passed me by if this is where we’re headed for. When Street Fighter and Mahvel are viewed like what Mortal Kombat was viewed as among the FGC in the 2000s…yeah, that’s a problem.