MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

do the people running/own evo get paid by the devs/company for headlining their game? like under the table shit? i feel as though they do. even if mvci didn’t make. i dont see why the fuck that bb cross tag game should be in. for reasons everybody else has already stated.

no wonder why i feel off. that line up is janky as fuk.

so fast. the hate is real

This shit has nothing to do with no one playing Marvel.

It has **everything **to do with that leaked Esports video that MrWiz was pissed off about. After that vid was uploaded, dude has made it a point to display how much he dislikes the game. Combine that with the fact that this game is a living meme and there was no chance for it to ever overcome the perception.

Two of those three Arcsys games are amazing. I won’t know about Tag Battle until it comes out. If you want to be mad about two Smash games, go right ahead. But leave Arcsys out of this.

It’s similar to when Injustice got in to EVO2013 for free after the charity donation drive. I’m sure there’s a certain degree of promotion, but I don’t think it’s anything shady or “under the table”. It’s just business.

Wasn’t trying to talk down at the games or the company. ArcSys makes good games that look gorgeous.
Just feels weird for them to have 3 games represented for what is traditionally a smaller segment of the FGC.
NOTE: I know next-to-nothing about AS games or their community. I’m going strictly off of what I’ve heard in years past.

yeah. this business is ass though. oh well. looking forward to SFV, GG, and Tekken. Thank god bbcross tag is not a sunday game.

Trolling aside, my main fear is what does this mean for the future of the versus series. If you really think about it with how Disney swiftly shut down Marvel Heroes and pretty much made Gazillion shut down their studios after cutting ties with that game, it makes you wonder what this means for Infinite’s future, but most importantly, their relationship with Capcom.

When WS and Venom were released, there were a few appearances where Capcom could have released information in regards to Marvel vs Capcom Infinite in the same vain they did with SF5. Naturally, most sane individuals would have expected something. A teaser, an announcement, anything. But nope. A lot of you guys said, “Well, we just got a small balance patch and Venom/WS.” OK. A bit of a stretch but whatever. Fast forward to now, and not even a peep.

You remember that whole esports business plan they had lined up for a Capcom Cup related event for the series that irked Mr. Wizard because it involved itself in EVO not to his knowledge? Plans that John D said we would hear about in the near future? That was in August. All that culminated from it was a horribly organized Battle of the Stones event. I refuse to believe that was it.

I don’t want to say the game is dead. That would imply the entire community has given up on the game. But that isn’t true. There are people who will play this game. But when the developers of the game report generated sales were “soft” and are showing an overall lackadaisical approach in handling said game? THAT’S when you know the game’s future is dead. Prove me wrong, Capcom.

Capcom probably shouldn’t bother with this game anymore. Nothing short of a complete overhaul will really bring anyone back. I can’t see the toxicity around this game ever going away.

I’d rather them find another company to crossover with. Leave Marvel/Disney be.

update graphics/models
good dlc
fix stone mechanics
buffs/new moves

mvci is saved. i should get paid for this

Whos going to make fighting games for Marvel now? I guess we can expect X-men mutant academy 4 at the rate things are going.

**Design stuff thoughts

Ui update
As for models its too late
I like the stages than UMVC3 stage for usability standpoint not visual.

**Things i like with this game so far.
The new freestyle tag system
Infinity Storms

**Things I think should be left out rather than updated.
Infinity surge
Proximity block

Things that should return

Assist mechanic

What worries me is that this may be a sign of Capcom just letting the game die a silent death.
I can be wrong, and I hope so, since I don’t know if those things happen behind the curtains, but I believe that if Capcom had something great planned for the game this year, they would try to push the game at EVO.

Doesn’t matter to me, shit let ArcSys do the next Marvel game I’m down hahaha! Let the new fighting game overlords do their thing.

Saw this coming months ago. Only way MvCi was making it to EVO was if Wiz had a heart attack and was unable to take part in the decision. Marvel was still beating out some of the announced games in tournament entrants despite all the negativity.
Wiz didn’t want the game there and the only way it was going to be there was if it suddenly started putting up DBZ numbers.
Marvel has been the only reason I’ve watched Evo for the last few years so guess that’s a weekend I don’t have to stock up on supplies and barricade myself away from the world so at least there’s that.

all I’m gonna say about the BBXT is this:

If you weren’t mad when they added MK9 before the game was out, then you have no place at the “I’m angry at this” table. Modern Evo has turned into weird decision making instead of being about the most played games. I mean, hell, the moment smash made it in you know the game no longer reflected the community it was serving.

So it is what it is.

The best thing people can do is support their scene even more to prove Wiz wrong.

People I trust in the scene have told me it’s actually Disney that squashed MvCi being at Evo. Sounds believable, with what happened with CPT, and Wizs reasoning of no one playing being clear BS

After demoting UMvC3 to a donation drive game last year, did people really expect the benefit of the doubt this time? There’s not a whole lot left to do with this game imo. Sales were “soft” to begin with, and only 5 months later it’s pulling anime game player counts on Steam while the actual anime games are upping their shit. In fact, comparing this to SFxT is an understatement. For all the shit that game got, it still made EVO twice. If MvCI can’t make it in year one, then it’s competitively dead. No amount of content or patches will save it currently. There are a lot of things this game did right, but it’s failings proved to be pretty hard to shake off.