MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Welp, this just keeps going and going. An Uncanny amount of posts.


can you at least read his two last replies? I’ve been trolled by a 9 year old, he sure trolled the hell out of me.

Oh Ad hominem, Yeah right i’m 9 like you said and your this guy…

zatalcon1: MVCi is the most corrupted game in this generation and should never be supported because it has no xmen and was not in evo.

zatalcon1: 15 yrs ago Capcom did mahvel games for the sake of art and has wonderful stories compare to MVCi that is the most corrupted game in this generation because it lack xmen and was not in evo,

zatalcon1: advocating not to support the game because it lack xmen and was not in evo,

zatalcon1: MVCI was made with 80% greed because it lack xmen and was not in evo.

Time stone users?

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How long has this discussion been going on now?

I applaud the sheer stamina of the participants.


4-5 days. Everyone participated but denied and the reason is corporate greed because the game is designed with 80% greed(i don’t know were his getting the data) or simply due to lacking of xmen and not evo.

I tried to be patient, understanding as possible but the rage is contaminating.

Wait so MVCi as biggest pile of shit that corrupt every entertainment in this generation because it was made of 80% greed according to him while he advocates not to support it.

Okay what breaks my defense is the lack or xmen and it is the sole trump card next is not on evo

Who did not care Capcom or Marvel you have no single idea why Doom wasn’t in MvSF by saying 15 years ago was different?

I wonder how did that 80% greed assessment came into results? Imagination? no 3-4 xmen?

Yeah MVCi rules this generation!!

Is that include the music industry and mobile gaming that has tons of free2play games? You need to boycott?

Yeah the truth? what is the truth to you because of no Xmen therefore the game is 80% greed as made that corrupts and rules every entertainment in this generation so it doesn’t deserve support and needs boycott?

By the way fail prediction haha

That last post from Shakunetsu is some world record shit.


yeah it since it affects, corrupts and rules our generation because it lack xmen and not in evo so my argument is destroyed because it wasn’t done for art sake like 15 years ago with good stories! haha

I’ll stop there I don’t need ad hominem and misdirection to keep this up

Lmao you fucking retard.

You don’t even understand the term 15+ years. You literally counted back 15, ignored the + sign which indicates an estimation that can exceed past 15. You won’t even understand this sentence as you have clearly misused and misquoted me in every post you made. Your english, your grammar, and also your ability to read is very below average and you can’t be argued with you don’t understand anything that you read.

Yes, it does. The ban of Fox characters was because of movie promoting. Why are they promoting a movie on a game with a long time legacy?

You see, you didn’t even understand that sentence either. You have to be explained every sentence because you can’t read.

Why/how would i know about that? You stupid bitch. Doom was not yet as popular in the MVC franchise yet, and this was still a starting franchise. But here you also show you couldn’t understand the 15+ years term. You are the dumbest poster on this board.

You just showed a huge wall of how you can’t be spoken to because you read like a moron.

Look at how you take no fucking sleep, trying to eye my replies like a hawk and yet you still can’t read worth a damn.

oh shit. it’s past 5+ minutes and this nigga still typing. Looks like i’m getting another huge wall in where nearly everything i said is 1% comprehended properly, in where I will be told to reply to every single insane and retarded sentence. This Shaku shames his own race.

edit: past 15 minutes, and i see this idiot still “replying”. LMAO what a fucking nut.

That post expose you and serve as a glossary to determine if you are ignorant about gaming history and if your delusional with your expectation towards games or either a knowledgeable person that understands and confident on what he argues.

It can also serve as reference and how you ignore people here, while crying and demanding me to provoke other people outside the forum to answer and defend you, which show that you are not mature enough to be responsible and liable to your own argument.

It will also make the people laugh at you and me but look whose expose, debunked and busted there haha It would also revealed who accusation is justified not ad hominems.

I wonder what Mahvel game had so imaginative story and funded for art sake you are even talking BACK IN THE DAY from the past 15 years or more ago? When MVCi was the first game that has storymode? What COTA or XVSF haha? Yeah I get since you have a hard time to pin point which you mean everything combine versus MVCi? because that’s how terrible you logic analyze stuff right? If I was wrong which? I have been asking this more than dozen times and all the answer I got was “from this to this” or “from that to that” because your mind have a hard time to be specific because it does not exist.

Instead of throwing ad hominem and provoking me to avoid clarity to your argument \

You hate clarity and being specific which is which you have a hard time to pinpoint?

Back in the day 15 years ago where license issue you said never exist and where Mahvel you said have stories, the time that you said game companies like capcom fund game for art sake.

That was an amazing wonderland because our history and reality was different from your.


Doom was popular and the case isn’t about popularity don’t create stories of thing you have no idea because license issue were already a problem back then it was part of a trivia and a official source material from Capcom themselves don’t be delusional and talking as if you know and understand such things and pull on stories to fit your hate against Capcom or Marvel.

It proves your a lying asshole

The only thing i will say about this is your grammar and vocabulary is horrible. “glossary?” WTF lmao…

I have not ignored anyone here. You have. Going out to ask isn’t for my defense it’s just so you see that this is common knowledge. Every one in this thread is taking in the TL;DR in account and they are just skimming with out any care to read anything you or I have been saying entirely. Besides, if you are right and I am wrong wouldn’t you get outside replies saying that fox ban wasn’t because of movie promoting related issues?

Yup, showing again that you didn’t understand the term “art”. I don’t know why you are going off about story as if that is an element in the “creating art” phrase that i’ve used for past games, but as i’ve said repeatedly, you can’t understand more than 1% of what you read and somehow draw out bizarre and far off points that your stupid ass just read out of nowhere. The term “art” had nothing to do with story, it’s about the professional passion that creators/devs back then applied to their games. They cared more about innovation, creation, and making people enjoy their products now it’s all about just promoting xyz media. You will once again reply to this with a far off-out of context reply because you are stupid.

Bunch of ad hominems and denials as if you got multiple personalities and living in different reality

Look you have a hard time trying specific because you now not confident because it show how delusional you are by using the glossary post haha.

Another delusional game company thing again about game was funded for the sake of art and money secondary which he said before and clearly.

I never said anything about license issues. WTF are you talking about? Why do you like make up stuff and claim i’ve said this and that? But hey, you are the dumbest person in this forum who can’t even spell correctly nor argue coherently… this is the 100th time in where you just pulled out false claims that’s i’ve never said. You should be killed.

He wasn’t as popular yet in the MVC games. It took MVC2 to boost him to legendary status. Stop talking about stories because that is far from the topic, you stupid shit. Everything pre mvc1 was all innovation. XvSF, MSH, MSHvsSF, etc is capcom creating art and making it better after each following installment. It is ok back then for xx characters to not be in there because the franchise itself was completely new and still in improvement. MVCI is a downgrade from that because it didn’t care about improving or being a successor, but just a marketing ploy.

You are filipino kid, aint ya?

You barely made any sense here. “Look you have a hard time trying specific”, what the hell are you saying? Everything here is broken english. LMAO

I tried not to be rude but thing is your pure ad hominem attacks

Here the glossary compilation that contains references to avoid denials and delusional perception of reality

You can expand the post see previous denied conversation with other along with denied reality

Other than the glossary here is a template and a flowchart summarize\

zatalcon1’s Trump card in arguments

  1. no xmen
  2. not in evo

zatalcon1’s 101 Trolling Templates

zatalcon1: (wall of text) it lack xmen
zatalcon1: (wall of text) past capcom mahvel game were funded for the sake of art
zatalcon1: (wall of text) not in evo
zatalcon1: (wall of text) the game is full of corporate greed around 80%
zatalcon1: (wall of text) flawed in your argument
zatalcon1: (wall of text) your a fanboy
zatalcon1: (wall of text) ad hominem
zatalcon1: (wall of text) MVCi corrupted this generation entertainment industry

zatalcon1’s Argument Flowchart - base carefully from his redundant accusation and statements

well. you just written another wall on how your comprehension level is low. Here is one thing that i will repeat, and clarify to your dumb ass. When some one says “#+ years” like the “15+ years” that means they are giving an estimation, that is why there is a + sign next to it. It means that with in “15 years or more”. Usually, people use these phrases because they don’t have the time to actually count and research as to when the first year of the first product was released so they give an estimate by putting the PLUS sign to indicate that it could be more than the proposed number. Some things we learned in grade school.

MVCI is a product of corporate greed, and the only way that can be proven wrong is if they update it or at the least say something. You idiot.

all you do is deny people and throw ad hominems